Texas Tech University

Graduate Course Offerings, Spring 2021

If you have any questions about the Literature, Creative Writing, or Linguistics courses, please contact the graduate advisor. For all Technical Communication courses, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies.

Courses from previous semesters are archived here.

Campus Map - the English/Philosophy building is #46, located in D1

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ENGL 5303 Studies in Medieval British Literature: Beowulf

Dr. Brian McFadden
Tuesdays, 2:00 - 4:50 PM
CRN: 49653

Note: ENGL 5301 (Old English Language) is a prerequisite for ENGL 5303. History of the English Language (ENGL 5334) is not a satisfactory substitute for ENGL 5301.

This course will be an in-depth translation and analysis of Beowulf, the first major epic poem in the English language. Topics to be discussed: early medieval English conceptions of monstrosity and Otherness; Germanic social structure as depicted in the poem versus the realities of early medieval English society; the role of women in the poem and women in early medieval English society; the tension and accommodation between Christian and Germanic elements in the poem; the paleography and codicology of the text and the application of digital technology, especially the online Electronic Beowulf project at the University of Kentucky, to the study of the poem and the Beowulf manuscript (London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius A.xv).  Requirements: leading one online class discussion; one 20- to 25-page seminar paper; weekly translation and reading in Old English. Texts to be announced but will probably include Mitchell and Robinson's edition of Beowulf, Klaeber's Beowulf Fourth Edition by Fulk, Bjork, and Niles, The Beowulf Reader (ed. Bjork and Niles) and A Critical Companion to Beowulf (Orchard).

Requirements fulfilled: Philology Sequence; British Literature; Period: Early; Genre: Poetry; Medieval and Renaissance Studies Certificate

ENGL 5305 Studies in Shakespeare: Laughter in the Dark: The Problem of Shakespearean Comedy

Dr. Matthew Hunter
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRN: 62376/62375

Comedy has long been thought of as the genre of happy endings, but in Shakespeare's hands, it is anything but. The wished-for conclusion to Shakespearean comedy sees voices silenced, marriage enforced, and the vulnerable rudely banished from a world that carries on without them. If comedy, as Lauren Berlant and Sianne Ngai have maintained, “has issues,” then Shakespearean comedy has too many issues to name. Or perhaps it is just we who have too many issues with it. In a world full of problems, how can we see Shakespeare's comedies as anything other than a repository for our discontents? This course introduces students to Shakespeare's dramaturgy by considering the poetics, performance, themes, norms, and problems of his comedies. Our approach will literary historical, but our readings will cut across disciplines and modes: works from philosophy, sociology, and aesthetics will supplement our conversations about the uneasy laughter that Shakespeare's comedies continue to produce.

Requirements fulfilled: British Literature; Period: Early; Genre: Drama; Medieval and Renaissance Studies Certificate

ENGL 5309 Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Romanticism and Criminal Justice

Dr. Marjean D. Purinton
Wednesdays, 2:00 - 4:50 PM
CRN: 62377

This course surveys the British Romantic Period (1780-1830) with a focus on consequential changes effected in criminal justice during this revolutionary and tumultuous time.

Because of the period's significant paradigm shift in criminal justice, it is not surprising for us to see spectacular violence and crime, public punishments, legal proceedings, and courtroom scenes represented in popular culture and literature. We will read Wollstonecraft's Maria; or, The Wrongs of Woman, Godwin's Things as They Are; or, The Adventures of Caleb William, Mary Shelley's Falkner, P.B. Shelley's The Cenci, Inchbald's Such Things Are, Byron's Manfred, Robinson's Nobody as well as diverse poetry and nonfiction selections. From the literature, we will explore the forces shaping and reflecting the period's reforms in criminal justice, including crime detection and prevention, female criminality, and debates over punishment and rehabilitation. We will discover how this important paradigm shift shapes the cultural foundations upon which our own systems of justice rest and how it informs our contemporary challenges with prison reform, social justice inequities, the #Me Too Movement, and civil unrest.

