Spain: CASNR study abroad student spotlight shines on AAEC’s Holt Bivens
By: Norman Martin
Name: Holt Bivens; Location: Sevilla, Spain; Program: Agribusiness Marketing; Timeframe: May 30-July 1, 2019; Major: Agribusiness; Classification: Senior; Hometown: Munday, Texas
• My Experience: My trip to Spain was extremely eye-opening. Being able to live the Spanish lifestyle and discover a new culture was an experience that I will never forget. It was overall an awesome opportunity I would recommend to anyone interested in studying abroad.
• Why Go: This is a great chance for students to earn class credit and foreign experience, while being able to travel across the world. Texas Tech has great professors in Sevilla that want to make sure you get the most out of your trip.
• Any Advice: If I could give any advice it would be to encourage students to participate in as many activities as possible while studying abroad. There's an endless list of things to do while in Spain, you just need to take the initiative to make plans and go participate in a new lifestyle.
• Favorite Part: My favorite part of the trip was having the freedom of traveling to different cities on the weekends. Our class would plan trips each week to a city we wanted to visit. My favorite city was Malaga, which is on the Mediterranean coast. I made lots of memories with my classmates that I will remember forever.
• Looking Ahead: Since studying abroad, I have been able to take what I've learned and apply it to my education. As I approach graduation, this foreign experience is something I can use to give me an advantage in job recruitment and the work-force.
The Seville-based agriculture and applied economics study abroad program offers students
an opportunity to live in an historic Spanish city and study agribusiness and agricultural
economics topics. The program will expose students to management and marketing challenges
and opportunities with an emphasis on investigating the cultural and economic factors
which influence differences and similarities in firm decision-making between the United
States and Spain. The program will include field trips and interactions with Spanish
producers and marketing companies through visits to high-value agricultural operations
CONTACT: Cindy Akers, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Programs, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2808 or
0131NM20 / Editor's Note: For detailed information on CASNR Study Abroad programs and how to apply, click here
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