Texas Tech University

The TeMPO Program

TeMPO Logo

The purpose of the TeMPO Program is to facilitate interdisciplinary relationships among faculty to discuss teaching and create a culture that will help foster the participation of all departments in more consistent and high-quality peer observation and review. TeMPO is co-sponsored by the Texas Tech Teaching Academy and the Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development Center.

TeMPO participants are paired with other faculty members across disciplines, and engage in reciprocal observations of one another’s teaching during the course of the Fall semester. The entire TeMPO cohort meets several times during the semester to share experiences and reflections, and participants receive a $500 stipend for their active participation.

TeMPO is at its core non-evaluative and reflective in nature. The program is intended to offer participants an opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues who share a passion for good teaching, build interdisciplinary relationships, use recommended tools for peer observation as a part of the larger Teaching Effectiveness Initiative, and receive feedback on teaching effectiveness in a non-threatening way. The evaluations are not connected to the tenure process, and therefore the program gives participants the chance to grow, reflect, and experiment without judgment.

TeMPO participants will have the opportunity to earn a Peer Review Certificate at the end of the program that will document their participation and their experience with teaching observations. Our goal is to build a repository of trained peer reviewers who are available to assist (as their schedules allow) in their home departments and in other departments on campus.

If you have additional questions about the TeMPO Program or would like to request support with the peer observation process, please contact Dr. Shane Blum or Mitzi Ziegner.

Peer Observations: A Faculty's Perspective by Matthew Barnes


"TeMPO is a catalyst for faculty growth!" -2022 Fellow

Teaching Tips from Fall 2024 TeMPO Cohort Members

Icon representing voiceUse different vocals to catch students' attention and walk around the classroom to create a more dynamic environment. Ask questions and open topics for discussion to encourage participation. Be approachable so students feel comfortable engaging with you. Finally, apply theory to real-world examples to help students see the relevance and practical application of what they’re learning.


Icon representing musicPlaying music in the background as a cue for group work. It also helps reduce the anxiety of having to talk out loud, as it gives the sensation that no one else can hear you.


Icon of a cell phoneTechnology Breaks – As a way to minimize student disengagement when it comes to phones and online shopping, I provide them a [3/5/7] minute technology break. During this time, students are allowed to use their phones, tablets, or laptops for non-class related activities. This break gives students permission to pause from learning. And while it does not deter all instances of distraction, students have responded positively to their technology break.


Icon representing Think, Pair, ShareUsing think, pair, share as a flexible way to facilitate discussion/interaction with students. It can be edited by removing the "think" part (which I normally do as a freewrite), or it can be edited by changing how many students report out (all students or only volunteers?).


Icon reprsenting recapsI like to start class with a short recap where I prompt the class for 3 things (could be anything) that they remember from last time.


Fall 2024 Cohort:

  • Jo Albiar, Lecturer, English
  • Turgut Baturalp, Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering
  • Sara Cantero Viudez, Lecturer, Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures
  • Hailey Choi, Assistant Professor, Hospitality & Retail Management
  • Priyanka Ganguly, Assistant Professor, Technical Communication and Rhetoric, English
  • Hannah Gauthier, Lecturer, Animal & Food Sciences
  • See-hee Jin, Assistant Professor of Piano, School of Music
  • James Kemper, Lecturer, Economics
  • Mike Lemon, Lecturer, TEACH Program Consultant, Graduate School
  • Kristina O’Hanley, Professor of Practice, Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
  • Mason Pellegrini, Assistant Professor, English
  • Paul Pare, Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Kaveh Sheikhrezaei, Lecturer, Industrial Engineering
  • Rumeysa Tekin Baturalp, Assistant Professor of Practice, Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering 

Testimonials from Past Participants

"So often, we get into our departmental silos and we get used to teaching one way or the so-called "preferred" way. The amazing thing about the TeMPO program is that you very quickly recognize that there are so many right ways to teach and you become inspired to try them all."

"If I had to sum up the benefits of TeMPO in two words, I'd say inspiration and passion. The process of observing and being observed (re)ignited the incredible passion I have for teaching and inspired me to be the best teacher I can possible be."

"I'm walking away with a full toolbox for sure! And the thing that is really astounding about all of this is that I couldn't have gotten any of this from professors within my department or from conferences and/or publications from within my field of study. I had to venture outside my status quo and TeMPO made that possible."

"I've grown in confidence as a teacher through the TeMPO Program."

"My experiences in TeMPO were fantastic. It allowed me to observe several different teaching styles, methods, and classroom activities that I can incorporate into my classes. Additionally, it was an excellent opportunity to have dedicated time a few times each semester to discuss teaching within all of the TeMPO cohorts. I learned a lot from the discussion with my fellow cohorts during these meetings."

“The program has given me the opportunity to be intentionally reflective about why I do what I do in the classroom.”

“I think what has shifted for me within my own pedagogical practice is thinking about teaching and learning from multiple perspectives. I think sometimes you get accustomed to teaching your discipline and not really engaging in education as a multi-faceted experience. It was refreshing to talk with someone not in my field that encouraged a more ‘back to the basics’ conversation about teaching.”

“Observing another’s classes and speaking with him about learner-centered vs. teacher-centered structures has helped me examine my own beliefs on that topic. “

“I didn’t really have a chance to talk about my courses with other people, but this program gave me a great opportunity to ask questions about strengths and weaknesses of my teaching strategies. Instead of just reading students’ or peers’ evaluations, this program helped me to understand what I really do in the class. I also think this program encouraged me to prepare the classes more effectively. This program itself was an active way (not a passive way) to evaluate my teaching.”

Who Is Eligible?

TeMPO participants must be faculty, professors of practice, or instructors from any from any Texas Tech department. Remote instructors or instructors at regional sites are welcome to participate. Graduate students are not eligible. The partner pairings of TeMPO Fellows are ultimately non-hierarchical and all participants benefit equally from the experience. Past TeMPO participants are encouraged to reapply.

Program Requirements:

TeMPO Participants will engage in the following:

  • Opening their classroom (this might be a face-to-face class or an online class) so TeMPO partners may observe their teaching two times during the Fall;
  • Conduct at least 3 observations of their TeMPO group members during the semester of participation;
  • Meet with their TeMPO group members multiple times throughout the semester to share observations and discuss feedback;
  • Attend TeMPO Program meetings;
  • Attend at least 3 TLPDC events during the semester, including one required session on the feedback process.

For questions, please email Shane Blum & Mitzi Ziegner

Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development Center

  • Address

    University Library Building, Room 136, Mail Stop 2044, Lubbock, TX 79409-2004
  • Phone

  • Email