Requirements fulfilled: British Literature; Period: Later; Genre: Drama or Fiction; Literature, Social Justice, and Environment

ENGL 5324 Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century American Literature: Post- 9/11 American Literature

Dr. Yuan Shu
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRN: 49658/57991

How worlding is American literature today? In reiterating Bruce Robbins' question, this course investigates post-9/11 American literature not only in terms of trauma and healing but also in light of literary responses to the social, political, economic, and cultural changes in the United States and around the globe since the tragic events on September 11, 2001. We begin by examining how New York-based poets addressed the trauma and inaugurated the process of healing, and also by considering how diverse literary forms such as graphic novel engage the tragic events. Then, we read how the work of John Updike, Don DeLillo, Jonathan Safran Foer, and Joseph O'Neill represent the events differently and understand the United States in relation to the rest of the globe geopolitically, economically, and culturally. Meanwhile, we also explore the work of Mohsin Hamid and Salman Rushdie as alternative visions, which explore the U.S.-centered global order, neoliberal capitalism, third world poverty and instability. Finally, we focus on the war on terrorism as reflected in the texts of Jess Walter, Ben Fountain, and Paul Auster in terms of changing dynamics of the local and the global. During our discussion of these primary texts, we employ the concepts of trauma and healing and other critical theories in postcolonial and globalization studies as articulated by David Harvey, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Immanuel Wallerstein, Gayatri Spivak, and Walter Mignolo, among others.

Requirements fulfilled: American Literature; Period: Later; Genre: Fiction

ENGL 5337 Studies in Linguistics: (In)definiteness

Dr. Min-Joo Kim
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 12:30 - 1:50 PM
CRN: 62373/62372

Why do some languages have articles like English "a" and "the", but some don't? And what do languages without articles do without them in conveying the intended meanings of indefiniteness or definiteness? Want to find out the answers? Then take Studies in Linguistics (ENGL 5337) in Spring 2021! In addition to addressing these questions, in this course, we'll be looking at what grammatical properties go hand in hand with the presence or absence of definite or indefinite articles in a language, and what it may tell us about the mapping between form and meaning in a language, and how humans convey information or express various types of semantic/pragmatic meaning using language. This course will be useful to anyone interested in linguistics, literary studies, creative writing, L2 language learning/teaching, cognition, philosophy of language, and intercultural communication, and there will be no required textbook. Questions? Please contact Dr. Min-Joo Kim at min-joo.kim@ttu.edu.

Requirements fulfilled: Philology Sequence, Graduate Certificate in Linguistics.

ENGL 5340 Research Methods (Literature, Creative Writing, and Linguistics)

Dr. Cordelia Barrera
Mondays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRN: 62374

Research Methods introduces English students pursuing an MA or PhD to the methods, processes, and procedures for graduate-level research in English and is geared towards concentrations in Literature, Creative Writing, and Linguistics. Students will investigate the uses of archival, bibliographic, and web-based sources necessary to graduate-level scholarship. In this seminar, we look to a variety of methods used by literary scholars, critics, and creative writers in their research with the goal of understanding how these methods impact, shape, and guide our own writing, scholarship, and creative output. In today's 21st century job market, it is imperative for students to not only be consummate researchers, but to understand the workings of the profession alongside venues, audiences, and why exemplary scholarship and writing matters. This class focuses on the profession of scholarly output, best practices for academic writing, and the professionalization of graduate students. Topics include how to write a critical, theoretically-sound scholarly article, how and why to present at conferences, how to network, and how to navigate grad school with an eye toward job markets. Each student will develop a Conference paper, research project, and annotated Bibliography that relates to his or her own area of interest with the goal of publishing in a scholarly venue.

