Faculty & Staff
Click on the links below to view the corresponding contact information
or view faculty sorted by research area
All Faculty
All Faculty
Supported Graduate Students
Office Numbers
Distinguished Professors
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
Post Docs
Adjunct Faculty
Instructors & Lecturers
Former Faculty
Dr. Linda J S Allen
Horn Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Graduate Faculty
- linda.j.allen@ttu.edu
- Phone: 806-834-1985
- Website
Dr. Eugenio Aulisa
- eugenio.aulisa@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 226
- Phone: 806-834-6684
- Website
Office Hours:
- 1:30-2:30 PM
Jason R. Bailey
- jason.r.bailey@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018B
Office Hours:
- By appointment
- Rotating Hours via Zoom
- Check Blackboard for times
Dr. David Cannon
Graduate Program Director & Instructor
- david.cannon@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201E
- Phone: 806-834-7393
Office Hours:
- T,W,R 1:00-3:00 PM
- by Appointment
Dr. Lars Christensen
- lars.w.christensen@ttu.edu
- Office: Math 105
- Phone: 806-834-6323
- Website
Office Hours:
- W 1:30-3PM
- R 3:30-5PM
Dr. Alessandra Corsi
Adjunct Research Partner, Associate Professor Physics
- alessandra.corsi@ttu.edu
- Phone: 806-834-6931
- Website
Dr. Suddhasattwa Das
Assistant Professor
- suddas@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 205
- Phone: 806-834-6327
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 1:00-1:50PM
- F 1:00-1:50PM
Dr. Jianna Davenport
- jianna.davenport@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 253
Office Hours:
- MWF 11:30am - 1:50pm
Dr. Leif Ellingson
- leif.ellingson@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 251
- Phone: 806-834-5836
- Website
Office Hours:
- Tu Th 2:00 - 3:20
Brock Erwin
- brock.erwin@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019B
Office Hours:
- MWF 12:30 - 2pm
- or by appointment
Dr. Razvan Gelca
- rgelca@gmail.com
- Office: MA 229
- Phone: 806-834-5499
- Website
Office Hours:
- Tuesday 2:30-5:30
- Wednesday 2-5
Dr. Bijoy Ghosh
Dick and Martha Brooks Endowed Professor
- bijoy.ghosh@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117H
- Phone: 806-834-4316
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Wei Guo
Associate Professor
- weimath.guo@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 232
- Phone: 806-834-4256
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 1:30 - 3:00 PM
Dr. Alastair Hamilton
Associate Professor
- alastair.hamilton@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 248
- Phone: 806-834-5919
- Website
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00--1:50pm
Dr. Raegan Higgins
- raegan.higgins@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 203
- Phone: 806-834-1747
- Website
Office Hours:
- By appointment only -
- Schedule 72 hours in
- advance
Dr. Luan Hoang
Associate Professor
- luan.hoang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 208
- Phone: 806-834-3060
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Victoria Howle
- victoria.howle@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117D
- Phone: 806-834-8770
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Juntao Huang
Assistant Professor
- juntao.huang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 223
- Phone: 806-834-4012
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Sophia Jang
- sophia.jang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 202
- Phone: 806-834-7006
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Lourdes Juan
Associate Professor
- lourdes.juan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 210
- Phone: 806-834-1416
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 11:00 - 12:00 PM
- or by appointment
Laura Juarez
- laura.o.juarez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019D
Office Hours:
- TR: 6-7pm also
- MW: on zoom
- by appointment
Dr. Amanda Laubmeier
Assistant Professor
- amanda.laubmeier@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117B
- Phone: 806-834-7645
- Website
Office Hours:
- U/G -M/F 10am
- Grad: T/R 1:30PM, 5PM
Dr. Arne Ledet
Associate Professor
- arne.ledet@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 206
- Phone: 806-834-8663
- Website
Office Hours:
- M 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Dr. Jeffrey M Lee
Associate Professor
- jeffrey.lee@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 239
- Phone: 806-834-1215
- Website
Office Hours:
- MTWRF 11-12PM
Dr. W. Brent Lindquist
- brent.lindquist@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 104
- Phone: 806-834-7282
- Website
Office Hours:
- By appointment
Dr. Ruiqi Liu
Assistant Professor
- ruiqliu@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 215
- Phone: 806-834-8498
- Website
Office Hours:
- 11:00-12:30 TR
Dr. Katharine Long
- katharine.long@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 102
- Website
Office Hours:
- Monday 1:00-3:00 PM,
- Tuesday 12:30-2:00 PM,
- Friday 1:00-2:30 PM
Dr. Vu Thai Luan
Associate Professor
- vu.luan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 216
- Website
Office Hours:
- W: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm;
- F: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Dr. Dermot McCarthy
Associate Professor
- dermot.mccarthy@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 247
- Phone: 806-834-0191
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 10:00 - 11:00
Dr. Hongwei Mei
Assistant Professor
- hongwei.mei@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 217
- Phone: 806-834-8676
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00PM-3:00PM
Dr. Chris Monico
Associate Professor
- c.monico@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 252
- Phone: 806-834-4144
- Website
Office Hours:
- MWF 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Yancy Nuñez
Undergraduate Program Director & Instructor
- yancy.nunez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201F
- Phone: 806-834-0177
Office Hours:
- 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. MWF
- or by appointment.
Dr. Alvaro Pampano
Assistant Professor
- alvaro.pampano@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 219
- Phone: 806-834-6525
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 12.30-2.00
Dr. Dmitri Pavlov
Associate Professor
- dmitri.pavlov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117C
- Phone: 806-834-1973
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 12:20–1PM
- By Appointment
Dr. Angela Peace
Associate Professor
- A.peace@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 243
- Phone: 806-834-1014
- Website
Office Hours:
- by appointment
Dr. Svetlozar Rachev
- zari.rachev@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 238A
- Phone: 806-742-2566
- Website
Office Hours:
- M 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Dr. Lawrence Schovanec
Professor and University President
- lawrence.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: AD
- Website
Patricia A Schovanec
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment & Undergraduate Advisor
- patty.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 212
- Phone: 806-834-2018
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00 - 4:00
- TTH 11:00 - 4:00
- by Appointment
Isabell Martinez Server
- isabell.martinez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019B
Office Hours:
- T/R 9-10:30AM and 1-2PM
Dr. Alexander Solynin
- alex.solynin@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 231
- Phone: 806-834-7280
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Dr. James Surles
- james.surles@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 103
- Phone: 806-834-4729
- Website
Office Hours:
- MF 10:00 - 12:00;
- TR 12:30 - 1:30;
- Or by appointment
Dr. Malgorzata Surowiec
- gosia.surowiec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018C
Office Hours:
- MWF 8:45-9:45 AM,
- 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
- or by appointment
Georgia Thompson
- georgiat@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 246
- Phone: 806-834-2167
Office Hours:
- Monday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
- Thursday: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Dr. Travis Thompson
Assistant Professor
- travis.thompson@ttu.edu
- Office: MA MATH 222
- Website
Office Hours:
- MF 10:30AM-12:00PM
Dr. Magdalena Toda
Department Chair
- magda.toda@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201A
- Phone: 806-742-2566
- Website
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Dr. Ignacio Tomas
Assistant Professor
- igtomas@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 221
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 10:00 - 12:00 PM
Dr. Hung Tran
Associate Professor
- hung.tran@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 228
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 1:30-3:00 pm,
- Sunday 10-12 am
- (on Zoom for Math 5367)
Dr. Alex Trindade
- alex.trindade@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 233
- Phone: 806-834-6164
- Website
Office Hours:
- TWR 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Dr. Aaron Tyrrell
Lecturer and Researcher
- aatyrrel@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018A
- Website
Office Hours:
- W 10:00 - 12:00 PM
Dr. Anh-Khoa Vo
Assistant Professor
- AnhKhoa.Vo@ttu.edu
- Office: MATH 234
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 3:00-4:00 PM
- or by appointment
- via email
Dr. Dimitri Volchenkov
- dimitri.volchenkov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 244
- Phone: 806-834-1920
- Website
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Ludmilla Volchenkov
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment
- ludmilla.volchenkov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 245
Office Hours:
- MWF 10:30-11:30
- T 10AM-2PM
Dr. Alex Wang
Associate Chair
- alex.wang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 236
- Phone: 806-834-7626
- Website
Office Hours:
- M-F 10:00-11:00 AM
Dr. Yifan Wang
Assistant Professor
- yifan.wang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 227
- Phone: 806-834-1609
- Website
Office Hours:
- Tu Th 1:00pm-4:00pm
Dr. David Weinberg
Associate Professor
- david.weinberg@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 209
- Phone: 806-834-7958
- Website
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Dr. Brock Williams
- brock.williams@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117I
- Phone: 806-834-1591
- Website
Office Hours:
- MWF 10-10:30AM
Carol Williams
Lecturer with Continuing Appointment
- carol.williams@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019A
Office Hours:
- MW 1-2PM
Dr. Fangyuan Zhang
Associate Professor
- fangyuan.zhang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 218
- Phone: 806-834-2587
- Website
Office Hours:
- F, 9:30-10:00am
- and 2:30-4pm
Dr. Wenjing Zhang
Associate Professor
- wenjing.zhang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 214
- Phone: 806-834-1224
- Website
Office Hours:
- F 1-4pm
Dr. Linda J S Allen
Horn Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Graduate Faculty
- linda.j.allen@ttu.edu
- Phone: 806-834-1985
- Website
Dr. Eugenio Aulisa
- eugenio.aulisa@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 226
- Phone: 806-834-6684
- Website
Office Hours:
- 1:30-2:30 PM
Jason R. Bailey
- jason.r.bailey@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018B
Office Hours:
- By appointment
- Rotating Hours via Zoom
- Check Blackboard for times
Dr. David Cannon
Graduate Program Director & Instructor
- david.cannon@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201E
- Phone: 806-834-7393
Office Hours:
- T,W,R 1:00-3:00 PM
- by Appointment
Dr. Lars Christensen
- lars.w.christensen@ttu.edu
- Office: Math 105
- Phone: 806-834-6323
- Website
Office Hours:
- W 1:30-3PM
- R 3:30-5PM
Dr. Alessandra Corsi
Adjunct Research Partner, Associate Professor Physics
- alessandra.corsi@ttu.edu
- Phone: 806-834-6931
- Website
Dr. Suddhasattwa Das
Assistant Professor
- suddas@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 205
- Phone: 806-834-6327
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 1:00-1:50PM
- F 1:00-1:50PM
Dr. Jianna Davenport
- jianna.davenport@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 253
Office Hours:
- MWF 11:30am - 1:50pm
Dr. Leif Ellingson
- leif.ellingson@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 251
- Phone: 806-834-5836
- Website
Office Hours:
- Tu Th 2:00 - 3:20
Brock Erwin
- brock.erwin@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019B
Office Hours:
- MWF 12:30 - 2pm
- or by appointment
Dr. Razvan Gelca
- rgelca@gmail.com
- Office: MA 229
