Increase engagement with undergraduate students through the development of new courses
and the enrichment of existing course offerings and degree programs.
Develop and implement a new iteration of First Year Writing (FYW) program so that
it grows in enrollment as it offers a more relevant, effective experience to writing
Improve our graduate students recruitment efforts, growing aggressively, but intelligently,
the size and diversity of our graduate student population.
Build on our already strong online and distance course programs to include more course
and degree opportunities beyond the main TTU campus in Lubbock.
Create and then promote a new vision of English as a big tent discipline, nurturing
in the process different, productive instantations of what it means to teach and research
Encourage diversity through the fostering of a diverse workplace, and the recruitment
of diverse graduate students and faculty.
Re-engage with, and then proactively foster, relationships with alumni as well as
other key external stakeholders.
Enhance work quality and productivity for graduate students, instructors, and tenure-track