Texas Tech University

Distance Learning Agreement

As a student applying for enrollment in a distance learning course in Technical Communication & Rhetoric at Texas Tech University, I understand the following requirements regarding technology, support, library resources, time, text sharing, and the honor system. I agree to abide by these requirements throughout my enrollment in TCR online programs. [click here for a signable pdf version of this statement]

Technology Requirements

I have reliable access to the following software and equipment and will be responsible for maintaining it.

Required Recommended

Computer (PC or Apple)

Headset with microphone

Broadband internet access (preferably wired)*


Microsoft Office**

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Web browser

Graphics programs (Photoshop, Illustrator)

Coding editor (Dreamweaver or equivalent)

Presentation software (PowerPoint)**

Wired connection (as opposed to wifi or cellular)

Video- and audio-casting applications

* "Broadband" means minimum speeds equivalent to DSL, satellite, or cable connections of at least 8 mbps. Note: wifi connections (particularly public wifi) are typically significantly slower than wired connections.

** Provided by TTU for free download for registered students.

In addition, I will

  • Check with my instructor before registering for a class to determine any additional software or hardware requirements for the course.
  • Test my ability to access electronic resources and my access to synchronous class meetings before the course begins.
  • Frequently check my TTU email account, understanding that this address is the primary way the university and the TCR program contacts me.

I understand that if I need technology support, I will contact TTU IT Help services by phone at 806.742. HELP [4357] or email them at ithelpcentral@ttu.edu.


Although I will have access to many materials through TTU libraries, I understand that some of my coursework assignments may require me to have access to a library with a collection of scholarly books and journals in the fields of technical communication and rhetorical studies. During the time I am a student, I will periodically test my internet connection to the Texas Tech library's holdings, especially in periodicals and indexes to periodicals. If needed, I will consult the library's resources for Distance Learners (http://library.ttu.edu/help/dis_learn.php).


I understand that distance learning courses in TCR at Texas Tech University are taught as organized, courses (not "correspondence" courses) and, as such, begin and end according to published dates and times for the semester and meet regularly at scheduled times.

This being the case, I am responsible for meeting course deadlines assigned by the instructor. I understand that online courses require a commitment of at least ten hours per week for participating in group online activities, for reading, for working on course projects, and for participating in synchronous online discussions. I recognize that I am required to participate in a synchronous class discussion on one established day each week. I understand that synchronous class times may vary in different courses ranging from 1.5 hours to 3 hours weekly.

Engagement and attendance

I understand that attendance in a synchronous online class requires my engaged participation. I will not leave synchronous discussions without notifying my instructor, nor will I schedule other meetings, quizzes, or work or personal tasks during class time.

Shared communications

I acknowledge that many (if not all) of my course-related communications may be viewed by my classmates and other members of the Texas Tech Technical Communication and Rhetoric community (For example, online forum postings and synchronous discussions are recorded and may be published internally and accessible to other students and faculty). I am willing to contribute to discussion in this somewhat public environment and to have my comments included in transcripts of synchronous discussions.

Honor system

Academic honor, trust and integrity are fundamental to both the scholarly and the workplace communities involving technical communication and rhetoric. They contribute directly to the quality of my education and reach far beyond the campus to my overall standing within the larger community. I recognize that any attempt by students to present as their own any work that they have not honestly performed is regarded by the faculty and administration as a serious offense and renders the offenders liable to serious consequences, including suspension.

I affirm that I belong to the honorable community of Texas Tech University's Technical Communication and Rhetoric program. I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor will I tolerate those who do. I pledge my full support to the Honor System. I agree to be bound at all times by the Honor System and understand that any violation may result in my dismissal from the program.

I have read and understand the requirements regarding technology, library resources, time, text sharing, and the honor system for distance learning courses in technical communication at Texas Tech University. I commit to meeting these requirements.