- Phone: 806-834-5499
- Website
Office Hours:
- Tuesday 2:30-5:30
- Wednesday 2-5
Dr. Bijoy Ghosh
Dick and Martha Brooks Endowed Professor
- bijoy.ghosh@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117H
- Phone: 806-834-4316
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Wei Guo
Associate Professor
- weimath.guo@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 232
- Phone: 806-834-4256
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 1:30 - 3:00 PM
Dr. Alastair Hamilton
Associate Professor
- alastair.hamilton@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 248
- Phone: 806-834-5919
- Website
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00--1:50pm
Dr. Raegan Higgins
- raegan.higgins@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 203
- Phone: 806-834-1747
- Website
Office Hours:
- By appointment only -
- Schedule 72 hours in
- advance
Dr. Luan Hoang
Associate Professor
- luan.hoang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 208
- Phone: 806-834-3060
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Victoria Howle
- victoria.howle@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117D
- Phone: 806-834-8770
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Juntao Huang
Assistant Professor
- juntao.huang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 223
- Phone: 806-834-4012
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Sophia Jang
- sophia.jang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 202
- Phone: 806-834-7006
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Lourdes Juan
Associate Professor
- lourdes.juan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 210
- Phone: 806-834-1416
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 11:00 - 12:00 PM
- or by appointment
Laura Juarez
- laura.o.juarez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019D
Office Hours:
- TR: 6-7pm also
- MW: on zoom
- by appointment
Dr. Amanda Laubmeier
Assistant Professor
- amanda.laubmeier@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117B
- Phone: 806-834-7645
- Website
Office Hours:
- U/G -M/F 10am
- Grad: T/R 1:30PM, 5PM
Dr. Arne Ledet
Associate Professor
- arne.ledet@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 206
- Phone: 806-834-8663
- Website
Office Hours:
- M 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Dr. Jeffrey M Lee
Associate Professor
- jeffrey.lee@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 239
- Phone: 806-834-1215
- Website
Office Hours:
- MTWRF 11-12PM
Dr. W. Brent Lindquist
- brent.lindquist@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 104
- Phone: 806-834-7282
- Website
Office Hours:
- By appointment
Dr. Ruiqi Liu
Assistant Professor
- ruiqliu@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 215
- Phone: 806-834-8498
- Website
Office Hours:
- 11:00-12:30 TR
Dr. Katharine Long
- katharine.long@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 102
- Website
Office Hours:
- Monday 1:00-3:00 PM,
- Tuesday 12:30-2:00 PM,
- Friday 1:00-2:30 PM
Dr. Vu Thai Luan
Associate Professor
- vu.luan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 216
- Website
Office Hours:
- W: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm;
- F: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Dr. Dermot McCarthy
Associate Professor
- dermot.mccarthy@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 247
- Phone: 806-834-0191
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 10:00 - 11:00
Dr. Hongwei Mei
Assistant Professor
- hongwei.mei@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 217
- Phone: 806-834-8676
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00PM-3:00PM
Dr. Chris Monico
Associate Professor
- c.monico@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 252
- Phone: 806-834-4144
- Website
Office Hours:
- MWF 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Yancy Nuñez
Undergraduate Program Director & Instructor
- yancy.nunez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201F
- Phone: 806-834-0177
Office Hours:
- 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. MWF
- or by appointment.
Dr. Alvaro Pampano
Assistant Professor
- alvaro.pampano@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 219
- Phone: 806-834-6525
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 12.30-2.00
Dr. Dmitri Pavlov
Associate Professor
- dmitri.pavlov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117C
- Phone: 806-834-1973
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 12:20–1PM
- By Appointment
Dr. Angela Peace
Associate Professor
- A.peace@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 243
- Phone: 806-834-1014
- Website
Office Hours:
- by appointment
Dr. Svetlozar Rachev
- zari.rachev@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 238A
- Phone: 806-742-2566
- Website
Office Hours:
- M 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Dr. Lawrence Schovanec
Professor and University President
- lawrence.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: AD
- Website
Patricia A Schovanec
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment & Undergraduate Advisor
- patty.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 212
- Phone: 806-834-2018
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00 - 4:00
- TTH 11:00 - 4:00
- by Appointment
Isabell Martinez Server
- isabell.martinez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019B
Office Hours:
- T/R 9-10:30AM and 1-2PM
Dr. Alexander Solynin
- alex.solynin@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 231
- Phone: 806-834-7280
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Dr. James Surles
- james.surles@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 103
- Phone: 806-834-4729
- Website
Office Hours:
- MF 10:00 - 12:00;
- TR 12:30 - 1:30;
- Or by appointment
Dr. Malgorzata Surowiec
- gosia.surowiec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018C
Office Hours:
- MWF 8:45-9:45 AM,
- 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
- or by appointment
Georgia Thompson
- georgiat@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 246
- Phone: 806-834-2167
Office Hours:
- Monday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
- Thursday: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Dr. Travis Thompson
Assistant Professor
- travis.thompson@ttu.edu
- Office: MA MATH 222
- Website
Office Hours:
- MF 10:30AM-12:00PM
Dr. Magdalena Toda
Department Chair
- magda.toda@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201A
- Phone: 806-742-2566
- Website
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Dr. Ignacio Tomas
Assistant Professor
- igtomas@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 221
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 10:00 - 12:00 PM
Dr. Hung Tran
Associate Professor
- hung.tran@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 228
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 1:30-3:00 pm,
- Sunday 10-12 am
- (on Zoom for Math 5367)
Dr. Alex Trindade
- alex.trindade@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 233
- Phone: 806-834-6164
- Website
Office Hours:
- TWR 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Dr. Aaron Tyrrell
Lecturer and Researcher
- aatyrrel@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018A
- Website
Office Hours:
- W 10:00 - 12:00 PM
Dr. Anh-Khoa Vo
Assistant Professor
- AnhKhoa.Vo@ttu.edu
- Office: MATH 234
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 3:00-4:00 PM
- or by appointment
- via email
Dr. Dimitri Volchenkov
- dimitri.volchenkov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 244
- Phone: 806-834-1920
- Website
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Ludmilla Volchenkov
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment
- ludmilla.volchenkov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 245
Office Hours:
- MWF 10:30-11:30
- T 10AM-2PM
Dr. Alex Wang
Associate Chair
- alex.wang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 236
- Phone: 806-834-7626
- Website
Office Hours:
- M-F 10:00-11:00 AM
Dr. Yifan Wang
Assistant Professor
- yifan.wang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 227
- Phone: 806-834-1609
- Website
Office Hours:
- Tu Th 1:00pm-4:00pm
Dr. David Weinberg
Associate Professor
- david.weinberg@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 209
- Phone: 806-834-7958
- Website
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Dr. Brock Williams
- brock.williams@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117I
- Phone: 806-834-1591
- Website
Office Hours:
- MWF 10-10:30AM
Carol Williams
Lecturer with Continuing Appointment
- carol.williams@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019A
Office Hours:
- MW 1-2PM
Dr. Fangyuan Zhang
Associate Professor
- fangyuan.zhang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 218
- Phone: 806-834-2587
- Website
Office Hours:
- F, 9:30-10:00am
- and 2:30-4pm
Dr. Wenjing Zhang
Associate Professor
- wenjing.zhang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 214
- Phone: 806-834-1224
- Website
Office Hours:
- F 1-4pm
Farzana Afroz
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- fafroz@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 005-07
Office Hours:
- MW, 12:05 pm - 1:35 pm
Vichithra Amunugama-Walawwe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- vamunuga@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-01
Office Hours:
- MWF 2 -3PM
Nicholas Appiah
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- niappiah@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-01
Office Hours:
- MW 12-1:30pm
Nancy Asare-Nyarko
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- nasareny@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-02
Office Hours:
- TR 1:30 to 3:00PM
Sarani Kavinga Aththanayaka
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- saththan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-03
Office Hours:
- TR 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm
Boluwatife Awoyemi
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bawoyemi@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-04
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00 PM-3:20 PM or
- by appointment
Arun Beldhe
Research Assistant
- abeldhe@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117I
- Phone: 806-701-9868
Office Hours:
- 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM TW,
- 8:00AM TO 12:00 PM TR
Alan Bohnert
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- abohnert@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117-F
Office Hours:
- MWF 2-4pm
- TR 1PM-1:50PM
Ryan Covington
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ryan.covington@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-2
Office Hours:
- TR 3:30-5PM
Ruwani Hasanthika Vitharanage Denagama
Teaching Assistant
- rdenagam@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-10
Office Hours:
- N/A
Iresha Dissanayake
Teaching Assistant
- idissana@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-04
Office Hours:
- MW 2.00 - 3.30 PM
Bhathiya Divelgama
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bdivelga@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-B
Office Hours:
- MWF 5:00-6:00PM
Sunday Esebre
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- sunday.esebre@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-G
Office Hours:
- M/F 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Saumya Tharindi Ganhela
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- sganhela@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-06
Office Hours:
- TR 2.00 PM - 3.30 PM
Jagdish Gnawali
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- jgnawali@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 302
Office Hours:
- TR 9:15AM-10:45AM
Shankar Narasimha Harinarasimha-Prasad
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- sharinar@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 005-01
Yifan He
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- yifan.he@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 344-08
Office Hours:
- TR 1:30 PM -- 3:00 PM
Hasini Herath
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- hherathm@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-07
Office Hours:
- By zoom, email
- MW 9 -10.30 am
Dilmi Hettiachchi Wickrama
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- diwickra@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-F
Office Hours:
- TR 1.00p.m-2.30p.m
Md Mahmudul Bari Hridoy
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bari.hridoy@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 307
Office Hours:
- Virtual: Thursdays, 12–2 PM
- or by Zoom Appointment.
