Distinguished Engineer Citations

John R. Bradford, Ph.D.
Distinguished Engineer
Chemical Engineering – 1942
At Time of Nomination in 1974
John Ross Bradford, born in Amarillo, Texas, received his B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Texas Tech University in 1942 and 1948, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio, in 1953.
Following a four–year period on the faculty at Case, he became a research consultant for the U.S. Radium Corporation, New York City in 1954. During the 1950–55 period he became a nationally recognized authority in the industrial application of radioactive materials and served as the national secretary of Committee E–10 on Radioisotopes of the American Society for Testing Materials.
In 1955, Dr. Bradford returned to Texas Tech as Dean of the College of Engineering. During his tenure as dean, profound changes have occurred within the College – development of staff, facilities and faculty, creation of graduate programs and increased support of research.
Among his most noteworthy efforts in relation to education in our own region have been the organizing of the Western Information Network (WIN), a consortium of eighteen institutions of higher education utilizing a multichannel, two–way communication system including closed circuit television and linking classrooms, libraries, computer facilities and information retrieval systems at the eighteen points; and the Flying Professors Program, which literally carries the University to the students, enabling professionals already practicing in industry to earn advanced degrees while employed.
The University Textile Research Center, under his aegis, has gained international renown not only through the excellence of its research and the practicality of its assistance to industry, but through the international conference which he promoted and which took place on this campus. The annual national meeting of the ASEE held at this university in 1972 and deemed, by consensus, one of the best ever held anywhere, carried the name of Texas Tech, and Texas, to every point of the compass in our huge country.
Dr. Bradford, registered as a Professional Engineer in both Ohio and Texas, is a member and former chairman of the Texas State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers. He has served as a member of the United States National Commission to UNESCO. He is a member of the National Council of Engineering Examiners, Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Xi.
Texas Tech confers upon John R. Bradford the designation: DISTINGUISHED ENGINEER.
Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering
100 Engineering Center Box 43103 Lubbock, Texas 79409-3103 -
806.742.3451 -