Texas Tech University

CMLL Event Promotion

For any CMLL-hosted or sponsored events, event and program coordinators are responsible for submitting event details to the following:

  • To have information posted to the CMLL Events page and/or on social media, please email Gabbi Morin at gamorin@ttu.edu. You can also post them on Tech Announce. (click "Post an Announcement" on the left side) 
  • Submitting event details (along with any PDF flyer, etc. if desired)
    to Theresa Madrid, closer to the actual event date, for her to send out on the CMLL email list

Room & Event Reservations

  • Lisa Melendez, well in advance, for any CMLL classroom reservations (including 255) and for any LLRC reservations (non-classroom, i.e. Qualia, Lab areas, etc.)

Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures

  • Address

    CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409
  • Phone