Md Samiul Islam
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- samiul.Islam@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-09
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00 pm- 2:00 pm
Kohl James
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kohjames@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117-E
Office Hours:
- Tuesday 2:30p-3:30 pm
- Thursday 11:15a-12:15 pm
- Friday 1:00p-2:00 pm
Sachini Lakeesha Dinali Joseph-Sebastian
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- sacjosep@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-03
Office Hours:
- TR - 12.00 PM - 1.30 PM
Sachini Ayesha Karunarathna Mudiyanselage
Teaching Assistant
- sackarun@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-07
Office Hours:
- N/A
Thilini Karunasena
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- twiskamw@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 308
Office Hours:
- MWF 12.00-1.00 PM
Nuwanthika Karunathilaka
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ekarunat@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 005-02
Office Hours:
- TR, 11.00AM - 12.30PM
Daniel Korley
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- dkorley@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-12
Office Hours:
- TR @12.00 PM - 1.30PM
Madhusha Gunarathne Kulandachchige
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kgunarat@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-15
Office Hours:
- MWF 01:00PM
Ting-Jung Lee
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- tinglee@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-12
Office Hours:
- WF 11:00AM - 12:30PM
Kushani Lenora
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- klenora@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-05
Office Hours:
- TR at 12.25 - 01.55 PM
Thidini Mahanama
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- thmahana@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106D-02
Office Hours:
- MWF 3-4PM
Thisari Mahanama
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- tmahanam@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106D-01
Office Hours:
- 11:00-12:20AM
Kesavapriya Manoharan
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kemanoha@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106D-04
Office Hours:
- MW 2:00 - 3.30 P.M
Neranjan Marasinghe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- nemarasi@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-C
Office Hours:
- TR 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Isaac McCarthy
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ismccart@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-08
Office Hours:
- MW 11:00AM - 12:30PM
Brennen Moss
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bremoss@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117-F
Office Hours:
- Tues/Thurs 2-3,
- Wed 1-2
Nirosha Dissanayaka Mudiyanselage
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- nirdissa@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-24
Office Hours:
- N/A
Kushan Munasinghe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kmunasin@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-A
Office Hours:
- MWF 12:30-1:30 PM
Victor Offordile
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- Victor.Offordile@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-11
Office Hours:
- TR 11:00AM -12:30PM
Oluwagbemisola Oladepo
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ooladepo@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-006
Office Hours:
- TR 1:30 - 3:20 PM
Rasheedat Oladoja
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- roladoja@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-09
Office Hours:
- M 10:00-11:00AM
Blessing Omotade
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bomotade@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-07
Office Hours:
- MW 10 - 11: 00 AM
Clayton Paget
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- clayton.paget@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-14
Office Hours:
- MW 2:00-3:30
Dhruba Pariyar
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- dpariyar@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 006
Office Hours:
- MW 10:00-11:30 AM
Disanayakage Hashan Sanjaya Perera
Teaching Assistant
- diperera@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-16
Office Hours:
- N/A
Sajith Priyankara
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- tpriyank@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 304
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
Abdul Quader
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- aquader@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 344-13
Office Hours:
- T10:30-12:00
- Th 10:30-12:00
Nirupa Rai
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- nirurai@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-10
Office Hours:
- WF 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Shashipraba Rajakaruna
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- srajakar@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 005-05
Office Hours:
- TR 3:30 pm - 5: 00 pm
Arosha Sudeshni Wickramarathne Rajapakshage
Teaching Assistant
- arrajapa@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-18
Office Hours:
- Monday 2:00- 3:00PM
Shakkya Ranasinghe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- shakkya.ranasinghe@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 344-20
Office Hours:
- TR 2 - 3.30
Kaveendri Rathnayake
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- krathna@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-09
Office Hours:
- MWF 2.00-3.00 pm
Rifat Rejuan
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- rifat.rejuan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003D
Office Hours:
- TR: 2:00 pm -3:30 pm
Sharindi Amasha Samaraweera
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ssamaraw@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-04
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00 - 3:30 PM
Zuhra Seleima
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- zseleima@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-03
Office Hours:
- TR 12.30pm -2.00pm
Lakshan Maduwantha Silva
Teaching Assistant
- lakssilv@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-12
Office Hours:
- N/A
Anna Solodukhina
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- asoloduk@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-13
Office Hours:
- M,W,F 2:00-3:00pm
Karthik Vasudeva
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kvasudev@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 303
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:15pm - 2:15pm
Ayesha Poornima Vedapakyam
Teaching Assistant
- avedapak@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-17
Office Hours:
- N/A
Pavithra Venkatachalapathy
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- pavvenka@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-14
Office Hours:
- MWF 2:30-3:30 pm
Bradley Z Vigil
Research Assistant
- bradley.z.vigil@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 301
Office Hours:
- M-F 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Gayanthima Weerarathne
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- gweerara@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-10
Office Hours:
- M 11:00 AM to 1:00PM
- W 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Thilini Weerasekara
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- tbandara@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-08
Office Hours:
- TWR 12.30-2.00 PM
Gihani Wickramasinghe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- gwickram@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-07
Office Hours:
- TR 9.30 AM - 11.00 AM
Thilini Wijerathne Mudiyanselage
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- twijerat@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-28
Office Hours:
- N/A
Peter Yegon
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- pyegon@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-05
Office Hours:
- MW 1:00 -2:30 pm
Abubakarr Yillah
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- abubakarr.yillah@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 306
Office Hours:
- N/A
Name/Email | Office |
Umar Muhammad Adam | MA 006-06 |
Sadia Afrin | MA 005-05 |
Farzana Afroz | MA 005-07 |
Mirza Fahim Ahmed | Weeks Hall 344-22 |
Mohammadi Q. Ain | MA 305 |
Mosammat Arifa Akter | Weeks Hall 348-23 |
Md Ruhul Amin | Weeks Hall 348-21 |
Vichithra Amunugama-Walawwe | MA 106B-01 |
Nicholas Appiah | MA 009-01 |
Naa Sackley Dromo Aryee | MA 006-08 |
Nancy Asare-Nyarko | MA 106B-02 |
Sarani Kavinga Aththanayaka | MA 009-03 |
Priscilla Ati-Tay | Weeks Hall 348-25 |
Dr. Eugenio Aulisa 806-834-6684 | MA 226 |
Boluwatife Awoyemi | MA 106A-04 |
Jason R. Bailey | MA 018B |
Shujit Kumar Bala | Weeks Hall 348-26 |
Arun Beldhe 806-701-9868 | MA 117I |
Dr. Jeffrey Belding | MA 240 |
Rexford Boakye | MA 006-04 |
Alan Bohnert | MA 117-F |
Dr. Giorgio Bornia 806-834-8754 | MA 225 |
James Brown 806-834-6205 | MA 001 |
Dr. David Cannon 806-834-7393 | MA 201E |
Dr. Andrea Chierici | MA 224 |
Dr. Lars Christensen 806-834-6323 | Math 105 |
Ryan Covington | MA 106A-2 |
Dr. Suddhasattwa Das 806-834-6327 | MA 205 |
Dr. Jianna Davenport | MA 253 |
Akash Deep | Weeks Hall 348-20 |
Ruwani Hasanthika Vitharanage Denagama | Weeks Hall 348-10 |
Dr. Asim Dey | MA 235 |
Iresha Dissanayake | MA 009-04 |
Bhathiya Divelgama | MA 003-B |
Hanh Doan | MA 106C |
Rajitha Thushan Edirisingha | Weeks Hall 348-15 |
Joseph Egbemhenghe | Weeks Hall W348-04 |
Dr. Leif Ellingson 806-834-5836 | MA 251 |
Brock Erwin | MA 019B |
Sunday Esebre | MA 003-G |
Kassandra Gallardo | MA 106A-01 |
Saumya Tharindi Ganhela | MA 009-06 |
Erandy Garcia 806-834-5592 | Math 201 |
Sreeja Gattu | |
Dr. Razvan Gelca 806-834-5499 | MA 229 |
Dr. Bijoy Ghosh 806-834-4316 | MA 117H |
Dr. Souparno Ghosh 402-472-2084 | |
Jagdish Gnawali | MA 302 |
Dr. Kirill Golubnichiy | MA 249 |
Dr. Erhan Guler | MA 250 |
Dr. Wei Guo 806-834-4256 | MA 232 |
Dr. Alastair Hamilton 806-834-5919 | MA 248 |
Shankar Narasimha Harinarasimha-Prasad | MA 005-01 |
Yifan He | Weeks Hall 344-08 |
Hasini Herath | MA 009-07 |
Dilmi Hettiachchi Wickrama | MA 003-F |
Dr. Raegan Higgins 806-834-1747 | MA 203 |
Dr. Luan Hoang 806-834-3060 | MA 208 |
Matthew Hogan (806) 834-3392 | |
Jiajun Hoo | MA 117G |
Dr. Victoria Howle 806-834-8770 | MA 117D |
Md Mahmudul Bari Hridoy | MA 307 |
Dr. Juntao Huang 806-834-4012 | MA 223 |
Md Samiul Islam | MA 009-09 |
Math ITSupport | MA 107 |
Dr. Ram Iyer 806-834-3872 | MA 204 |
Kohl James | MA 117-E |
Dr. Sophia Jang 806-834-7006 | MA 202 |
Hammed Jimoh | MA 006-12 |
Sachini Lakeesha Dinali Joseph-Sebastian | MA 106A-03 |
Dr. Lourdes Juan 806-834-1416 | MA 210 |
Laura Juarez | MA 019D |
Michael Kacal 806-834-8915 | MA S101A |
Sachini Ayesha Karunarathna Mudiyanselage | Weeks Hall 348-07 |
Thilini Karunasena | MA 308 |
Nuwanthika Karunathilaka | MA 005-02 |
Shatay Khatun | MA 006-05 |
Daniel Korley | MA 009-12 |
Madhusha Gunarathne Kulandachchige | MA 009-15 |
William Wilson Lamptey | MA 006-07 |
Ryan Von Luke Langehennig | Weeks Hall 348-09 |
Dr. Amanda Laubmeier 806-834-7645 | MA 117B |
Dr. Arne Ledet 806-834-8663 | MA 206 |
Dr. Jeffrey M Lee 806-834-1215 | MA 239 |
Ting-Jung Lee | MA 106A-12 |
Kushani Lenora | MA 009-05 |
Dr. W. Brent Lindquist 806-834-7282 | MA 104 |
Dr. Ruiqi Liu 806-834-8498 | MA 215 |
Dr. Katharine Long | MA 102 |
Dr. Vu Thai Luan | MA 216 |
Thidini Mahanama | MA 106D-02 |
Thisari Mahanama | MA 106D-01 |
Shahid Majeed | MA 106D-03 |
Mohamed Majidh | Weeks Hall 348-11 |
