Capitol Idea: CASNR interns spend fall learning the ropes in Washington
By: Norman Martin
Three students from Texas Tech's College of Agriculture and Natural Resources will be spending their fall semester working as interns in the nation's capital. Running from September through December, the college's congressional intern program affords selected students an opportunity to experience first-hand the government's day-to-day operations.
"Intern selections are always an exciting and difficult process," said Cindy Akers, CASNR's Associate Dean for Academic and Student Programs. "The program is one of the most unique student programs that the college has for CASNR students."
This year's CASNR fall interns include:
• Dylan Davidson, (left) a junior agricultural communications major from Childress (U.S. House Committee
on Agriculture)
• Glenn Green, (center) a senior agricultural and applied economics major from El Paso (U.S. Representative
Mike Conaway, R-TX-11th District)
• Preston Lawrence, (right) a graduate student from Pottsboro working toward to master's degree in agribusiness
(U.S. Representative John Ratcliffe, R-TX-4th District)
CASNR interns live in the 'Tech House' during their stay in Washington D.C., which is located just over a block away from the Capitol Building. Their living expenses are offset through scholarships from generous donors, including the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, Texas Corn Producers Board, Plains Cotton Growers, Texas Corn Growers, Texas Peanut Producers, Dan Taylor, Texas Farm Bureau, and South Texas Cotton and Grain, as well as others.
CONTACT: Cindy Akers, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Programs, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2808 or
0828NM18 / Editor's Note: For additional information about the CASNR Government Intern Program, click here
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