Requirements fulfilled: Foundation Course

ENGL 5343 Transnational Feminist and Queer Studies

Dr. Kanika Batra
Wednesdays, 9:00 - 11:50 AM
CRN: 62380

Chandra Mohanty's conceptualization of feminism without borders is premised on intersections between women's movements and activism on a global scale. As a method of enquiry encompassing biological, kinship, and work-related categories that span cultures and continents -- women as unwaged, white, blue, or pink collar workers performing corporate, academic, manual, domestic, or sexual labor -- transnational feminist studies has emerged as an important branch of globalization theory. Following Nancy Fraser, we can identify struggles for recognition of new identity categories and redistribution of economic, social, and political power as the major strands in transnational feminist analysis.

‘Redistribution' and ‘recognition' are keywords in the feminist philosophical, anthropological, and historical accounts we will read in this course. Some of the issues the course will address are: emergence of new categories of work such as ‘higglers'  and ‘migrant sex workers' in the Caribbean; transnationalization of labor practices such as those in the export processing zones all over the world; women's responses to their changing public and private roles including an increase in domestic and social violence; new forms of affective intimacy in late capitalism including the adoption of a global vocabulary of identity politics such as  ‘gay', ‘lesbian' or ‘queer;' and the intersection of these identities with practices of tourism and migration. While we will examine these issues in a transnational framework, the course includes a special focus on the political, social, and cultural economies of the global South as manifested in gender studies scholarship and curricula in the Euro-American academy.

Requirements fulfilled: CLGT Literature; Period: Later; Genre: Non-Fiction; Women's Studies Graduate Certificate

ENGL 5346 Digital Humanities

Dr. Wyatt Phillips
Mondays, 2:00 - 4:50 PM
CRN: 62379

What is (or are) Digital Humanities? What are its range of uses? What are its limitations? Is it a way forward and a new tool for the liberal arts scholar's toolbox, or a neoliberal tool that undermines the value and contributions of qualitative analysis? Is it both? Something in between? Does it serve to cement old canons and power structures or can it be used to move toward greater equity? This course will introduce students to the techniques but also the philosophical debates are the field of digital humanities. Beginning with a consideration of the various debates about the nature of the field itself, we'll then survey a range of DH tools and projects with a critical eye. In doing so we will be seeking to understand not only what these tools make possible but also where and why they remain limited. The course will include a number of “visiting” scholars who will speak about their projects and the new research channels that DH opened for them as well as limitations they have experienced. The projects we will study and propose in this course will include applications to both the literary field and the field of film and media studies.

Requirements fulfilled: Book History and Digital Humanities (BHDH) Certificate; Tools/Methods Sequence; Film & Media Studies

ENGL 5351 Film Noir and Global Crime Cinema

Dr. Allison Whitney
Tuesdays, 9:30 AM - 12:20 PM
CRN: 32443

This course will focus on film noir and crime cinema as phenomena that grow out of intercultural and cross-cultural relationships among film industries, audiences, and critics. Students will develop skills in both formal analysis and historical research that are specific to film studies, and learn how film aesthetics, narrative structures, technologies, performance styles, and institutions (from censorship boards to award shows) reflect and communicate cultural norms and social hierarchies. Focusing primarily on the intersections of major film industries, including the US, Germany, France, India, Japan, and Hong Kong, topics will include the influence of German lighting techniques in American film noir, the role of French film criticism in establishing genre definitions, the global presence of Hong Kong fight choreography, and the ways cross-cultural remakes transform the conventions of national cinemas.

Requirements fulfilled: Film & Media Studies; Genre: Film

ENGL 5355 Thinking with the Globe: Comparative Literature, Globalization, and the Global South

Dr. Nesrine Chahine
Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRNs: 53179 & 50202

This course interrogates the shifting paradigms of Comparative Literature in the North American academy as the discipline grapples with the impact of globalization and new forms of colonialism on cultural production.  Our goal is to envision a comparative methodology that is sensitive to structures of global inequality, the stakes of South-South globalisms, and the impact of deregulated environmental devastation on a global scale.  We will investigate these key issues through various comparative frameworks including, but not limited to, major and minor transnationalisms, theories of the anthropocene and postcolonial Eco-criticisms, and inequality in relation to systems of law as well as capital.  Possible readings may include texts by thinkers from the Afro-Asian Writers Association, the Warwick Research Collective, David Harvey, and Vijay Prashad.  The course will culminate in a research paper that will be submitted for consideration to the Comparative Literature Symposium.