Kesavapriya Manoharan | MA 106D-04 |
Neranjan Marasinghe | MA 003-C |
Nathan Marr | MA 009 |
Dr. Dermot McCarthy 806-834-0191 | MA 247 |
Isaac McCarthy | MA 009-08 |
Maria Medrano 806 834-6814 | MA 201C |
Dr. Hongwei Mei 806-834-8676 | MA 217 |
Abigail A Mensah | Weeks W344-01 |
Dr. Chris Monico 806-834-4144 | MA 252 |
Nadeesha Thejanee Moragoda Vithanage | Weeks Hall W348-05 |
Brennen Moss | MA 117-F |
Nirosha Dissanayaka Mudiyanselage | Weeks Hall 348-24 |
Kushan Munasinghe | MA 003-A |
Eric Murray | MA 106A-13 |
Austin Nelson | MA 117A |
Van Hoang Nguyen | MA 006-09 |
Geekiyanage Hasitha Nipun | Weeks Hall W348-03 |
Yancy Nuñez 806-834-0177 | MA 201F |
Victor Offordile | MA 106A-11 |
Oluwagbemisola Oladepo | MA 106A-006 |
Rasheedat Oladoja | MA 106B-09 |
Blessing Omotade | MA 106A-07 |
Clayton Paget | MA 009-14 |
Dr. Alvaro Pampano 806-834-6525 | MA 219 |
Dhruba Pariyar | MA 006 |
Dr. Dmitri Pavlov 806-834-1973 | MA 117C |
Dr. Angela Peace 806-834-1014 | MA 243 |
Disanayakage Hashan Sanjaya Perera | Weeks Hall 348-16 |
Huy Quang Pham | MA 006-02 |
Sajith Priyankara | MA 304 |
Dr. Bingxin Qi | MA 211 |
Abdul Quader | Weeks Hall 344-13 |
Dr. Svetlozar Rachev 806-742-2566 | MA 238A |
Syed Ehsan Ar Rafi | MA 005 |
Nirupa Rai | MA 106A-10 |
Shashipraba Rajakaruna | MA 005-05 |
Arosha Sudeshni Wickramarathne Rajapakshage | Weeks Hall 348-18 |
Shakkya Ranasinghe | Weeks Hall 344-20 |
Kaveendri Rathnayake | MA 106A-09 |
Rifat Rejuan | MA 003D |
Sk Abdus Samad | Weeks Hall 348-27 |
Sharindi Amasha Samaraweera | MA 106B-04 |
Joseluis Sanchez 806-834-7804 | MA 201F |
Dr. Lawrence Schovanec | AD |
Patricia A Schovanec 806-834-2018 | MA 212 |
Zuhra Seleima | MA 106B-03 |
Isabell Martinez Server | MA 019B |
Lakshan Maduwantha Silva | Weeks Hall 348-12 |
Iresh Siriwardhane | Weeks Hall 348-14 |
Collin Smith 806-834-3444 | MA 230 |
Anna Solodukhina | MA 009-13 |
Dr. Alexander Solynin 806-834-7280 | MA 231 |
Dr. Andrew Soto Levins | Math 241 |
Mason Springfield | Weeks Hall 344-02 |
Serena Su | Weeks Hall W344-06 |
Bijaya Subedi | MA 006-1 |
Dr. James Surles 806-834-4729 | MA 103 |
Jonathon Surles | MA 117-I |
Dr. Malgorzata Surowiec | MA 018C |
Rosa Testini 806-834-8026 | MA 201B |
Georgia Thompson 806-834-2167 | MA 246 |
Dr. Travis Thompson | MA MATH 222 |
Dr. Magdalena Toda 806-742-2566 | MA 201A |
Dr. Ignacio Tomas | MA 221 |
Dr. Hung Tran | MA 228 |
Dr. Alex Trindade 806-834-6164 | MA 233 |
Dr. Mohit Tripathi | MA 241 |
Dr. Aaron Tyrrell | MA 018A |
Karthik Vasudeva | MA 303 |
Ayesha Poornima Vedapakyam | Weeks Hall 348-17 |
Pavithra Venkatachalapathy | MA 106A-14 |
Bradley Z Vigil | MA 301 |
Dr. Anh-Khoa Vo | MATH 234 |
Dr. Dimitri Volchenkov 806-834-1920 | MA 244 |
Ludmilla Volchenkov | MA 245 |
Dr. Alex Wang 806-834-7626 | MA 236 |
Jennifer Wang | MA 242 |
Dr. Min Wang | |
Dr. Rui Wang | MA |
Dr. Yifan Wang 806-834-1609 | MA 227 |
Gayanthima Weerarathne | MA 009-10 |
Thilini Weerasekara | MA 106B-08 |
Dr. David Weinberg 806-834-7958 | MA 209 |
Gihani Wickramasinghe | MA 106A-07 |
Thilini Wijerathne Mudiyanselage | Weeks Hall 348-28 |
Dr. Brock Williams 806-834-1591 | MA 117I |
Carol Williams | MA 019A |
Peter Yegon | MA 106B-05 |
Abubakarr Yillah | MA 306 |
Jumaria Binte Zakaria | MA 006-03 |
Dr. Fangyuan Zhang 806-834-2587 | MA 218 |
Dr. Wenjing Zhang 806-834-1224 | MA 214 |
James Brown
Tex-Prep Coordinator
- james.f.brown@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 001
- Phone: 806-834-6205
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Dr. David Cannon
Graduate Program Director & Instructor
- david.cannon@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201E
- Phone: 806-834-7393
Office Hours:
- T,W,R 1:00-3:00 PM
- by Appointment
Hanh Doan
Academic Administrative Coordinator
- hadoan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106C
Office Hours:
- MTWRF: 10:00AM - 4:00 PM
Maria Medrano
Senior Business Assistant
- maria.medrano@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201C
- Phone: 806 834-6814
Office Hours:
- Mondays: Working Remote
Yancy Nuñez
Undergraduate Program Director & Instructor
- yancy.nunez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201F
- Phone: 806-834-0177
Office Hours:
- 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. MWF
- or by appointment.
Joseluis Sanchez
Associate Director of Finance
- joseluis.sanchez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201F
- Phone: 806-834-7804
Patricia A Schovanec
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment & Undergraduate Advisor
- patty.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 212
- Phone: 806-834-2018
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00 - 4:00
- TTH 11:00 - 4:00
- by Appointment
Collin Smith
IT Support Senior Specialist
- collin.smith@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 230
- Phone: 806-834-3444
Office Hours:
- 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Jonathon Surles
IT Support Specialist I
- jonathon.surles@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117-I
Office Hours:
- M-F 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Rosa Testini
Unit Manager
- rtestini@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201B
- Phone: 806-834-8026
Office Hours:
- TR,10AM-Noon; Lunch Noon-1PM
- MWF, 3-5; Lunch 9-10AM
Dr. Bijoy Ghosh
Ph.D. 1983 Harvard University
Dick and Martha Brooks Endowed Professor
- bijoy.ghosh@ttu.edu
- 806-834-4316
- Office: MA 117H
- Website
- N/A
Office Hours:
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Bioinformatics, Control Theory, Geometry, and Mathematical Biology
Bijoy K. Ghosh received the B.Tech. and M.Tech. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from BITS, Pilani, and the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, and the Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from the Decision and Control Group of the Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, in 1977, 1979, and 1983, respectively. From 1983 to 2006, he has been a faculty member in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, as a professor, and directed the center for BioCybernetics and Intelligent Systems. Presently he is a Dick and Martha Brooks Endowed Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. Bijoy received the American Automatic Control Council's Donald Eckman Award in 1988 in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of Automatic Control. He received the United Nations Development Program Consultancy in India under the TOKTEN program in 1993, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science invitation fellowship for research in Japan in 1997. In the year 2000, he became a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering for fundamental contributions to System Theory with applications to robust control, vision and multi sensor fusion.Bijoy is a member of the editorial board of The IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. He has held visiting academic positions at the Yale University, USA; Universita di Padova, Italy; Institut Mittag-Leffler and Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; Tokyo Institute of Technology and Osaka University, Japan. He is a permanent visiting professor at the Tokyo Denki University, Saitama, Japan and Technical University of Munich, Germany.
Dr. Eugenio Aulisa
Ph.D. 2005 University of Bologna
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Numerical Analysis, and Partial Differential Equations
Dr. Eugenio Aulisa graduated in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Bologna (Italy) in 2001 and obtained his Ph.D. in Energetic, Nuclear and Environmental Control Engineering from the same institution in 2005. His first appointment at Texas Tech was as a Visiting Assistant Professor before entering a tenure-track position in 2007. His primary research interests are in Computational fluid mechanics, including modeling and simulation of multiphase flows and fluid-structure interaction problems, non-linear analysis of fluid flow filtration in porous media, and multigrid solvers with domain decomposition methods.
Dr. Lars Christensen
Ph.D. 1999 University of Copenhagen
Research Interests: Algebra
Lars Winther Christensen graduated from the University of Copenhagen in 1995 and obtained his Ph.D. from the same institution in 1999. After this he worked with telecommunications and crypto software development. In 2004 Lars went to University of Nebraska as visiting professor, accepted a position at Texas Tech in 2006, and in 2007 came to Lubbock. Lars' research is in algebra; his interests focus on applications of homological and homotopical algebra to ring theory. Lars is the author of a monograph on Gorenstein homological dimensions and currently writing another book on derived category methods in commutative algebra.
Dr. Leif Ellingson
Ph.D. 2011 Florida State University
Research Interests: Statistics and Geometric Shape Analysis
Leif Ellingson joined the department as an assistant professor in the fall of 2011. Prior to this, he completed a Ph.D. in statistics at Florida State University in the summer of 2011 and an M.S. from the same institution in 2009. Previously, he received a B.S. in mathematics from the University of Maryland in 2007.Dr. Ellingson's dissertation research was in shape analysis with a focus on computationally efficient nonparametric methodology in application to the study of planar contours and structural proteomics. In addition to expanding upon those projects, his current research interests include statistics on manifolds and sample spaces with manifold stratification, as well as statistical applications in bioinformatics and computational biology.
Dr. Razvan Gelca
Ph.D. 1997 University of Iowa
Research Interests: Topology
Razvan Gelca received his Bachelor's Degree at University of Timisoara and his Master's Degree at University of Bucharest. After working for one year at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, he went for doctoral studies at University of Iowa. After graduation he had a three-year postdoc at University of Michigan and then came to Texas Tech University.
Dr. Raegan Higgins
Ph.D. 2008 University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- raegan.higgins@ttu.edu
- 806-834-1747
- Office: MA 203
- Website
Office Hours:
- By appointment only -
- Schedule 72 hours in
- advance
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Dynamic Equations, Ordinary Differential Equations, Time Scales, and Outreach Programs
Raegan Higgins' research is in time scales; her interests focus on oscillation criteria for certain linear and nonlinear second order dynamic equations. She is also interested in applications of time scales to biology, economics, engineering, and statistics. Additionally, Dr. Higgins is involved in funded projects focused on STEM outreach with an emphasis in increasing minorities in STEM. She received her bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Xavier University of Louisiana in 2002 and her Doctorate in Mathematics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2008.
Dr. Victoria Howle
Ph.D. 2001 Cornell University
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Numerical Analysis
Victoria Howle's research is in applied mathematics with a focus mainly on numerical linear algebra. Her main research interests are currently in physics-based pre-conditioning for incompressible fluid flow problems, scalable preconditioners for implicit Runge-Kutta methods, and machine learning algorithms. Dr. Howle received her Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Cornell University in 2001, worked as a research mathematician at Sandia National Laboratories from 2000 to 2007, then joined the TTU mathematics department in 2007.
