Teaching Second Languages in Local and Global Contexts Online Graduate Certificate
12-Hour Online Graduate Certificate
This full-online grad certificate program offers courses that address the pedagogical knowledge and skills that teachers and teacher candidates need to develop instructional materials and implement courses and modules into their academic programs both in face-to-face and online format.
List of all courses required in the program:
- LING 5322 - Foundations for Second Language Teaching
- LING 5325 - Technology in Teaching Second Languages
- LING 5382 - Seminar in Second Language Instruction: Task-Based Language Teaching
- LING 5383 - Seminar in Second Language Acquisition: Action Research in Language Classrooms
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Contact Dr. Yesim Dollar with details on how to register for a course!
Current Course Offerings
- Fall 2022: LING 5382 - Seminar in Second Language Instruction: Task-Based Language Teaching
- Spring 2023: LING 5383 - Seminar in Second Language Acquisition: Action Research in Language Classrooms
Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures
CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409 -