'Maymester'; CASNR launches new study abroad program to England, Scotland

Along with spring blooms, there's something new, fresh and different coming this way shortly for 30 lucky students from Texas Tech's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. University officials report that they've finished selection of participants from the college who'll be headed to England and Scotland at the end of this semester as part of a new college study abroad program.
Though the two-week experience has an agricultural communications emphasis, the itinerary spans a wide variety of agricultural issues, including livestock, meat and wool production, crop production, agricultural mechanics, and many more staples of basic English agricultural and cultural history.
"Study abroad programs really give students a chance to grow culturally, academically and personally," said Rachel Bobbitt, coordinator of student programs with CASNR's Dr. Bill Bennett Student Success Center.
The international program was offered as a result of Bobbitt's research investigating student preferences and interests regarding study abroad options. Her research focused on investigating what prevents groups of students from participating in study abroad experiences, as well as preferences in regard to location, trip length and pricing.
Using the results, college officials worked to design a trip to England and Scotland for students that reflected student response preferences. To apply for the trip, students had to have a minimum of a 2.5 grade point average, and have at least 30 previous credit hours. In addition, they were required to complete an online application. After that process the top 30 applicants were selected for the study abroad adventure.
The trip will be take place during the 'Maymester' session, which is academic shorthand for the two-week period between the end of the spring semester and the beginning of the first summer session. Students chosen for the program are currently enrolled in a spring semester course where they're required to research and present on topics that are crucial to English and Scottish history, as well as landmarks and other cultural topics the students will be encountering during their overseas trip.
"Our college wants to offer a range of study abroad programs to a multitude of countries that provide students with the opportunity to travel and explore the world while gaining experience and earning credits toward completing their degrees," Bobbitt said.
Written by Kelsey Fletcher
CONTACT: Rachel Bobbitt, Coordinator of Student Programs, Dr. Bill Bennett Student Success Center, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2808 or rachel.bobbitt@ttu.edu
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