Dr. Ram Iyer
Ph.D. 1999 University of Maryland, College Park
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Analysis, Computational Mathematics, Control Theory, Geometry, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Physics, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Signal Processing
Ram Iyer's research interests are very broad and encompass several areas. He is currently working on the design of contact lenses for patients with keratoconus. This project encompasses the areas of optics, low Reynolds number fluid dynamics, inverse problems, and some statistics. Some of his most enduring research areas include modeling, analysis, identification, and control of systems with hysteresis. Other research areas Dr. Iyer has worked on include optimal control of systems on Riemannian manifolds, inertial navigation systems for micro air vehicles based on insect vision, and trajectory planning problems for micro air vehicles.
Dr. Sophia Jang
Ph.D. 1990 Texas Tech University
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Biology
Sophia R.-J. Jang received her Ph.D. in 1990 from Texas Tech University. She joined Texas Tech as an associate professor in Fall of 2008. Before returning to Tech, she was a faculty member at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Her main research activities are in mathematical biology and applied mathematics.
Dr. W. Brent Lindquist
Ph.D. 1981 Cornell University
Research Interests: Oil Extraction is Matter of Mathematics, Physics, and Applied Math, Mathematical Finance
Dr Lindquist is the previous Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and an applied mathematician. His interests have included numerical methods for PDEs; flow in porous media; automated 3D image analysis for porous media, neuron, and fiber analyses; Riemann problems in 2D; hierarchy formation in social animal groups; and numerical solution of Feynman diagrams. He is a co-recipient of the Lee Segal prize from the Society of Mathematical Biology.
Dr. Katharine Long
Ph.D. 1991 Princeton
- katharine.long@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 102
- Website
Office Hours:
- Monday 1:00-3:00 PM,
- Tuesday 12:30-2:00 PM,
- Friday 1:00-2:30 PM
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, and Numerical Analysis
Dr. Long's research is in scientific computing: ranging from work on developing efficient mathematical algorithms for large scale simulation and optimization, to the design of advanced software architectures for high-performance simulation, to application of computational simulation to problems in physics, engineering, biology, and national defense. Dr. Long joined Texas Tech in 2007 after nine years in the computational mathematics research department at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California. Previously, she worked in industry at Beam Technologies, was on the physics faculty at the State University of New York at Brockport, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Massachusetts. Her undergraduate degree is in astronomy from the University of Maryland. Her graduate study was at Princeton University where she received a PhD in theoretical astrophysics in 1991.
Dr. Svetlozar Rachev
Ph.D. 1979 Lomonozov University, Moscow
Research Interests: Finance, Econometrics, Probability, Statistics, and Actuarial Sciences
Dr. Zari Rachev joined the department as a Visiting Professor in Spring 2017, and as a Full Professor with Tenure Fall 2017. Prior to coming to Texas Tech he was the Co-Director of the Quantitative Finance Program at Stony Brook University. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Lomonosov University, Moscow, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, October 12, 1979. Dr. Rachev studies Quantitative Finance, Econometrics, Probability, Statistics, and Actuarial Sciences. As of February 2018, Dr. Rachev's Google Scholar Profile shows 13,759 citations, and a h-index of 56.
Dr. Lawrence Schovanec
Ph.D. 1982 Indiana University
- lawrence.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: AD
- Website
Research Interests: Solid Mechanics, Boundary Value Problems, Differential and Integral Equations
Lawrence Schovanec joined the faculty of Texas Tech University in 1982. He received a B.S. degree from Phillips University, a M.S. degree from Texas A&M University, and his Ph.D. from Indiana University. He has been a professor of mathematics since 1996 and he served as chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics from 1999 to 2008.
His early research dealt mainly with solid mechanics with an emphasis on dynamic fracture of elastic and viscoelastic materials. More recently his work has dealt with control theoretic aspects of biological systems and hybrid parameter models of biomechanical systems.
In 2008 he was appointed as the Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and in 2010 as the Dean. In 2012, he was appointed as the Interim President of Texas Tech University. In 2013, he served as Interim Provost. He is currently serving as President of the University.
Dr. Alexander Solynin
Ph.D. 1985 Institute of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Research Interests: Complex Analysis, Potential Theory, and Qualitative Theory of Partial Differential Equations
Alexander Solynin received his Diploma (with honors) in Mathematics in 1980 from the Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia and his Ph.D. in 1985 from the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Donetsk. From 1983 to 1989, he was an assistant professor of mathematics and from 1989 to 1990, an associate professor at the Kuban State University in Krasnodar, Russia. In 1990, Dr. Solynin joined the Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg, Russia, where he was a senior research fellow from 1993 to 2004. He came to Texas Tech University in Fall 2004 as an associate professor.
Dr. James Surles
Ph.D. 1999 University of South Carolina
- james.surles@ttu.edu
- 806-834-4729
- Office: MA 103
- Website
Office Hours:
- MF 10:00 - 12:00;
- TR 12:30 - 1:30;
- Or by appointment
Research Interests: Applied Statistics, Reliability and Survival Analysis, and Statistics
James G. Surles received B.S. degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science from McNeese State University in 1995 and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of South Carolina in 1997 and 1999, respectively. Dr. Surles came to Texas Tech University in 1999, where he is currently an Assistant Professor. His main research interests are Reliability and the Exponentiated Weibull and Burr type X lifetime models, but he also enjoys working with researchers from around Texas Tech on a variety of research projects.
Dr. Magdalena Toda
Ph.D. 2000 University of Kansas
Research Interests: Geometry, Integrable Systems, Mathematical Physics, and Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations
Magdalena Toda came to the Texas Tech University in 2001 as an Assistant Professor. Her main research interests are in differential geometry and related integrable systems. She is especially interested in geometric solutions of partial differential equations, in particular non-linear PDEs which arise from integrable systems. Fluid flows, studied from a geometric view point, represent one of her research interests since 2004. Appointed to Departmental Chair as of March 1, 2016.
Dr. Alex Trindade
Ph.D. 2000 Colorado State University
Research Interests: Statistics
A. Alexandre Trindade earned a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Southampton (U.K.) in 1988. He left Europe shortly thereafter to pursue graduate studies in the U.S., completing an M.A. in Mathematics at the University of Oklahoma in 1992. He worked as a programmer for the IBM Corporation in Dallas (Texas) for two years, before returning to graduate school in 1995. In 2000 he received a Ph.D. in Statistics from Colorado State University. From 2000 to 2007, Dr. Trindade was an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Florida. He joined Texas Tech's Department of Mathematics and Statistics in Fall 2007. His main research interests include: time series; multivariate volatility modeling; state-space models and longitudinal data; saddle point-based bootstrap methodology and applications; asymptotic theory and higher-order approximations. His work on saddle point-based bootstrap has been funded by the National Security Agency. Dr. Trindade has extensive consulting experience; in 2003-04 he was the primary statistical consultant on a reliability project with The Boeing Company funded by DARPA, and in 2005 was contracted by Encision, Inc., for a reliability study on medical devices.
Dr. Dimitri Volchenkov
Ph.D. 1996 Saint Petersburg State University (Russia)
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Data Analysis
In 2007 in Marseille, France, Dr. Volchenkov was awarded l'Habilitation a diriger des recherches at the Centre de Physique Theorique, and habilitated at the University of Bielefeld in Germany in 2010. He is an applied mathematician working in the field of data analysis, stochastic non-linear dynamics, complexity and uncertainty in real-world systems. His interdisciplinary research agenda ranges from plasma turbulence and tsunami waves, to the distribution of urban poverty, human behavior and communication patterns, models of political and biological evolution, and decision-making under uncertainty.
Dr. Alex Wang
Ph.D. 1989 Arizona State University
Research Interests: System and Control Theory
Alex Wang received his B.S. and M.S. from Northwest Telecommunication Engineering Inst. (China) in 1982 and 1984, resp. He received his Ph.D. from Arizona State University in 1989. He came to Texas Tech as a visiting assistant professor in 1989 and, in 2004, he was appointed as a professor.
Dr. Brock Williams
Ph.D. 1999 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Research Interests: Analysis, Complex Analysis, Geometry, and Outreach Programs
Brock Williams came to Texas Tech in 1999 after earning a Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee and a B.S. from Mississippi State University. Dr. Williams primary research interests are discrete conformal geometry and geometric function theory. In particular, he especially interested in the application of circle packing techniques to Riemann surfaces and quasiconformal maps. He is also involved in several funded projects involving STEM outreach and teacher preparation.
Dr. Giorgio Bornia
Ph.D. 2012 University of Bologna
- giorgio.bornia@ttu.edu
- 806-834-8754
- Office: MA 225
- Website
Research Interests: optimal control; numerical analysis; scientific computing; fluid dynamics; Applied Mathematics; Differential Equations; Mathematical Physics
Dr. Giorgio Bornia earned his Ph.D. from the University of Bologna in 2012. He joined Texas Tech with a visiting position in Fall 2012 and was appointed assistant professor in Fall 2013. His research interests include: optimal control for partial differential equations; multi-physics problems in fluid dynamics, such as magnetohydrodynamics and fluid-structure interaction; finite element multigrid and domain decomposition methods; scientific computing.
Dr. Wei Guo
Ph.D. 2014 University of Houston
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Computational Fluid Dynamics, and Plasma Simulations
Wei Guo received his Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the University of Houston in 2014. He was a visiting assistant professor at Michigan State University before joining Texas Tech University. His research involves developing and analyzing efficient and high order accurate numerical algorithms and their applications to various fields, such as fluid dynamics and plasma physics. His recent work focuses on high order semi-Lagrangian methods for transport problems and high order sparse grid schemes for high-dimensional partial differential equations.
Dr. Alastair Hamilton
Ph.D. 2005 Bristol University
Research Interests: Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical Physics, and Topology
Alastair Hamilton joined the mathematics department in the fall of 2010. Prior to this, he spent three years at the University of Connecticut as a postdoctoral fellow and a year at the Max Planck Institut fur Mathematic in Bonn, Germany. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Bristol in 2005 and his master's degree from the same institution in 2002. His research interests lie in algebra and topology. His research explores the connections between these areas and parts of mathematical physics, such as quantum field theory.
Dr. Luan Hoang
Ph.D. 2005 Texas A&M University
Research Interests: Partial Differential Equations
Luan T Hoang received his Bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and in Information Technology from National University, Hochiminh city, Vietnam, in 1997. He received his Master's degree from Arizona State University in 2000, and Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M University in 2005. His research interests are partial differential equations, dynamical systems and fluid dynamics.
