Texas Tech's Mortar Board spotlights Rathmann, Ulmer as outstanding faculty

Two faculty members from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources have been recognized by Texas Tech's Mortar Board and Omicron Delta Kappa organizations for their outstanding teaching ability. The honors were presented at a special ceremony held in the Merket Alumni Center on Monday (Oct. 1).
Ryan Rathmann, an assistant professor with the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, and Jon Ulmer, an assistant professor with the Department of Agricultural Education and Communications, were selected by the organization from a pool of more than 600 nominees. Only five honorees are selected each year.
"Because this award is directly from the student body, that makes this award a real honor, especially considering the huge increase in input we had this year," said Colin Davis, who serves as faculty recognition chair for the Mortar Board organization. The five award winners will be recognized at halftime during Texas Tech's football game versus the University of Oklahoma on Saturday (Oct. 6).
Mortar Board is a national senior honor society representing what it claims are the best and the brightest seniors across the United States. Here at Texas Tech, the organization includes some 50 seniors who actively participate in scholarship, leadership and service activities. Officials note that by working together in these efforts, members gain skills, helpful contacts and mutually beneficial relationships.
Written by Kelsey Shaw
CONTACT: Colin Davis, Faculty Recognition Chair, Mortar Board, Forum Chapter, Texas Tech University at (940) 841-4603 or colin.davis@ttu.edu
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