Texas Tech University


  1. Demo Course
  2. TTU K-12 Demo Courses


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    Lesson 1: Basic Writing Skills

    The content in this demo lesson is from Lesson 1 of the current ENG 1A (v.4.2) course. This is an example fo the type of content and assigments presented in an English course.

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    Lesson 2: World War II and America's Role

    The content in this demo lesson is from Lesson 1 (Unit 1) of the current US HIST 1B (v.4.0) course. This is an example of the type of content and assignments presented in a Social Studies course.

    Timeline: In 1933 Hitler becomes chancellor and in 1945 the United States drops atomic bombs on Japan

    Could World War II have been prevented?
    Why do some people fail to respond to injustice while others try to prevent injustice?
    What kinds of sacrifices does war require?

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    Lesson 3: Solving Linear Equations

    The content in this demo lesson is from Lesson 1 of the current Algebra 1A (v.3.1) course. This is an example of the type of content and assignments presented in a Math course.

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    Lesson 4: Darwin's Theory of Evolution

    The content in this demo lesson is from Lesson 1 of the current BIO 1B (v.4.0) course. This is an example of the type of content and assignments presented in a Science course.