Texas Tech Ranch Horse Team brings home ASHA national championship title

Texas Tech's Ranch Horse Team took first place honors and a national championship title at the American Stock Horse Association National Collegiate Championship Show on Friday (Apr. 24) in Ardmore, Okla. It's the fifth time in seven years these top riders from the Texas South Plains have reined in their sport's top prize.
"This team won by 40 points, which is one of the widest margins ever," said Robert Rivers, Texas Tech's Ranch Horse Team coach. "They are extremely hard working, positive, and driven." During the two-day event, the Red Raiders competed against 18 colleges and more than 100 individual competitors from across the country.
The Texas Tech team consists of members who ride individual horses and compete in four separate events: stock horse pleasure, trail, reining and working cow horse. Students are divided into three separate divisions, based on their previous showing experience and years of riding. In the team category, second place went to Texas A&M University, and Missouri State University was third.
Individually, the Red Raiders dominated, securing six individual overall spots.
- Jayton Baca, a freshman from Vega, was high individual overall limited non-pro, and received non-pro trainer award.
- Tanner Cadra, a sophomore from McLain, was fifth place overall novice.
- Gatlin Duncan, a senior from Mobeetie, was high individual overall novice, and received the novice trainer award.
- Clay Elliot, a senior from Alpine, was second overall limited non-pro.
- Courtney Reynolds, a junior from Dallas, was third place overall novice.
- Justin Stanton, a senior from Idalou, received the non-pro trainer award.
Additional team members include:
- Ashley Adams, a sophomore from Lubbock
- Traci Bailey, a senior from Centerville, Washington
- Kameron Buchanan, a sophomore from Turkey
- Cassie Coltrain, a sophomore from Longmont, Colo.
- Ryder Cude, a freshman from Munday
- Courtney Fredriksen, a junior from Van Alstyne
- Raemi Gipson, a junior from Lubbock
- Trinity Haggard, a freshman from Throckmorton
- Susanna Lyles, a junior from Las Cruces, NM.
Previously, Texas Tech won the ASHA National Championship in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013. Program officials note that the purpose of the competition is to encourage and provide opportunities for competitors to enter the stock/ranch horse industry. Participants also advocate for the preservation of heritage and tradition of the functional ranch horse. The ASHA National Championship Collegiate Stock Horse Show was managed by the American Stock Horse Association and the local host college.
Written by Norman Martin
CONTACT: Michael Orth, Chair and Professor, Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University at (806) 834-5653 or michael.orth@ttu.edu
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