Texas Tech University

Nancy E. McIntyre, Ph.D.

Department of Biological Sciences

Email: nancy.mcintyre@ttu.edu

Phone: +1 (806) 834-7977

Landscape ecology, Community ecology, Ornithology, Insect ecology, Wetlands, Connectivity, GIS, Remote sensing

Research Groups: Ecology & Environmental Biology

Biology 420

Positions: Curator of Birds, Natural Science Research Laboratory

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  • Postdoctoral research associate, Urban ecology, Arizona State University (1998-2000)
  • Ph.D., Ecology, Colorado State University (1998)
  • M.S., Zoology, University of Georgia (1993)
  • B.S. Magna cum laude, Zoology, University of Georgia (1991)

Research Interests

My research program is centrally grounded in landscape ecology, the field that examines the interrelationship between environmental patterns and ecological processes. In my lab, we use geospatial technologies to visualize and analyze spatially explicit environmental data. Our primary focus is on the ecological consequences of anthropogenic sources of spatial heterogeneity, namely land-cover change. We strive to understand pattern-process relationships to be able to predict future outcomes of environmental change. Our goal is to provide ecologically informed recommendations to land-management and conservation stakeholders. Click here to learn more.

With both applied and basic research projects going on in my lab that dovetail with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and museum science, our activities mesh research with teaching and service to the community.

Click here to join my lab!

Recent Publications (Past Five Years)

