In Profile: CASNR freshman takes helm of Texas Tech's La Ventana Yearbook

Earlier this month a freshman agricultural communications major was named the new editor of Texas Tech's La Ventana yearbook, the university's long-standing chronicler of campus life. Now, Kymbre Kupatt is ready to hit the ground running.
The Sagerton native is spending her days planning development and production of the publication. That effort includes photography, stories and design assignments, on top of being responsible for hiring and training her staff, selling pages and doling out encouragement. "I hope to improve the book, while carrying on its traditions," she said. The La Ventana first rolled off the press in 1925.
Kupattgrew up working cattle on her family's ranch some 70 miles north of Abilene. In high school she was editor of her yearbook where she was encouraged to develop her organizational talents at the next level. For her that meant Texas Tech. "My involvement in design, journalism and photography pushed me to major in agricultural communications," she said. "It was a way to combine my two passions; journalism and agriculture."
As for ending up in the La Ventana's top spot, Kupatt said it was merely a matter of stepping out of her agricultural element and signing up for the yearbook staff. While she aspired for the Editor-in-Chief spot, but never dreamed the chance would come in her first year on staff. "An amazing opportunity was placed in front of me "" a freshman's dream for the taking," she said.
The editor's job will be a multitasking challenge, Kupatt admitted. Her goal is to maintain a high grade point average while balancing her responsibilities as editor and full time student, in addition to continuing her involvement in Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow, Collegiate FFA and Ambassadors for Agriculture. "I foresee early mornings and late nights in the office," she said. It's probably something she'd better get used to. After her Tech graduation, Kupatt plans lean toward law school, and career in agriculture law and policy.
Written by Elizabeth Bertrand
CONTACT: Steven Fraze, chairman, Department of Agricultural Education and Communications, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2816 or
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