NRM’s Clint Boal receives national Raptor Research Foundation honor
By: Norman Martin
Clint Boal, an internationally-recognized expert in birds of prey with Texas Tech University's
Department of Natural Resources Management, has received the Raptor Research Foundation's
Fran & Frederick Hamerstrom Award, the most prestigious award presented by the foundation.
Boal, who also serves as assistant leader of the Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the university, was presented the honor on Saturday (Nov. 9) at the professional organization's annual meeting in Fort Collins, Colorado. The Raptor Research Foundation is an international professional society of over 1,000 members, with the mission of accumulating and disseminating scientific knowledge of raptors.
"When I was told I was the recipient of the Hamerstrom Award, I was truly floored," Boal said. "It is an incredible honor and quite humbling to be listed among those who have received this award."
Earlier this year Boal was elected as a 2019 American Ornithological Society Elective Member, an honor based on significant contributions to ornithology. Founded in 1883, the American Ornithological Society is recognized as one of the world's oldest and largest international ornithological societies.
Boal has authorship/co-authorship of more than 100 peer reviewed papers and 200 professional presentations focused on ecology, conservation and management of avian species, editorship of two books, and chairing of two international symposiums. In addition he's served in several capacities of governance of ornithological societies, including past service as president of the Raptor Research Foundation.
In addition, he has more than two decades of research projects involving Cooper's Hawks, Northern Goshawks, Mississippi Kites, Golden Eagles, American Kestrels, Swainson's Hawks, Zone-Tailed Hawks, Common Black Hawks, Burrowing Owls, among others. Recently, he co-edited the book Urban Raptors: Ecology and Conservation of Birds of Prey in Cities with independent researcher Cheryl Dykstra.
Boal's other book, Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens, co-edited with David Haukos from the USGS Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, won the 'Scientific Book of the Year Award' from the national and Texas chapters of The Wildlife Society.
Boal, who joined the Texas Tech faculty and the USGS Texas Cooperative Unit in 2000, currently has a long-term research project in the British Virgin Islands, with publications coming from this work on Blackpoll Warblers, Bridled Quail-Doves, Bananaquits and other species. The Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit was established at Texas Tech in 1988.
CONTACT: Warren Conway, Chairman and Bricker Endowed Chair in Wildlife Management, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2841 or
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