Texas Tech University

Discussion Board

  1. Demo Course
  2. TTU K-12 Demo Courses

Discussion Board

Discussions are a good way to encourage students to think critically about your classwork and interact with each others' ideas. You can create discussions around individual class lessons or for your class in general.

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Section 1.1: Discussion Assignment

This assignment has two parts. Read the directions carefully and complete both parts.

You are enrolled in this English course because it is a course which is required to graduate. Why do you think English is a required course? What do you expect to get out of this course?


  1. Write a 200-word response to the above questions and post it in the discussion forum. The first sentence should be a topic sentence, explaining your overall position. Write at least five more sentences and provide evidence from books, movies, music, or personal experiences to support your topic sentence. Post your paragraph in the discussion forum.
  2. After you post your first response, stay and write a 100-word response to another student's post. Please remember to be kind with your responses, and remember that each student is entitled to his or her own personal opinion.
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Assignment 1.4: Discussion Description:

This assignment has two parts. Read carefully and complete both parts.

Comparing Perspectives on Japanese Internment Camps during World War II

Use the following photograph and videos to help you write your discussion post about U.S. Japanese internment camps during World War II.

Photographic Evidence

The following photograph was taken by Dorothea Lange in 1942. It shows the U.S. flag flying over the Manzanar Japanese-American Internment camp in the Owens Valley, California desert.

Photo by Dorthea Lange, 1942.  Photo of U.S. flag flying over the Manzanar Japanese-American Internment camp in the Owens Valley, California desert.

Image from Wikimedia.

1942 Government Video

The following video was produced by the U.S. Office of War Information and distributed by the War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry and explains the formation of the Japanese internment camps.

Japanese American Perspective

Thislast video is of George Takei, an actor, who lived in an Japanese internment camp during World War II.

Assignment Instructions

Post a 250-word initial discussion to the following:

Compare and contrast the two different points of view provided in the videos. In your opinion, what led to these different points of view? Remember to identify who is involved, when this occurred, how, and why. Use any relevant historical information you've learned from your textbook.

Next, reply to another student's post in 100 words. Please be polite. You should include one of the following phrases in your response and then give your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the person's post.

I agree with your opinion or interpretation because...

I share your point of view because...

I disagree with you opinion or interpretation because...

I do not share your point of view because...

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