Requirements fulfilled: CLGT; Period: Later; Genre: Fiction; Literature, Social Justice, and Environment

ENGL 5365 Rhetoric and Globalization

Dr. Jennifer Nish
Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Section 001 CRN: 62316
Section D01 CRN: 62315 (Distance Students Only)

How do people, things, and ideas move across cultural, national, and regional borders? What kinds of relationships do these movements reveal? What is unique about transnational movement and connectivity in our current historical moment? In this course, we will explore how globalization impacts rhetorical processes and how people use rhetoric to respond to globalization. For our purposes, globalization refers to the specific forms of economic, social, political, and cultural connectivity that have developed in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. We will focus especially on transnational feminist approaches to globalization, which attend to the gendered dimension of these processes. Course readings and discussion will engage themes such as migration, citizenship, education, and resistance movements in relation to contemporary globalization.

Potential texts: Dingo, Networking Arguments; Yam, Inconvenient Strangers; Lozano, Not One More!; McKinnon, Gendered Asylum; Chávez, Queer Migration Politics

ENGL 5366 Teaching Technical and Professional Writing

Dr. Beau Pihlaja
Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Section 001 CRN: 50774
Section D01 CRN: 54729 (Distance Students Only)

English 5366 is a course that will prepare you to teach technical and professional writing as an introductory (survey) course for students across the disciplines. It will introduce you to the theoretical and pedagogical knowledge you will need to teach technical and professional writing successfully. English 5366 will also ask you to consider critical issues related to teaching technical communication. From this foundation, it will progress to more practical concerns ranging from what to teach in a technical writing introductory class, how to teach this information, and why to teach it. In addition to technical writing pedagogy, you'll prepare a lesson, review textbook components, develop assignments, observe other teachers at work, and report your findings and experiences. You'll conclude the semester by producing a teaching portfolio that showcases your preparation for teaching technical communication. The portfolio will include a syllabus and weekly schedule for an introductory course, instructional materials and activities for both onsite and online instruction.

ENGL 5370 Creative Writing Workshop: Poetry

Dr. Jacqueline Kolosov
Thursdays, 2:00 - 4:50 PM
CRN: 57933

The aim of this reading, writing and discussion-centered workshop is the creation of poetry in a community of mutual curiosity, respect and fearlessness. Today we're constantly bombarded by information; too, we're saturated with new styles and innovations in the arts, in our case in poetry. This can be exciting, even empowering, how does a poet know what to trust, protect and hone in the work and where and how to innovate without losing what is idiosyncratically or brilliantly his/her own? Two interrelated aims, then, for each writer enrolled in this workshop are: how can I make my process and my poetry as vibrant, resilient, and intentional as possible while recognizing and preserving what is uniquely my own? And how can I strengthen my writing via selectively engaging and innovating from poetry that may be wildly different from my own? To put this process into practice (and I do want to emphasize both process and practice here as we will be building our poetry muscles for the long haul), we will read, listen and engage a range of some 6-8 poets, past and present, and strive to arrive at and to articulate what is vibrant and resilient in their work (aka worthy of abiding). Weekly writing prompts towards new poems as well as towards re-envisioning existing poems, then, will emerge out of this ongoing practice. Likely choices for the 6-8 poets include Tracy K. Smith, Ada Limón, Ishion Hutchinson, Stanley Plumly, Audre Lorde, Victoria Chang, Louise Glück, James Merrill & Emily Dickinson. Plan to draft or re-envision some 8 poems. The final project is a portfolio of 6+ “finished” poems and a 6-8 page statement that discusses the work in relation to the aims of the course.