Dr. Lourdes Juan
Ph.D. 2000 University of Oklahoma
- lourdes.juan@ttu.edu
- 806-834-1416
- Office: MA 210
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 11:00 - 12:00 PM
- or by appointment
Research Interests: Computer Algebra, Differential Algebra, Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Biology, Dynamical Systems, Symbolic Integration, Algorithmic Methods in Mathematics and Optimization
Lourdes Juan received an undergraduate degree with honors (Titulo de Oro) in Mathematics from the University of Havana in 1991. From 1991-1995 she worked first as a trainee and then as a research resident in the department of Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition of the Cuban Academy of Sciences. In 1995 she was granted the first student visa that the US government gave in Cuba since the 1960's to pursue doctoral studies at the University of Oklahoma. She graduated with a PhD in Mathematics in 2000 under the direction of Professor Andy Magid. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley during 2000-2001, and joined the Math Department of Texas Tech in the Fall of 2001 as an assistant professor. She is currently an associate professor with tenure. Her research interests include the Galois Theory of differential and difference equations, algebraic groups and computer algebra.
Dr. Arne Ledet
Ph.D. 1996 University of Copenhagen
Research Interests: Algebra
Arne Ledet graduated from University of Copenhagen (Denmark) in 1992, and obtained his Ph.D. from the same institution in 1996. His subsequent postdoctoral employment included stays at Queen's University (Canada), MSRI (USA), Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan), and University of Waterloo (Canada), before he came to Texas Tech in 2002 as Assistant Professor. His graduate and postgraduate work was in Galois theoretical embedding problems. Currently, his research is concerned with the related problem of constructing generic polynomials for Galois extensions. He is the co-author of a book on this subject, "Generic Polynomials" (with C. U. Jensen and N. Yui), published in 2002.
Dr. Jeffrey M Lee
Ph.D. 1987 University of California, Los Angeles
Research Interests: Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis
Jeffrey M. Lee received his B.S. from Brigham Young University in 1982 and his M.A. and Ph.D. from University of California (Los Angeles) in 1984 and 1987, resp. He came to Texas Tech as an assistant professor in 1990 and, in 1996, he was appointed as an associate professor.
Dr. Vu Thai Luan
Ph.D. 2014 University of Innsbruck, Austria
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Biomathematics
Dr. Luan grew up in a small village in Vietnam and earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Vietnam National University in Hanoi. He then worked at the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (2008-2010) before pursuing his Ph.D. in Austria from 2010 to 2014. Prior to his current position at TTU, he was an Assistant Professor at Mississippi State (MSU) from 2019 to 2024 and held visiting appointments at SMU in Dallas from 2017 to 2019 and UC Merced from 2014 to 2017. Dr. Luan has had an active record of extramural funding in computational mathematics and machine learning, transferring an NSF grant to TTU from his prior institution.
Dr. Dermot McCarthy
Ph.D. 2010 University College Dublin
Research Interests: Number Theory and Special Functions
Dermot McCarthy joined the department in the fall of 2013. Prior to this, he spent three years in a visiting position at Texas A&M University. Dr. McCarthy received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from University College Dublin, Ireland, in 2010. His research interests lie in number theory and special functions with particular focus on automorphic forms, hypergeometric functions and properties of algebraic varieties.
Dr. Chris Monico
Ph.D. 2002 University of Notre Dame
Research Interests: Algebra and Cryptography
Chris Monico received a B.S. in mathematics from Monmouth University, and the degrees of M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame. For the academic year 2002 Chris was a postdoctoral researcher at Notre Dame, before coming to Texas Tech in 2003. Dr. Monico's research has been primarily concerned with cryptology and certain computational algebra and number theoretic problems.
Dr. Dmitri Pavlov
Ph.D. 2011 University of California, Berkeley
Research Interests: Homotopy Theory, Higher Differential Geometry, D-modules and Mixed Hodge Modules, Factorization Algebras, Functorial Quantum Field Theory, Tomita—Takesaki Theory
Dmitri Pavlov joined the department as an assistant professor in 2017. His research explores connections between quantum field theory, homotopy theory and higher category theory, and differential and algebraic geometry. It includes areas such as model categories and abstract homotopy theory, differential, equivariant, and twisted cohomology theories, motivic homotopy theory, D-modules and mixed Hodge modules, factorization algebras, functorial field theory, and Tomita-Takesaki theory.
Dr. Angela Peace
Ph.D. 2014 Arizona State University
Research Interests: Mathematical Biology
Angela Peace received her PhD in Applied Mathematics from the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University in 2014. Prior to coming to TTU, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences in Knoxville, Tennessee. Her research in Mathematical Biology provides quantitative and qualitative improvements in the predictive power of theoretical and computational population ecology. She uses dynamical systems theory and tools to develop, analyze, and interpret mathematical models of biological systems, spanning the fields of ecology, toxicology, and epidemiology.
Dr. Hung Tran
Ph.D. 2014 Cornell University
- hung.tran@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 228
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 1:30-3:00 pm,
- Sunday 10-12 am
- (on Zoom for Math 5367)
Research Interests: Differential Geometry, Minimal Surfaces, Einstein Structures, 4-D Manifolds, Ricci flow, Harnack inequalities, and Applications of Geometry in Math Bio and Data Science
From a small village in Vietnam, Hung Tran obtained his bachelor degree from Berea College in Kentucky and in 2014 received his PhD degree in mathematics from Cornell University. He was a visiting assistant professor at the University of California at Irvine before joining Texas Tech University in 2017. His research lies at the interface of geometry and analysis with potential applications to mathematical physics, math bio, and data science. In other words, he utilizes analytical techniques (aka PDE) to investigate geometric equilibrium configurations. His recent work focuses on generalized Willmore and minimal surfaces, Einstein structures, and spectral analysis.
Dr. David Weinberg
Ph.D. 1980 University of Wisconsin, Madison
Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry
David Weinberg received his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Chicago in 1974 and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1980. He came to Texas Tech in 1980 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1986. He held appointments at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, CA in 1987, 1988, 1989, and 2004. His original research area was Fourier Analysis, but since the late 1980's his research areas have been Real Algebraic Geometry and Singularities of Plane Algebraic Curves.
Dr. Fangyuan Zhang
Ph.D. 2015 Ohio State University
Research Interests: Statistical Genetics and Epigenetics
Fangyuan Zhang joined the department as an assistant Professor in the fall of 2015. Prior to this, she received a B.S. degree in statistics at Beijing Normal University in China. In 2015, she received a PhD in Biostatistics from the Department of Statistics at The Ohio State University. Fangyuan Zhang's research interests are in statistical genetics and epigenetics. Her current research projects include developing parametric and nonparametric statistical methods to detect genomic imprinting and maternal effects under different study designs, and testing for association in a heterogeneous sample and its application to tumor clustering.
Dr. Wenjing Zhang
Ph.D. 2014 University of Western Ontario
Research Interests: Biomath, Applied Mathematics
Wenjing Zhang investigates disease dynamics, including recurrence and multiple stability, in parameter space through bifurcation theory, geometric singular perturbation theory and scientific computation. Her paper "Viral Blips May Not Need a Trigger: How Transient Viremia Can Arise in Deterministic In-Host Models" was published in SIGEST section in SIAM Review in 2014.
Dr. Suddhasattwa Das
Ph.D. 2015 University of Maryland
Research Interests: Dynamical Systems, Data Analysis, Learning Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Category Theory
Dr. Suddhasattwa Das received his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from University of Maryland at College Park. His training is in dynamical systems and ergodic theory. He explores connections between several different fields such as dynamical systems, data analysis, learning theory, harmonic analysis and category theory. He has developed Julia codes, and likes to develop numerical experiments. One of his hobbies is the interpretation of linguistics using category theory, especially for strongly context sensitive languages such as Bengali.
Dr. Asim Dey
Ph.D. 2019 University of Texas -- Dallas
- a.dey@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 235
Research Interests: Statistics, Applied Statistics, Biostatistics
Dr. Dey received his doctoral degree in Statistics from the University of Texas at Dallas and completed his post-doctoral training at Princeton University and the University of Texas at Dallas. Before joining TTU he was a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at UT El Paso. Dr. Dey's research focuses broadly on statistical methods for complex networks, topological and geometric data analysis, high dimensional statistics, and extreme value modeling. Dr. Dey recently received a subcontract on a NASA grant that will be processed under TTU ORS.
Dr. Juntao Huang
Ph.D. 2018 Tsinghua University, Beijing
Research Interests: Machine Learning, PDEs, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics
Dr. Juntao Huang obtained dual bachelor degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics in 2013, and a Ph.D. in Applied Math in 2018 from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Prior to joining Texas Tech University in 2022, he worked as a visiting assistant professor at Michigan State University. His research interests involve the design and analysis of numerical methods for partial differential equations (PDEs) and using machine learning to assist traditional scientific computing tasks. His recent work includes structure-preserving machine learning moment closures for kinetic models, adaptive sparse grid discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods and structure-preserving time discretizations for hyperbolic equations.
Dr. Amanda Laubmeier
Ph.D. 2018 North Carolina State University
- amanda.laubmeier@ttu.edu
- 806-834-7645
- Office: MA 117B
- Website
Office Hours:
- U/G -M/F 10am
- Grad: T/R 1:30PM, 5PM
Research Interests: Biomathematics
Amanda Laubmeier joined Texas Tech in 2020. Before that, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and received her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from North Carolina State University. She conducts research in population ecology, working closely with collaborators in the biological sciences. Her expertise is in developing mathematical models and leveraging empirical observations to address application-level concerns. She is particularly interested in insect communities and efficient use of ecological data. She is also involved with scientific outreach and mathematical inclusivity.
Dr. Ruiqi Liu
Ph.D. 2018 SUNY Binghamton
Research Interests: Semi/Nonparametric Methods, Econometrics, Panel Data Models, Statistical Machine/Deep Learning, Graph Network Model
Ruiqi Liu joined the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University in Fall 2020. He obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Binghamton University in Spring 2018 and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis from Fall 2018 to Spring 2020. Before coming to the United States, Ruiqi received a dual Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Management from Sun Yat-sen University in 2013. Ruiqi's research lies in the interactions of statistics, econometrics, and machine/deep learning. He aims to provide provable statistical procedures to solve real-world problems. Ruiqi's recent work includes semi/nonparametric models, pattern recognition in panel data models, and classification problems.
Dr. Hongwei Mei
Ph.D. 2016 Wayne State University
Research Interests: Stochastic Analysis, Stochastic Control and Optimization, Optimal Stopping
Dr. Hongwei Mei obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics in August 2016 from Wayne State University. He was a visiting assistant professor at the University of Central Florida (2016-2017) and the University of Kansas (2017-2020). Before joining TTU, he was a post-doc fellow in the Department of Statistics, Rice University. Dr. Mei is an applied probabilist, and his research interests include stochastic analysis, stochastic control and optimization, and optimal stopping. In those years, he has published several papers in SICON, SPA, JDE, ESAIM-COCV, etc.
Dr. Alvaro Pampano
Ph.D. 2018 University of the Basque Country
Research Interests: Differential Geometry, Calculus of Variations
After receiving his Ph.D. in October 2018 from the University of the Basque Country, Alvaro Pampano spent two years as a Visiting Postdoctoral professor at Idaho State University and another two years as a Postdoctoral Teaching Scholar at Texas Tech University. His main mathematical research interests include the area of Differential Geometry. More specifically, he is interested in theoretical problems related to the Geometric Calculus of Variations for curves, surfaces and hypersurfaces immersed in several ambient spaces.
