Katie Rothlisberger-Lewis joins Tech's Department of Plant and Soil Science

An experienced soil scientist has been named an assistant professor in Texas Tech's Department of Plant and Soil Science, according to officials within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Katie Rothlisberger-Lewis officially stepped into her new research post on Sept. 1. She will have joint appointment with Texas A&M Agrilife Research at Lubbock.
Rothlisberger-Lewis is currently focusing on research involving soil chemistry and fertility. Her primary goals here at Tech are to continue to develop more efficient fertilizer practices, while working towards a long term goal of enhancing soil quality in Texas' Southern High Plains.
Prior to joining the Tech faculty, she served as a Tom Slick Senior Graduate Fellow, teaching assistant and graduate research assistant with Texas A&M's Soil and Crop Sciences Department. She also worked as a teaching assistant and undergraduate research assistant with Sam Houston State University's Chemistry Department.
Rothlisberger-Lewis received her bachelor's degree in chemistry from Sam Houston State University and her master's degree in soil science from Texas A&M University. Her doctorate in soil science is from Texas A&M. She is a member of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, and Crop Science Society of America.
Written by Norman Martin
CONTACT: Eric Hequet, Department Chair, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2838 or eric.hequet@ttu.edu
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