Allison Kerin Alumni ProfileOct 31, 2018 Nutrition alumna impacts thousands through TTUHSC employee health and wellness programstags: Nutritional Sciences, Ns, HS Alumni
Freshman accepted to the Undergraduate to Medical School InitiativeSep 27, 2018 Nutritional Sciences major has been chosen for guaranteed admission to Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.tags: Ns, HS Undergraduate
Dr. Dhurandhar appointed as the Helen DeVitt Jones Endowed Chair in Nutritional SciencesSep 10, 2018 The Helen DeVitt Jones Endowed Chair will promote additional research in nutrition that benefits the greater Lubbock area community.tags: Ns, HS Faculty
Alice Baland Alumni ProfileAug 17, 2018 Alumna Alice Baland credits Texas Tech University for providing her with a solid foundation to passionately pursue her career dreamstags: HS Alumni, Nutritional Sciences, Ns