Texas Tech University

Aaron Braver

Dr. Braver's research interests include phonetics, phonology, and their interface; laboratory phonology; incomplete neutralization; and South African and Bantu languages (especially Xhosa).  His research investigates the ways in which speech sounds are organized, produced, perceived, and manipulated by our linguistic system. Much of this work takes place in the laboratory, with both speech production and speech perception experiments. 

Dr. Braver also runs the TTU Phonetics and Phonology Linguistics Lab

For a full list of publications and more up-to-date information, visit www.aaronbraver.com.

Ph.D. Rutgers, 2013

Selected Publications

Will Bennett and Aaron Braver (2020). Different Speakers, different grammars: Productivity and representation of Xhosa labial palatalization.  Phonological Data and Analysis 2(6). [PDF] 

Takehiro Iizuka, Kimi Nakatsukasa, and Aaron Braver (2020). The efficacy of gesture on second language pronunciation: An exploratory study of handclapping as a classroom instructional tool. Language Learning 70(4). [PDF

Aaron Braver (2019). Incomplete neutralization as paradigm uniformity with weighted phonetic constraints. Phonology 36(1):1–36. [PDF

Aaron Braver and Will Bennett (2016). Phonotactic c(l)ues to Bantu noun class disambiguation. Linguistics Vanguard 2(1):1–11. [PDF

Will Bennett and Aaron Braver (2015). The productivity of 'unnatural' labial palatalization in Xhosa. Nordlyd 42(1):33–44 (special issue on palatalization). [PDF

Aaron Braver (2014). Imperceptible incomplete neutralization: Production, non-identifiability, and non-discriminability in American English flapping. Lingua 152:24–44. [PDF

Shigeto Kawahara and Aaron Braver (2014). Durational Properties of Emphatic Consonants in Japanese. JIPA 44(3):237–260. [PDF

Shigeto Kawahara and Aaron Braver (2013). The Phonetics of Multiple Vowel Lengthening in Japanese. OJML 3(2):141–148. [PDF

Last updated October 2021


Associate Professor of Linguistics, Director of Linguistics
Linguistics (Phonetics and Phonology)

Email: aaron.braver@ttu.edu
Office: 312C