Dr. Travis Thompson
Ph.D. 2013 Texas A&M University
Research Interests: Mathematical biology, Mathematical modeling, Biomathematics, Numerical analysis, Scientific computing, Applied machine learning
Dr. Travis Thompson was a strategic hire at the rank of assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech effective Fall 2022. Prior to this, he received a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Texas A&M University for work in numerical analysis and finite element methods with application to problems in computational fluid dynamics. Following his doctoral work, Dr. Thompson held postdoctoral fellowship positions in applied mathematics at Rice University, Simula Research Laboratory and Oxford University where he focused on numerical methods and mathematical modeling of neuropathology and the brain. His research focuses on the mathematical modeling of complex biological systems and the development, analysis and application of the numerical methods and data-driven scientific computing approaches enabling their study.
Dr. Ignacio Tomas
Ph.D. 2015 University of Maryland
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics
Dr. Ignacio Tomas obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Maryland in 2015. Following his doctoral work on Numerical Analysis of PDE models describing ferrofluids, he took a Visiting Assistant Professor position at Texas A&M University (TAMU). Before joining TTU he held a postdoctoral position at Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, New Mexico). During his time at TAMU he developed non-variational schemes for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws with mathematically guaranteed properties. More recently he has worked in the analysis and development of numerical schemes for PDE models of electric charge transport, such as Euler-Poisson and Euler-Maxwell system of dense plasmas. Overall, his research focuses on the analysis, development, and implementation of physically motivated PDE-models and their respective numerical schemes.
Dr. Anh-Khoa Vo
Ph.D. 2018 International School for Advanced Studies -- Italy
Research Interests: Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, PDEs, Numerical Analysis
Dr. Anh-Khoa Vo was born in Vietnam, where he got his Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at Vietnam National University in 2014. In 2018, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Italy, with his studies based at the Gran Sasso Science Institute. After that, Dr. Vo held postdocs at the University of Goettingen in Germany (2018), Research Foundation - Flanders in Belgium (2018-2020), and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2019-2021). He served as an Assistant Professor at Florida A&M University from 2021 to 2024. He has taught and mentored undergraduate students for the past 4 years, many of whom have progressed to graduate studies. Dr. Vo has had an active record of extramural funding and will transfer an NSF grant to TTU from his prior institution.
Dr. Yifan Wang
Ph.D. 214 Louisiana Tech University
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Mathematical modeling and programming, Biomathematics
Dr. Yifan Wang obtained his Ph.D. in Computational Analysis and Modeling in 2014 from Louisiana Tech University. He received postdoc training at the University of Houston and the University of California, Berkeley during 2014-2020. Before joining TTU, he was a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Irvine. His research focuses on numerical solutions to fluid-structure interaction problems, emphasizing biomedical-related applications. His expertise lies in computational mathematics, parallel computing, and machine learning.
Dr. Jeffrey Belding
Ph.D. 2021 University of Nevada Las Vegas
- jefbeldi@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 240
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Physics
Jeffrey Belding received his Bachelor's degree in Pure Mathematics and Physics from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2015. He received his Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2021 under the supervision of Professor Monika Neda. He also spent time as a Ph.D. student working as an intern for the Southern Nevada Water Authority, and later doing contract work with them after graduating with a Ph.D.
Dr. Andrea Chierici
Ph.D. 2021 Università di Bologna
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics; Computational Mathematics; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Optimal Control
Andrea Chierici received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Energy Engineering from the University of Bologna in 2014 and 2017, respectively. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Bologna in 2021 under the supervision of Professor Sandro Manservisi. He then spent one year as a Post Doc at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna. Andrea joined Texas Tech as a Post Doc in Spring 2022.
Dr. Kirill Golubnichiy
Ph.D. 2022 University of Washington, Seattle
Research Interests: Mathematical Finance, PDEs, Computational and Machine Learning
I obtained my Ph.D. in 2022 from the University of Washington, Seattle. My research interests are twofold:
1. I develop mathematical tools to analyze the partial differential equations (PDEs) that govern the pricing of financial assets, and I work on inverse problems with broad applications in physics
2. I develop computational and machine learning algorithms to analyze the forecasting power of these analytic methods.
Dr. Erhan Guler
Ph.D. 2010 Ankara University
Research Interests: Curves & Hypersurfaces, Geometric computing, Algebraic minimum & maximum hypersurfaces, Elimination theory
Erhan received his PhD in Mathematics from Ankara University, Turkey in 2010, where he worked with Prof. H. Hilmi Hacisalihoglu and Prof. Yusuf Yayli. He specializes in differential geometry and is currently focused on curvatures, helicoidal, rotational, minimal, maximal, non-orientable, and algebraic hypersurfaces, as well as elimination theory in space forms.
Dr. Andrew Soto Levins
Ph.D. 2024 University of Nebraska -- Lincoln
- ansotole@ttu.edu
- Office: Math 241
- Website
Research Interests: Commutative Algebra
Andrew Soto received his Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the University of Texas Arlington in 2019. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2024 from the University of Nebraska Lincoln under the supervision of Professor Mark Walker. Andrew's research interests are in commutative algebra. In particular, he enjoys thinking about the vanishing of Ext and Tor, Bass numbers and injective dimension of local cohomology, and derived methods in commutative algebra.
Dr. Mohit Tripathi
Ph.D. 2021 IIT Guwahati
Research Interests: Number Theory, Hypergeometric function over finite fields, Appell function over finite fields, p-adic Hypergeometric functions, p-adic Appell function, Modular forms, Elliptic curves, and Galois representations
Mohit Tripathi received his Master's and Ph.D. Degrees in Mathematics from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India. He then spent two years as a Research Associate at the School of Mathematical Sciences of the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, India. Mohit Tripathi joined Texas Tech as a Post Doc in Fall 2023.
Dr. Rui Wang
Ph.D. 2018 Northeast Normal University China
Research Interests: Mathematical Finance
Dr. Rui Wang received her first Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Northeast Normal University in China in 2018 and a second Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Kansas in 2024. Her research interests involve developing theories and methodologies on model specification testing problems for complex stochastic systems and their applications in economic models and studying long-time behavior of stochastic systems.
Dr. Linda J S Allen
Horn Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Graduate Faculty
- linda.j.allen@ttu.edu
- Phone: 806-834-1985
- Website
Dr. Alessandra Corsi
Adjunct Research Partner, Associate Professor Physics
- alessandra.corsi@ttu.edu
- Phone: 806-834-6931
- Website
Jason R. Bailey
- jason.r.bailey@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018B
Office Hours:
- By appointment
- Rotating Hours via Zoom
- Check Blackboard for times
Dr. David Cannon
Graduate Program Director & Instructor
- david.cannon@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201E
- Phone: 806-834-7393
Office Hours:
- T,W,R 1:00-3:00 PM
- by Appointment
Dr. Jianna Davenport
- jianna.davenport@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 253
Office Hours:
- MWF 11:30am - 1:50pm
Brock Erwin
- brock.erwin@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019B
Office Hours:
- MWF 12:30 - 2pm
- or by appointment
Laura Juarez
- laura.o.juarez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019D
Office Hours:
- TR: 6-7pm also
- MW: on zoom
- by appointment
Yancy Nuñez
Undergraduate Program Director & Instructor
- yancy.nunez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201F
- Phone: 806-834-0177
Office Hours:
- 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. MWF
- or by appointment.
Patricia A Schovanec
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment & Undergraduate Advisor
- patty.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 212
- Phone: 806-834-2018
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00 - 4:00
- TTH 11:00 - 4:00
- by Appointment
Isabell Martinez Server
- isabell.martinez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019B
Office Hours:
- T/R 9-10:30AM and 1-2PM
Dr. Malgorzata Surowiec
- gosia.surowiec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018C
Office Hours:
- MWF 8:45-9:45 AM,
- 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
- or by appointment
Georgia Thompson
- georgiat@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 246
- Phone: 806-834-2167
Office Hours:
- Monday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
- Thursday: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Dr. Aaron Tyrrell
Lecturer and Researcher
- aatyrrel@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018A
- Website
Office Hours:
- W 10:00 - 12:00 PM
Ludmilla Volchenkov
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment
- ludmilla.volchenkov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 245
Office Hours:
- MWF 10:30-11:30
- T 10AM-2PM
Carol Williams
Lecturer with Continuing Appointment
- carol.williams@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019A
Office Hours:
- MW 1-2PM
Dr. Linda J S Allen
Horn Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1981 University of Tennessee
- linda.j.allen@ttu.edu
- 806-834-1985
- Office: MA 002
- Website
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Biology, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Stochastic Processes
Adjunct Horn Professor Emeritus 2019-present
Horn Professor 2010-2019
Professor 1998-2019
Associate Professor 1991-98
Assistant Professor 1985-91
Linda J. S. Allen's primary research interest is mathematical modeling in biology. She formulates and analyzes deterministic and stochastic models in describing population, epidemic, viral, and immune-system dynamics. The models may involve difference equations, ordinary differential equations, discrete-time or continuous-time Markov chains, branching processes, or stochastic differential equations. She is the author of two books: An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Applications to Biology and An Introduction to Mathematical Biology.
Dr. Jay Conover
Horn Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1964 Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.
Research Interests: Statistics
Before getting his Ph.D. in mathematical statistics at Catholic University in Washington D. C., 1964, Dr. Conover taught as a TA at Iowa State University, and as an Instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis Maryland. His first tenure track position was at Kansas State University, where he taught in the Statistics Department for 9 and a half years before joining the Texas Tech Department of Mathematics and Statistics in 1973. His research interests are in applied statistics, and especially in nonparametric methods. He is a Highly Cited Researcher according to ISI, with over 30,000 citations to his books and papers. He has consulted with various pharmaceutical companies, and has done extensive consulting with several national laboratories including especially Los Alamos, Sandia in Albuquerque, Hanford Lab in Richland Washington, and Oak Ridge Lab in Tennessee. He has held visiting positions at the University of California at Davis, and the University of Zurich in Switzerland. He is listed in Who's Who in America, and Who's Who in the World.
Dr. Clyde Martin
Horn Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1971 University of Wyoming
Research Interests: Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Control Theory, Geometry, Mathematical Biology, Medical Applications of Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Statistics
Department Chair 1987 - 1988
Horn Professor 1991 - 2014
Professor 1985 - 2014
Clyde F. Martin's research interests have included control theory, the applications of algebraic and differential geometry to problems in numerical analysis, and the development and analysis of mathematical models in agriculture, the environment and medicine. In 1983 he was appointed the TTU Ex-Students Association Distinguished Visiting Professor of Mathematics, and appointed their Distinguished Professor of Mathematics in 1988.
