Texas Tech University

Stephanie Legako, Ed. D.

Associate Dean of Students
Office of the Dean of Students

Email: stephanie.legako@ttu.edu

Phone: 806.742.2984

Office: Suite 203 - Student Union Building

Stephanie Legako, Ed. D.


As a Lubbock native and a Texas Tech fan through and through, Dr. Stephanie Legako has a rich understanding of Red Raiders. Formerly the Retention Specialist for the Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Dr. Legako began serving the Office of the Dean of Students as the Associate Dean of Students in May 2022. With a bachelor's in psychology and a master's in marriage and family therapy, she prides herself on her ability to be a helpful listening ear to students from all backgrounds and stages. To complete her career as a student, Dr. Legako received her Ed.D. from Texas Tech University, giving her a well-rounded view of students, education, and wellness.

Office of the Dean of Students