Application Requirements
- College Transcripts (BA and MA required)
- Curriculum Vitae/Resume
- 8-10 page (or longer) critical writing sample for all applicants
- 700-word statement of purpose outlining your interest in our graduate program
- 3 letters of recommendation. (Recommenders send their letters directly through the TTU Graduate School application portal via a prompt generated by the system)
As a TTU graduate student, you will find exceptional academic breadth and specialization as well as an inclusive and diverse group of faculty and graduate students actively engaged in academic pursuits and in the broader Lubbock community.
Join us in Lubbock, TX where you will bond with other graduate students through engaging coursework, exceptional pedagogical and teacher training in a nationally-recognized first-year writing program, and through a range of departmental organizations, service opportunities, and graduate certificate programs.
PhD Funding
When you apply to our onsite PhD program, you are automatically considered for funding. The funding for incoming students consists of a teaching position with a competitive stipend—guaranteed $20K/year for four years with opportunities to apply for a fifth year of funding—and significant tuition and fee waivers.
For two years, you will teach in the first-year writing program, serving as a classroom instructor. In your third and fourth years, there will be teaching and service opportunities beyond first-year writing, including teaching assistant positions for film courses, teaching sophomore-level literature courses, mentorship and administrative appointments, and service in support roles. Summer teaching/funding is also regularly available.
Areas of Study in Linguistics
The PhD with specialization in Linguistics is distinguished for its faculty's expertise in a variety of areas, including phonology, syntax, morphology, sociolinguistics (especially American English dialects), linguistics and literature, and the history of English. The program allows you to deepen your grasp of linguistic work with a variety of languages, including American English, Old and Middle English, Korean, and Japanese. Because the study of language and linguistics is a multi-disciplinary field, our program is supported with faculty whose interests in these areas come from the English Department, as well as many other departments and colleges across campus.
Learn more about linguistics at TTU.
Dr. Aaron Braver
Director of Linguistics
Dr. Wyatt D. Phillips
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of English
P.O. Box 43091 Lubbock, TX 79409-3091 -
806.742.2501 -