Four specially selected students from Texas Tech's Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources will be spending their spring semester working as interns in either Austin or Washington, D.C. Running from January through May, the college's congressional intern program affords these students an opportunity to experience first-hand the government's day-to-day operations.
“Intern selections are always an exciting and difficult process,” said Haley Hudson, Davis College Program Manager for Academic & Student Programs and Congressional Internship Coordinator. “The program is one of the most unique student programs that the college has for Davis College students.”
This springs Davis College Washington, D.C. and Austin-based Spring interns include:
- Austin DeBerry (Washington, D.C): a senior agricultural and applied economics major from Sealy (U.S. House Committee on Agriculture)
- Audrey Crawford (Washington, D.C): a senior Natural Resources Management major from Lubbock (U.S. Representative Randy Weber | R-TX District 13)
- Cheyene Wedeking (Washington, D.C): a junior agribusiness major from Abilene (U.S. Representative Ronny Jackson | (R-TX District 13)
- Carly Watson (Austin): a senior agricultural communications major from Gainesville (Texas Speaker of the House Dustin Burrows (R-Lubbock. District 83)
Davis College interns live in the 'Tech House' during their stay in Washington D.C., which is located just over a block away from the Capitol Building. Their living expenses are offset through scholarships from generous donors.
CONTACT: Haley Hudson, Program Manager for Academic & Student Programs, Congressional Internship Coordinator, Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Texas Tech University at (806)742-2808 or
0122NM25 / Editor's Note: For additional information about the Davis College Government Intern Program, click here