Texas Tech University

Jennifer Yeeun Huh, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Hospitality and Retail Management

Email: jhuh@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-6120

Office: HS 172A


Jennifer Yeeun Huh, Ph.D.


Jennifer (Yeeun) Huh, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in Retail Management at Texas Tech. She has a BA in Clothing and Textiles from Ewha Womans University and an MS in Clothing and Textiles (Fashion Design) from Seoul National University. She received her Ph.D. in Retail and Consumer studies from the University of Minnesota, Twin cities. Prior to pursuing graduate education, she worked as a market researcher at several trend forecasting companies.

Research Focus

Her scholarship revolves around consumer behavior in digitally mediated environments. The thread that binds all aspects of her primary research program together is a desire to understand how interactions between and across consumers, technologies, and cultures can help create collaborative directions and advance consumers’ well-being and societal/industrial developments. 

Research Interests or Areas of Expertise

  • Digital Consumer Behavior
  • Artificial Intelligence(AI)-mediated Communication
  • Green Marketing & Organic Consumption

Selected Publications

Huh, J., Kim, H.Y, & Lee, G.R. (2023). Oh, happy day! Examining the role of AI-powered voice assistant as a positive technology in the formation of brand loyalty. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. doi:10.1108/JRIM-10-2022-0328

Huh, J., Whang, C. & Kim, H.Y. (2022). Building trust with voice assistants for apparel shopping: The effects of social role and user autonomy. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. doi:10.1080/20932685.2022.2085603.

Huh, J. & Kim, H.Y. (2022). Showrooming versus webrooming: Examining motivational differences in omnichannel exploratory behaviors. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 1-17. doi:10.1080/09593969.2022.2048413.