Publications and Presentations
Gender SEAMS Selected Publications and Presentations
Most Current Publications and Presentations:
Sharp, E.A..(Accepted). Running Out of Time and Space for Sexual Harassment: An Examination of the Spaciousness of Me Too's and Time's Up Movements. Paper to be presented as a part of a panel entitled, #MeToo/TIME's UP Movement: Accountability, Leadership, and Space at the 21st Annual Women's History Conference at Sarah Lawrence College, NY. Co-panelists: Romi, A., Cogliser, C., & Chavez, S.*
Bordere TC, Sharp EA., & Medina C. (in press). "It takes a lot of energy": Surviving Sexism. In N. Thompson & G. Cox (Eds.), Promoting Equality. New York, NY: Informa UK Limited.
Sharp, E. A. (2018). Betty Crocker vs. Betty Friedan: Meanings of Wifewood in a Post-feminist Era. Journal of Family Issues, 39, 843-867.
Romi, A., Chavez, S.*, Sharp, E., & Cogliser. (2018, August). "Time's up: Accountability in the Feminist Movement Addressing Sexual Assault, Harassment and Inequality in the Workplace". Paper presented at The 30th International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, St. Andrews, Scotland.
Lieway M., Medina C., (April, 2018) Hidden Figures: Calculated Responses to Sexism and Racism in 1960's America, 34th Annual Conference on the Advancement of Women, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
Lieway, M., Sharp, E., Gambrell, K., Medina, C., Reyes, P., & Nguyen, V. (December, 2017). Hidden Figures: Calculated Responses to Sexism and Racism in 1960s America. Journal of Family Theory & Review,9(4), 607-613. doi:10.1111/jftr.12222
Gambrell K., Allen M., Lieway M., Medina C., Nguyen D., Reyes P., Christopher S., Sharp E., (April, 2017) Feminist Scholars Just want to have Fun: The Joys of Being a Feminist Killjoy, 33rd Annual Conference on Advancement of Women, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas,
Christopher S., Purcell J., Gambrell K., Dalquist K., Reyes P., Medina C., Allen M., Sharp E., (October, 2016) The Red Zone Off the Football Field: Tackling the Issue of Campus Sexual Violence, Gender & Gender Identity Colloquium
Lewis, R., Sharp, E., Remnant, J.,*& Redpath, R**. (2015) 'Safe spaces': experiences of feminist women-only space' Sociological Research Online
Publications and Presentations:
Sharp, E.A., & Durham-DeCesaro. (2015). Modeling Innovative Methodological Practices in a Dance/Family Studies Transdisciplinary Project. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 7, 367–380. ***WINNER OF THE NATIONAL ANSELM STRAUSS AWARD FOR QUALITATIVE FAMILY RESEARCH ***
DeCesaro-Durham, G., & Sharp, E. A. (2014) Almost Drowning: Data as a Troubling Anchor in a Dance/Social Science Collaboration. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13, 411-421.
Sharp, E.A., Weiser, D., Lavigne, D., & Kelly, C. (Conditionally Accepted). From Furious to Fearless: Feminist Faculty Activism in Response to Rape Culture on College Campuses. Family Relations.
Purcell, J.,* Oldham, R.,* Weiser, D., & Sharp, E.A. (Revise and Resubmit). Lights, Camera, Activism: Using a Community-Based Film Series to Encourage Feminist Discourse on Campus Sexual Violence on College Campuses and Beyond. Family Relations.
Kelly, L.,* Christopher, S.,* and Sharp, E A. (Under Review). Injecting Feminism into Undergraduate Research: In Defense of Jessica's Valenti's Full Frontal Feminism: A Young Women's Guide to Why Feminism Matters. Feminist Teacher.
Sharp, E., A., & Sam Christopher* (In preparation). Foregrounding Space and Affect in Qualitative Data Collection: Walking Interviews and Emotion Mapping. Qualitative Psychology.
Sharp, E., A., & Sam Christopher* (2016, November; accepted). Foregrounding Space and Affect in Qualitative Data Collection: Walking Interviews and Emotion Mapping. Paper to be presented as part of Symposium: "Innovations in Qualitative Methodology: New Twists on Data Collection and Analysis." National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Overbeck, A.,** Lieway, M.*, & Sharp, E.A.(2016, October, Accepted). Mapping Sex Trafficking Protocols in Lubbock, TX Hotels. Paper to be presented at the Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Christopher, S.*, Sharp, E., Moreno, A. **, & Thompson, L.* (November, 2015) "I don't need feminism": A content analysis of (dis)empowerment, sexualization, and bodies of women who hate feminism. Poster presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NW.
Kelly, L.*, Christopher, S.*, & Sharp, E.A. (November, 2015). Reaching Across Generations: Using a Popular Press Book to Engage Young Adults in Feminist Research. Roundtable session presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Vancouver, CA.
Sharp, E.A., & Christopher, S. * (2016, April). Foregrounding Emotion and Embodiment in Feminist Data Collection. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Women's Studies Annual Conference. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Dalquist,K.,** Chroback, K.,** Gambrell, K.,** Torres-Sesmas, C.,** Nguyen, D.,** Sill, K,** Moreno, A.,** Finlayson, B.,** Purcell, J.*, & Sharp, E.A. (2016 April). Navigating Desire: Romance and Body Image among First Year College Women. Panel presented at the 32nd Annual Women's Studies Annual Conference. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Overbeck, A.,** Lieway, M.*, & Sharp, E.A. (2016, April). Mapping Sex Trafficking Protocols in Lubbock Hotels. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Women's Studies Annual Conference. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Purcell, J.*, Oldham, R.,* Christopher, S.,* Weiser, D. & Sharp, E.A. (2015, October). Feminist Framings for Films: Taking the Classroom to the Community. Paper presented at the Gender & Gender Identity Colloquium, Lubbock, Texas.
Christopher, S.*, Heebner, T.**, Moreno, A.**, Dalquist, D.**, Chroback, K.**, Sharp, E.A. (2015, October). "I don't need feminism": A Content Analysis of (Dis)Empowerment, Sexualization, and Bodies of Women Who Hate Feminism. Paper presented at the Gender & Gender Identity Colloquium, Lubbock, Texas.
Finlayson, B.,** Purcell, J. *, Gambrell, K.,*, & Sharp, E.A. (2015, October). Who Killed the Powerpoint Star? Using Student-Created Videos in an Undergraduate Classroom. Paper presented at the Gender Identity Colloquium, Lubbock, Texas.
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GenderSEAMS Potential New Member Questionnaire Fall 2019
GenderSEAMS Presentation Request
The GenderSEAMs team has constructed multiple presentations that can be used as a tool for learning in your classroom or student organizations. Our aim is to spread and intersectional feminist message, while also making our information useful, and accessible. The presentations available encompass the following topics:
- Sexual assault on college campuses
- Hegemonic masculinity
- First Year women on college campuses
Human Development and Family Sciences
Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41230, Lubbock, TX 79409-1230 -
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