Texas Tech University


There are many opportunities to work at, use, or contribute to the Invertebrate Zoology collection. Please contact our Acting Curator, Dr. Jennifer Girón to inquire.

Federal work study

We welcome inquiries from undergraduate and graduate students at Texas Tech University who qualify for federal work study and are interested in curatorial activities primarily focused on insects. We have a limited number of positions available. 

Museum Practicum

Graduate students of the Master of Arts program in Heritage and Museum Sciences at Texas Tech University have the option develop their Practicum semester at the Invertebrate Zoology Collection. Primary activities of Practicum students involve curation and digitization of insect specimens, with opportunities to present their work at the annual meeting of the Entomological Collections Network.

Use of specimens

Researchers world-wide are welcome to borrow specimens for their work. Other potential uses include artistic purposes, such as models for photography or illustration, as educational aides in outreach events, and more.

Accession of specimens used in research

We encourage the Texas Tech University faculty and students conducting research with invertebrates to make a plan to deposit their specimens in the NSRL's Invertebrate Zoology Collection. Deposited specimens will be cataloged, databased and made available online through our SCAN database and via GBIF, and preserved for future study by the collectors as well as by other qualified researchers.


We welcome anyone interested in spending time curating or databasing specimens in the Invertebrate Zoology Collection. We will provide the training and tools needed for this work.

Natural Science Research Laboratory