Texas Tech University


West Hall

Based on self-reported academic (test scores, GPA, class rank, etc.) and non-academic information, you will be able to view an estimate of your eligibility for scholarships, grants, and loans at Texas Tech University. This calculator will also give you an estimate of an average student's total cost to attend Texas Tech University for one year and how to best meet those costs. 

Save your results and use our tuition estimator to plug in a more exact tuition calculation to get a better cost estimate!

Just like you can calculate a more exact tuition based on your interests, you can also calculate a more accurate merit scholarship based on the merit model below. The scholarships below can replace the estimates generated by the net cost calculator.

Freshmen Merit Model

This tuition estimator calculates a more specific tuition cost for you based on your residency, major, number of credits, and campus location. Use the results of this tuition and fee calculator to replace the estimated tuition and fees in your estimated net price to see a cost to attend Texas Tech that is more tailored to you and what you want to study.

Veterans are eligible for a variety of educational benefits to help cover the cost of a Texas Tech Education including Hazelwood, Chapter 33, and Chapter 35 Post 9/11 Bill benefits.  To learn more about how to apply for benefits as a veteran and get the process started, visit our Military and Veterans Programs website, come by the office in 242 West Hall, or contact us at (806) 742-0480 or mvp@ttu.edu.