CASNR graduate students excel at New Orleans' Beltwide Cotton Conference

Two graduate students from Texas Tech's Department of Plant and Soil Science were standout research competitors at this year's Beltwide Cotton Conferences. The honors were presented on Thursday (Jan. 7) at this year's event in New Orleans.
Deepkia Misra, a doctoral graduate student in plant and soil science, was the first place winner in the student poster award competition. Her project was titled "Genetic mapping of fiber quality traits in upland cotton using SSR markers." Misra is advised by Dick Auld, CASNR's Rockwell Endowed Chair and Professor of Plant and Soil Science.
Separately, Misha Manuchehri, a doctoral graduate student in plant and soil science, took second place in the PhD oral presentation contest at the Weed Science Research Conference. Her presentation was titled "Auxin Technology in High Plains Cotton." She is advised by Peter Dotray, CASNR's Leidigh Professor of Weed Science with Joint Appointment at Texas A&M Agrilife Research & Extension Service.
Program officials note that the three-day Beltwide Cotton Conferences, which is coordinated by the National Cotton Council, included key reports on the increasingly difficult problem of controlling herbicide resistant weeds, updates on drone and smart phone technology, disease and insect control, new varieties, new products and emerging market trends.
In addition, the more than 1,000 cotton farmers, ginners, university scientists and industry representatives met to gather information on latest trends, new products, market movements and regulations that affect cotton interests. Next year's conference is set for Dallas.
Written by Norman Martin
CONTACT: Eric Hequet, Department Chair, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2838 or
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