Requirement fulfilled: Poetry Workshop

ENGL 5370 Creative Writing Workshop: Creative Nonfiction

Dr. Noam Dorr
Mondays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRN: 32540/57931

This course is a cross-genre workshop dedicated to research-based writing. While creative nonfiction will be our home base, we will be working with and workshopping texts both solidly in a genre as well as those traversing the lines between genres. We will explore how to bring the world into our work through the tools of research: the archive, the interview, the artifact. Some guiding questions for our semester include: How can we harness our obsessions to drive our creative explorations? How might we undercut creative nonfiction's tyrannical “I” in favor of a more-inclusive multitude of voices? How does outside information shift our writing in unexpected directions? All work is welcome as long as it is text-centric and fact-based and interested in language. Readings will include texts such as: Don't Let Me Be Lonely by Claudia Rankine, Defacing the Monument by Susan Briante, Zong! by M. NourbeSe Phillip, Dictee by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Whereas by Layli Long Soldier, Experimental Animals by Thalia Field, The Act of Killing by Joshua Oppenheimer, Atlas of Remote Islands by Judith Schalansky, The Rings of Saturn by W. G. Sebald, Look by Solmaz Sharif, and Waltz with Bashir by Ari Folman.

Requirements fulfilled: Creative Writing Workshop

ENGL 5372 Technical Reports

Dr. Ken Baake
Mondays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Section D01 CRN: 50207

This course focuses on the report—the primary work place document that creates knowledge and supports decision-making. Our class will examine reports of various types: information reports, analytical reports, feasibility studies, recommendation reports, empirical research reports. We will consider proposals as part of the document cycle that leads to reports. In the workplace, proposals seek approval or funding for a plan or activity. Reports provide information on the progress of such activities, or on the status of research.

All writing in some way tells a story, and so it is with reports and proposals. A proposal from a social service agency seeking money to expand a program for the poor must tell the story of the people it hopes to serve. A report on a study of sub-atomic particles conducted by physicists using a particle accelerator tells the story of those particles, even though they exist only for nano seconds. Narrative is intrinsic to reports and proposals.

As is typical in any graduate technical writing class, we will approach this topic from a theoretical and applied perspective. We will analyze existing documents using rhetorical theory and we will produce reports and proposals based on primary and secondary search. The class will involve reading and response in Blackboard and a report project in which students address a decision they are facing in their lives.

Our main text will be Houp, Pearsall, Tebeaux, Dragga. Reporting Technical Information. Oxford University Press.

ENGL 5374 Technical Editing

Dr. Angela Eaton
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Section D01 CRN: 62330

In this class, students will learn how to edit technical documents, from proofreading for errors at the surface to ensuring that the document contains appropriate content, organization, and visuals for its audiences. Students will also learn how to use traditional editing marks, editing functions within word processors, and principles of layout and design. Finally, students will learn about the profession of editing and develop pieces to support their careers.

ENGL 5375 Document Design

Dr. Jason Tham
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Section 001 CRN: 57590
Section D01 CRN: 57591 (Distance students only)

This course covers fundamental principles of document and information design. Over the course of the semester students will learn practical and theoretical skills related to desktop publishing, visual communication, and publication production. Using industry-standard software applications, students will learn to create, from scratch, visually attractive and functional documents that are used across academic, scientific, technological, and general business contexts.

ENGL 5377 Applied Rhetorical Theory: Analysis of Corporate, Health, and Government Websites

Dr. David Roach
Mondays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Section 003 CRN: 63516
Section D03 CRN: 63534 (Distance students only)

The course engages a detailed examination of persuasion theory and applies it in evaluation and assessment of corporate, health, and government websites. Specifically, will be used as a lens to analyze the purpose, function, and effectiveness of the technical communication used in these public websites. Applied theory and assessment in this context is designed to foster theory-driven improvements for these websites and to generate portfolio artifacts, publishable research, and potential consultations.

ENGL 5377 Special Topics: Theory, Practice, and Methods of Visual Storytelling in Technical Communication

Dr. Lisa L. Phillips
Tuesdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRN: 32555

""Image Attribution: Randal Munroe, XKCD, Creative Commons Attributive-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Permanent Image Link: https://xkcd.com/1028/.