* = student coauthors from the McIntyre Lab

  • Biddy*, A.R., J.D. Manthey, J.L. Ware, and N.E. McIntyre. 2024. Using species distribution models to predict genomic isolation: A case study with a high-altitude, stream-specialist damselfly (Odonata, Calopterygidae: Hetaerina vulnerata Hagen in Selys, 1853) in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. Ecology and Evolution 14:e70107.
  • Girgente*, H.E., and N.E. McIntyre. 2024. Evaluation of speculated reproductive habitat for Somatochlora calverti (Corduliidae), a rare and range-restricted dragonfly. International Journal of Odonatology 27:85-92
  • Heintzman, L.J., N.E. McIntyre, E.J. Langendoen, and Q.D. Read. 2024. Cultivation and dynamic cropping processes impart land-cover heterogeneity within industrial agroecosystems: a metrics-based case study in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta (USA). Landscape Ecology 39:29
  • Husband*, D.M., and N.E. McIntyre. 2024. Finding isolated aquatic habitat: Can beggars be choosers? Diversity 16:468.
  • Subedi, M.R., C. Portillo-Quintero, N.E. McIntyre, S.S. Kahl, R.D. Cox, G. Perry, and X. Song. 2024. Ensemble machine learning on fusion of Sentinel time series imagery with high-resolution orthoimagery for improved land use/land cover mapping. Remote Sensing 16:2778.
  • de la Sancha, N.U., J.F. González-Maya, S.A. Boyle, P. Perez, J.N. Urbina Cardona, and N.E. McIntyre. 2023. Bioindicators of edge effects within Atlantic Forest remnants: conservation implications in a threatened biodiversity hotspot. Diversity and Distributions 29:349-363.
  • Girgente*, J.S., and N.E. McIntyre. 2023. Watershed-mediated ecomorphological variation: a case study with the Twin-striped Clubtail dragonfly (Hylogomphus geminatus). Insects 14:754.
  • Subedi, M.R., C. Portillo-Quintero, S.S. Kahl, N.E. McIntyre, R.D. Cox, and G. Perry. 2023. Leveraging NAIP imagery for accurate large-area land use/land cover mapping: A case study in central Texas. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 89:547-560.
  • Sutor*, S., N.E. McIntyre, and K. Griffis-Kyle. 2023. Characterizing range-wide impacts of anthropogenic barriers on landscape connectivity for the Sonoran desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai). Landscape Ecology 38:1729-1746.
  • Biddy*, A.R., and N.E. McIntyre. 2022. Parasitism of Enallagma civile Hagen in Selys, 1853 (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) by Arrenurus water mites. International Journal of Odonatology 25:89-95.
  • Gary*, D.M., K. Mougey, N.E. McIntyre, and K. Griffis-Kyle. 2022. Species as conservation umbrellas: a case study with lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) in the southern Great Plains of North America. Global Ecology and Conservation 38:e02256.
  • Schilder, L.J., L.J. Heintzman*, N.E. McIntyre, S. Harryman, C.A. Hagen, R. Martin, C.W. Boal, and B.A. Grisham. 2022. Structural and functional landscape connectivity for lesser prairie-chickens in the Sand Shinnery Oak Prairie Ecoregion. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22146.
  • de la Sancha, N.U., S.A. Boyle, and N.E. McIntyre. 2021. Using graph theory on the highly fragmented Atlantic Forest of eastern Paraguay to identify structural connectivity.Scientific Reports 11:16129.
  • de la Sancha, N.U., S.A. Boyle, N.E. McIntyre, D.M. Brooks, A. Yanosky, E. Cuellar Soto, F. Mereles, M. Camino, and R.D. Stevens. 2021. The disappearing Dry Chaco, one of the last dry forest systems on Earth. Landscape Ecology.
  • Heintzman*, L.J., and N.E. McIntyre. 2021. Assessment of playa wetland network connectivity for amphibians of the south-central Great Plains (USA) using Euclidean, least-cost path, and landscape resistance modelling. Landscape Ecology 36:1117-1135.
  • Husband*, D.M., and N.E. McIntyre. 2021. Urban areas create refugia for odonates in a semi-arid region. Insects 12:431.
  • Heintzman*, L.J., E.S. Auerbach*, D.H. Kilborn*, S.M. Starr*, K.R. Mulligan, L.S. Barbato, and N.E. McIntyre. 2020. Identifying areas of wetland and wind turbine overlap in the south-central Great Plains of North America. Landscape Ecology 35:1995-2011.
  • Longing, S.D., E.M. Peterson, C.T. Jewett, B.M. Rendon, S.A. Discua, K.J. Wooten, S. Subbiah, P.N. Smith, and N.E. McIntyre. 2020. Exposure of foraging wild bees to neonicotinoids in the U.S. Southern High Plains. Environmental Entomology 49:528-535.
  • Starr*, S.M., and N.E. McIntyre. 2020. Land-cover changes and influences on playa wetland inundation on the Southern High Plains. Journal of Arid Environments 175:104096.
  • Starr* S.M., and N.E. McIntyre. 2020. Effects of water temperature under projected climate change on the development and survival of the Familiar Bluet Damselfly (Enallagma civile). Environmental Entomology 49:230-237

    · Featured in Entomology Today, 10 January 2020

  • Auerbach*, E.S., W.P. Johnson, J.R. Smith, and N.E. McIntyre. 2019. Wildlife refuges support high bee diversity on the Southern Great Plains. Environmental Entomology 49:968-976.
  • Gary*, D., K. Mougey, N.E. McIntyre, and K. Griffis-Kyle. 2019. Identification of hotspots of at-risk terrestrial vertebrate species in the south-central Great Plains of North America. Journal for Nature Conservation 50:125684.
  • Heintzman*, L.J., and N.E. McIntyre. 2019. Quantifying the effects of projected urban growth on connectivity among wetlands in the Great Plains (USA). Landscape and Urban Planning 186:1-12.
  • Johnson, C.A., and N.E. McIntyre. 2019. Effects of cropland encroachment on prairie pothole wetlands: Numbers, density, size, shape, and structural connectivity. Landscape Ecology 34:827-841.
  • McIntyre, N.E., G. Liu, J. Gorzo, C.K. Wright, G.R. Guntenspergen, and F. Schwartz. 2019. Simulating the effects of climate variability on waterbodies and wetland-dependent birds in the Prairie Pothole Region. Ecosphere 10(4):e02711.

Complete list of publications.