Texas Tech University

Civil Engineering (BSCE) Undergraduate Overview

The Civil Engineering BS curriculum provides training in the basic sciences, engineering science, general education and design experience. Basic science includes mathematics, chemistry and physics. Engineering science includes statics, dynamics, fluid dynamics, mechanics of solids, soil mechanics, construction materials, surveying, thermodynamics and electrical systems. The broad category of general education includes courses in history, political science, humanities and communication. Design experience entails five subdisciplines of civil engineering: structural, environmental, water resources, geotechnical and transportation engineering.

Lecture and laboratory classes train the student in theory and practical applications. The overall objective is to provide design experience which involves open ended problems that are subject to various constraints. The student learns to work on teams, to examine options and make informed decisions regarding the design of a civil engineering system (building, bridge, pipeline, airport, water treatment plant, etc.). The curriculum concludes with a semester−long design project of a typical civil engineering project. The project brings all the knowledge gained from the curriculum to focus on the design. Students practice planning, scheduling, data collection, report writing, oral and graphical (CAD) communication in a simulated design office setting.

Additional Information


The Civil Engineering BS program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Civil Engineering Program Criteria.