This course is about the spaces and places of invention and innovation, focusing on pictures and words. In this course you'll practice combining drawing and writing in the form of basic cartooning with the goal of opening yourself up to invention. Any skill level is fine! Curiosity and willing hearts are a prerequisite.

While much of our work will involve simple tools and materials, we'll play with digital platforms as well. We'll also explore the methods, methodologies, practices, production, and concepts behind image making across different media platforms. Mostly, we'll draw, write, and think. We'll talk about and define visual rhetoric, consider what an image is, wonder how good ideas come about, and study the importance of visual storytelling in our daily lives. We'll also explore relationships between professional writing and illustrations. Projects include a daily practice sketchbook, a definitional essay about comics, image making, and the nature of images, and a variety of assignments gleaned from Lynda Barry's Making Comics. PhD and MA students may use this course either as a “methods” course or as a “theory” course under the advice of the Graduate Director, Dr. Christofides.

ENGL 5380 Advanced Problems in Literary Studies: Race, Rhetoric, and Performance

Dr. Michael Borshuk
Tuesdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRN: 56195

In this course we will consider what the category “race” means to us at this stage in the twenty-first century and consider at length how the scholarly fields of rhetoric and performance studies provide overlapping critical lenses for interrogating that category. Beginning with a historical set of definitions, we will reflect on the ways that “race” begins with pseudoscientific claims to authority as a purportedly objective set of criteria. From there, however, we will scrutinize how the bearing of “race” on subject formation more often unfolds in rhetorical or performative terms, as an open-ended discursive or cultural process, and occurring at the intersection of many identity categories rather than as a stable influence. With this in mind, we will examine work from BIPOC, feminist, and queer theorists, rhetorical actors, and performers to interpret the diversity of ripostes these figures offer to the problems that “race” as a category enacts.

Readings may include work from Sara Ahmed, Dwight Conquergood, Thomas DeFrantz, E. Patrick Johnson, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Fred Moten, José Esteban Muñoz, Ersula Ore, Tina Takemoto, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

Students will be expected to write a conference-length paper, produce two short response papers, compose a book review, and collaborate as a class on some kind of outreach project that enables us to extend our academic activity beyond the borders of our classroom and into the community at large.

Requirements fulfilled: American Literature; Period: Later; Genre: Nonfiction; Literature, Social Justice, and Environme

ENGL 5379 Empirical Research Methods

Dr. Rob Grace
Mondays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Section 001 CRN: 62317
Section D01 CRN: 62318

This course introduces students to empirical research methodology in technical communication and rhetoric by examining quantitative and qualitative approaches to content analysis: a systematic yet flexible technique to analyze multimodal communication in context. Students will learn concepts and apply approaches to content analysis related to data sampling, coding, measurement, reliability, and validity. During the semester student groups will design, conduct, and report findings from a content analysis study with the goal of drafting a manuscript for publication.

ENGL 5382 Theory and Research in the Written Discourses of Health and Medicine

Dr. Scott Weedon
Tuesdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Section 001 CRN: 62327
Section D01 CRN: 62325

This course will introduce students to the subfield of rhetorical studies and technical communication known as the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (RHM). In this subfield, scholars research the cultural, social, and symbolic facets of medical practice, history, and science. RHM researchers examine the genres that convey medical information, the interactions between patient and providers, the rhetorical impact of medical technologies, the effects of race, class, gender, and environment on health outcomes, and many other topics.

In addition to introducing students to RHM, the Spring 2021 course will tackle topics that have impacted our world for the last year. We seek to understand the nature of medical uncertainty, the intersection of politics and medical science, the causes and effects of health disparities, and the management of the life and death of populations. The class will be useful to students interested in scientific, health, and technical communication, rhetoric of science, technology and medicine, rhetorical theory, and rhetorical research methods.

