The Ivey Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The Ivey Memorial Scholarship Endowment was established by Gary and Jane Ivey in 1995. The scholarship is awarded to Texas resident students in the field of Agronomy with interests in crop production and related agribusiness. Preference is given to students from rural areas.Ivey was born January 4, 1935 in Crosby County to Aaron Dudley and Golda Beulah (Morton) Ivey. He was a graduate of Ralls High School. He married Mary Nell Freeman on July 30, 1955 in Crosbyton. He had lived and farmed in the Caprock area all his life. Next to his family cotton had been his life. In 1974 he was the first person in Crosby County to use module builders and hauling equipment. Gary had been a member of the Crosby County Farm Bureau since 1972 and had served as president, vice president and treasurer of the organization. In addition he also served on the policy development, tax, cotton and in house audit committees. Mr. Ivey also served on the board of directors of Plains Cotton Growers and was chairman of the organization's Boll Weevil Steering Committee. He was also past president, vice president and secretary-treasurer of the Plains Cotton Growers. He was an advisor to the National Cotton Council of America. From 1981 to 1985 he served on the board of directors for Cotton Inc. and served in 1983 as treasurer of that organization. He had served as chairman of the Audit Committee and as assistant chairman of the International Marketing Committee. He won the Gerald Thomas award for Outstanding Agriculture from Texas Tech. He was a Charter member of Agri Lubbock, a member of the Texas State Seed and Plant Board in 1990, and was chairman of the Texas State Support Committee from 1996-97. Gary had also served as the president of both the Ralls Chamber of Commerce and the Ralls Lions Club. He received the District 2 Farm Bureau Pioneer award for 2004.
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