Point of Order: CASNR congressional summer interns bound for capital
Six students from Texas Tech's College of Agriculture and Natural Resources will be spending the summer working as interns in the nation's capital. Running from June through August, the college's congressional spring intern program affords selected students an opportunity to experience first-hand the government's day-to-day operations.

"Intern selections are always an exciting and difficult process," said Lori Dudley, the coordinator of student development in the college's Dr. Bill Bennett Student Success Center. "The program is one of the most unique student programs that the college has for CASNR students."
This year's CASNR summer interns include:- Garrett Couts, a junior agricultural communications major from Pampa; Congressman Mike Conaway (R-TX11)
- Parker Grotegut, a junior agricultural and applied economics major from Gruver; Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-TX19)
- Zachariah Hurley, a junior agricultural and applied economics major from Lubbock; Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX6)
- Emily Jackson, a junior animal science major from Waco; Congressman Randy Weber (R-TX14)
- Stefanie Neuhaus, a junior agricultural communications major from Clovis, NM; Congressman Steve Pearce (R-NM2)
- Kyle Schlabs, a junior agricultural and applied economics major from Hereford; House Committee on Agriculture
Written by Norman Martin
CONTACT: Lori Dudley, Coordinator of Student Development, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University at (806) 742.2808 ext. 283 or ori.dudley@ttu.edu
0517NM13 / PHOTO: (clockwise, from top left) Garrett Couts; Parker Grotegut; Emily Jackson; Kyle Schlabs; Stefanie Neuhaus; and Zachariah Hurley
Davis College NewsCenter
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