NRM’s Brad Dabbert tapped for Texas Tech RaiderReady program award
By: Norman Martin
In recognition of his valuable contributions and dedication to Texas Tech's RaiderReady
program, Brad Dabbert, the Burnett Foundation Professorship in Quail Ecology in Tech's Department of Natural
Resources Management, has been selected to receive this year's RaiderReady First-Year
Advocate and Faculty Fellowship Award.
The honor was announced on Wednesday (Jan. 23) by Patrick Hughes, vice provost with the Texas Tech's University Programs and Student Success; and Michelle Kiser, senior director with Texas Tech RaiderReady's Support Operations for Academic Retention.
Dabbert joined the Tech faculty in 1996. A native of Ardmore, Oklahoma, he earned a bachelor's degree in wildlife ecology management from Oklahoma State University-Stillwater, and a master's degree from University of Arkansas-Fayetteville. He received his doctorate in from Oklahoma State University-Stillwater. He's a member of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Upland Game Bird Advisory Committee.
His research has focused on Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail and their habitat relationships with a goal of expanding the range of sustainable populations. Currently, Dabbert also serves as the research project director of the Quail-Tech Alliance, a partnership between Tech's natural resources management department and Dallas-based Quail First.
The research focuses on investigating the potential benefits or detriments of supplemental feeding; understanding the factors that influence over-winter survival of adults and summer-to-fall survival of the brood; and refining the ways prescribed burning, brush modification and livestock grazing are used as tools of habitat management.
CONTACT: Mark Wallace, Chairman, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2841 or
Davis College NewsCenter
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