The Portuguese language is spoken all over the world by approximately 191 million people. Various estimates place it as the 6th-8th most widely spoken language in the world. It is widely spoken in Portugal, Brazil, Macau, Goa, Angola, Venezuela, and Mozambique. It is the second most-spoken Latin language in the world. In the US there are more than 500,000 Portuguese native speakers.
Portuguese is closely related to Spanish, and it is very easy for Spanish speakers to learn Portuguese. Portuguese speakers generally can understand people speaking Spanish, and sometimes Spanish speakers understand Portuguese speakers.
TTU offers four-skills instruction in the Portuguese language, Portuguese literature courses, and a graduate minor in Portuguese.
The graduate MA minor in Portuguese consists of 6-9 hours of graduate coursework approved by one's Graduate Advisor.
The graduate Ph.D. minor consists of 15 hours of graduate course work approved by one's Graduate Advisor. For the Spanish doctorate the coursework must be in the Portuguese language.
Summer Study in Brazil
Please visit the TTU Study Abroad page for opportunities in Portugal and Brazil.
Portuguese Program Faculty/Personnel:
Dr. Antonio Ladeira
Coordinator & Associate Professor of Portuguese
- PORT 5307: Luso-Brazilian Civilization and Literature (may be repeated when content is different)
- PORT 5341, 5342: Intensive Portuguese for Graduate Students I & II
- PORT 5355: Readings in Luso-Brazilian Literature (May be repeated for credit)
- PORT 7000: Research
Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures
CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409 -