ENGL 5389 Field Methods of Research

Dr. Rebecca Rickly
Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
Section D01 CRN: 32580

(Image credit: Burst via Stock Snap, Creative Commons)

What do we do when we want to study something that can't be re-enacted in a laboratory, dissected analytically from detailed, constrained experimental conditions? This question is incredibly important for researchers who study everyday language and language-in-use. Historically scholars of technical communication and rhetoric have called upon the methods of anthropology, ethnography, observation, note-taking, and interviews. These methods remain crucial to the discipline's ability to study our technical writing, design, and rhetoric as it's practiced in uncontrolled conditions. The technical communication and rhetoric's long-standing relationship with usability testing and now user experience architecture have moved to fuse the traditional ethnographic methods with the experimental insights of user-centered and participatory design research.

Our class will survey and practice those methods most common to field research, ethnography, observation, note-taking, and participatory design research. We will also contextualize those methods relative to the debates and concerns the field has had about replicability, generalizability, and the relationship of qualitative research methods to quantitative methods as equally “empirical.” We will also pay close attention to the ethical implications of this mode of research, attending to the potential risks and rewards of conducting research of language-use outside a lab, in public spaces, even in digital, online, and new media contexts.

ENGL 5390 Writing for Publication: Creative Writing Emphasis

Dr. Curtis Bauer
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRN: 57479/50212

This course is designed to teach students in graduate programs how to write clear and effective articles for professional journals in their field. This particular course will support the needs, knowledge, and ability of students in our Creative Writing track, those who aspire to professional proficiency in writing, and potentially to work in the writing, publishing, or editing industries, and/or to teach at a postsecondary institution. The course is aimed at master's and doctoral students specializing in creative writing (poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and/or translation); students will be expected to bring a body of previously drafted work into class to revise. Also required is the generation of “support materials” designed to further individual author's career goals, and may include interviews, book reviews, craft articles, project statements, query letters, websites, etc. Approximately seven professionals from the literary world—publishers, editors, journalists, translators, residency directors, program administrators and literary and booking agents will virtually visit the class for Q&As. In service of the triple focus on revising creative work for potential publication, drafting supplemental materials to aid in the creation of a writerly platform, and reading a selection of assigned articles and chapters concerning both the craft and business of writing, students will be responsible for three brief, casual (5-10 minute) presentations over the course of the semester on, respectively: a model author website; a residency, grant, or fellowship opportunity; and a “tour” of their personal author website complemented by an elevator pitch and five minute reading of revised creative work. Discussions will aim to supplement and deepen students' knowledge of writing, publishing, editing, and literary citizenship.

Requirements fulfilled: Professional Development Course; Creative Writing Workshop

ENGL 5390 Writing for Publication: Literature and Linguistics Emphasis

Dr. Sara Spurgeon
Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRN: 61179/61180

This course will help graduate students in literature and linguistics prepare a manuscript for submission to a scholarly journal in their field. Students must have a suitable article-length (5,000 – 7,000 words) paper by the beginning of the course, usually one prepared in a previous graduate course. The essay must be a critical work. Required Texts: MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (most recent, Kindle version is fine); Wendy Belcher, Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success (2nd edition). Recommended Text: The Chicago Manual of Style.

Requirement fulfilled: Professional Development Course

ENGL 5392 Teaching College Literature

Dr. John Samson
Tuesdays, 6:00 - 8:50 PM
CRN: 32586/57478

This course is for graduate students who wish to teach college literature and is required for PhD GPTIs who intend to teach 2000-level classes in their third year. We begin with an overview of theoretical issues (theories and problems of teaching college literature), but move quickly to actual praxis. Students in this course make teaching a conscious practice by reflecting, in discussion and writing, on what we do in the literature-based classroom. Students will construct lesson plans, make assignments, grade essays, and visit classrooms of other college literature instructors. Finally, students will practice-teach texts selected for sophomore classes at TTU, discuss the strengths of our pedagogical strategies, listen to commentary from our fellow teachers, and prepare syllabi for future classroom use. Ultimately, the course should prepare students to search for faculty positions as highly trained teachers of English.

Requirements fulfilled: Professional Development Course; Pedagogy Course