Dr. Frits Ruymgaart
Horn Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1973 Leiden University
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Asymptotics, Functional Data Analysis, Perturbation Theory of Operators, Nonparametric Statistics, and Statistical Inverse Problems
Horn Professor 2001 - 2014
Professor 1991 - 2014
Frits Ruymgaart's research concerned asymptotic theory of rank and order statistics; projection pursuit and robust statistics; large deviations and statistical applications; quantum probability; empirical processes and statistical applications; nonparametric classification; time series; random censoring; statistics in manifolds; ill-posed problems.
Dr. Edward Allen
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1983 University of Tennessee
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Biology, Neutron Transport, Numerical Analysis, and Stochastic Differential Equations
Assistant Professor 1985
Associate Professor 1991
Professor 1998 - 2015
Edward Allen's primary research interests have been numerical analysis, stochastic differential equations, mathematical biology, and neutron transport. He develops, analyzes, and tests computational methods for applied problems involving stochastic differential equations or transport of neutrons. In addition, he derives stochastic differential equation models for biological and physical applications.
Dr. Ronald M. Anderson
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1962 Iowa State University
Department Chair 1988 - 1999
Dean of Graduate School 2001 - 2003
Faculty 1965 - 2004
Dr. Roger Barnard
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1971 University of Maryland
Research Interests: Complex Analysis and Special Functions of Mathematical Physics
Faculty 1973 - 2014
Assistant Professor 1979
Professor 1986 - 2014
Dr. Barnard's research interests have been diverse. The primary fields have been in geometric function theory in complex analysis and special function theory of mathematical physics. He has published papers in statistics, control theory, differential equations, real analysis and several complex variables. He was the complex analysis and special function theory editor for the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics from 1991 until his retirement in 2014.
Dr. Benjamin Sanchez Duran
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1966 Colorado State University
Research Interests: Statistics
Assistant Professor 1971
Associate Professor 1974
Professor 1984 - 2002
Dr. Gary Harris
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1977 University of Kentucky
Research Interests: Complex Variables and Mathematics Education
Visiting Lecturer, 1977-78 Assistant Professor, 1978-83 Associate Professor, 1983-92 Professor, 1992-2017 B.S., Mathematics and Physics from Carson-Newman College, 1969 Dr. Harris' doctoral dissertation and disciplinary research involved local function theory and geometry on submanifolds of complex Euclidean n-space. His research involved the mathematics preparation of future middle and high school mathematics teachers, including the professional development of practicing teachers, with particular focus on teachers' math content knowledge.
Dr. Akif Ibraguimov
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1985 Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Analysis, Industrial Mathematics, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Physics, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Partial Differential Equations
Akif Ibragimov obtained his Master's degree in Mathematics in 1975 from the Azerbaijan Oil Academy. He also interned at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC) of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) in 1974 and 1975 and one year later, in June 1976 Akif defended his PhD thesis at the CMC Department of MSU. During the next 10 years his research was focused on the Qualitative Theory of Partial Differential Equations and in 1985 he defended his dissertation at the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, and obtained the degree Doctor of Science in Mathematics. Since then his research interests diversified; he worked at several academics and industrial positions in Russia, Azerbaijan and USA. From 2000-2004 he was a Visiting Professor at Texas A&M University, and Research Scientist at Knowledge Based Systems in College Station. Akif joined Texas Tech in September 2004. His research interests cover broad areas of applied mathematics including fluid flow in porous media, mathematical modeling in bio-medicine, fluid structure interaction, and image processing.
Dr. Wayne Lewis
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1977 University of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Continuum Theory, Geometric Topology, and Topological Dynamics
Wayne Lewis received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1977. He has been on the faculty of the Department of Mathematics at Texas Tech University since 1977 and Professor of Mathematics since 1989. Dr. Lewis has research interests in continuum theory and in its relations to geometric topology and to topological dynamics. He has extensive results on hereditarily indecomposable continua, especially their structure, characterizations and mapping properties. He has given numerous short courses and workshops related to the subject.
Dr. Hossein Mansouri
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1983 University of Kentucky
Research Interests: Biostatistics, Nonparametric Statistics, and Statistics
Hossein Mansouri is professor of statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University and served as an associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences from November 2001 to September 2010. He received a B.S. degree from the Institute of Statistics and Informatics in Iran, an M.S. in Statistics from the Ohio State University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky. Before joining the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University in 1985, he served as a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Tulane University and in the Department of Statistics at the University of Kentucky. His research interests include nonparametric statistics with focus on the study and development of statistical methods based on ranks; and biostatistics with focus on studies in biomechanics.
Dr. Kent Pearce
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1980 State University of New York at Albany
Research Interests: Complex Analysis
Department Chair 2008 - 2015
Department Associate Chair 1991 - 2008
Assistant Professor 1980
Associate Professor 1986
Professor 1997
Kent Pearce's master's thesis (Brigham Young 1975) and his doctoral dissertation were written on topics in the area of Geometric Function Theory in complex analysis. His research interests have focused on classical problems in Geometric Function Theory and applications of computing (computer algebra) to the verification of inequalities arising in such problems. As Chair, Dr. Pearce oversaw significant technological advancement within the Department.
Dr. Philip Smith
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1972 Purdue University
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Analysis, Computational Mathematics, and Numerical Analysis
Director High Performance Computing Center 1999 - 2014
Professor 1999 - 2014
Dr. Smith's research areas have been approximation theory, numerical analysis, optimization, numerical solution to PDEs, and parallel and grid computing. Much of his early research was on spline functions. He has worked on projects to model chemical and biological attacks on buildings, surface fitting to data clouds, non-conforming finite elements, and parallel quadrature algorithms.
Dr. Dalton Tarwater
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1965 University of New Mexico
Department Chair 1973 - 1978
Faculty 1962 - 2001
Dr. Robert Byerly
Associate Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1979 SUNY at Buffalo
Research Interests: Computability Theory, Logic, and Topology
Robert Byerly received his SB in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and M.A. and PhD in mathematics from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He held a visiting position at the Ohio State University before coming to Texas Tech in 1980. Dr. Byerly specialized in mathematical logic and recursion theory, and current interests include structural complexity theory, models of arithmetic, and set-theoretical topology. He works actively in computer-assisted mathematics education.
Dr. Lance Drager
Associate Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1978 Brandeis University
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Analysis, Control Theory, Geometry, Mathematical Physics, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Partial Differential Equations
Lance Drager received his BA Magna Cum Laude from the University of Minnesota in 1972 andreceived Master's (1973) and Ph.D. (1978) degrees from Brandeis University. After a Visiting Membershipat the Courant Institute and an appointment at Georgia Tech, he came to Texas Tech as an Assistant Professorin 1983, and became Associate Professor in 1990.His research interests are in Geometric Analysis and its applications, including Differential Geometry, Mathematical Control Theory, Ordinary, Partial and Functional Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. He has worked with scientists in other disciplines; a paper with twoco-authors was awarded the Best Paper of the Year in 2003 by the journal
Dr. David Gilliam
Associate Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1977 University of Utah
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Analysis, Control Theory, and Partial Differential Equations
David S. Gilliam came to Texas Tech University in 1977 and has been a Professor of Mathematics since 1990. During this period he has held visiting positions at Arizona State University, Colorado School of Mines, University of Texas at Dallas, and Washington University in St. Louis. He was an affiliate professor of Systems Science and Mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis from 1989-2006. His research interests have been quite diverse. His dissertation was in an area of abstract functional analysis but he soon turned to problems in the theory of partial differential equations of mathematical physics. In 1986 he began working in distributed parameter systems and the solution of ill-posed inverse problems. His current main research interests are in the control of distributed parameter systems governed by partial differential equations.
Dr. Carl Seaquist
Associate Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1995 Auburn University
Research Interests: History of Mathematics and Topology
Faculty 1995 - 2015
Carl Seaquist received a B.A. in mathematics from the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa. After working in the aerospace industry in Houston for three years he returned to school and received an S.M. in Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He then worked at Bell Laboratories for ten years. Dr. Seaquist's main interests have been topology, topological graph theory, history of Mathematics and teaching.
Dr. Thomas A Atchison
Ph.D. 1963 University of Texas at Austin
Associate Chair 1971 - 1972
Assistant Professor 1963 - 1965
Associate Professor 1965 - 1972
Went to Mississippi State in 1972, then Stephen F. Austin State University in 1979
Dr. Dan Cheng
Ph.D. 2013 Michigan State University
- chengdan@asu.edu
- 480-727-5303
- Website
Research Interests: Statistical inference of random fields; Multiple testing; Image analysis; Gaussian random fields; Extreme value theory.
Assistant Professor 2016-2018
Left for Arizona State in the Fall of 2018
Dan Cheng studies statistical inference of random fields and dependent data, image analysis, signal detection, Gaussian random fields, extreme value theory and random matrices.
Dr. Jerry Dwyer
Ph.D. 1986 University College Cork
Research Interests: Complex Analysis, Computational Mathematics, and Mathematics Education
Assistant Professor 2003
Associate Professor 2009 - 2013
Professor 2013 - 2015
Went to George Washington University in 2015
Returned to Texas Tech University College of Education 2016 to Summer 2023
Ole Miss September 2023 - present
Dr. Anthony Gruber
Ph.D. 2019 Texas Tech University
Research Interests: Differential Geometry, Discrete/Computational Geometry, applications to Physics, Biology and Data Science
Assistant Professor of Practice, TTU Costa Rica
Aug 2019 - Dec 2020
Dr. Petros Hadjicostas
Ph.D. 1995 Carnegie Mellon
Assistant Professor 2001 - 2007
Associate Professor 2007 - 2011
In 2011 went to Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Dr. Robert Kirby
Ph.D. 2000 University of Texas at Austin
Associate Professor 2006 - 2012
Went to Baylor in 2012
Dr. Paul Nelson
Ph.D. 1969 University of New Mexico
Department Interim Chair 1978 - 1979
Faculty 1972 - 1987
Went to Texas A&M in 1987
Dr. Phuong Nguyen
Ph.D. 2017 Indiana University
Research Interests: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Fluid Dynamics and Statistics.
Postdoc Spring 2019 through Spring 2020
She has worked with Dr. Kazuo Yamazaki, and is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Sam Houston State University.
Dr. Victor Patrangenaru
Ph.D. 1998 Indiana University
Research Interests: Statistics
Associate Professor 2003 - 2006
Went to Florida State University in 2006
Dr. Stamatis Pouliasis
Ph.D. 2011 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Research Interests: Potential Theory and Complex Analysis
Stamatis Pouliasis received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 2011. Since 2012 he has been working as a postdoctoral fellow in different universities across multiple continents. His main interests are in complex analysis and potential theory; in particular, capacity, harmonic measure, conformal and quasiconformal mappings, symmetrization, and spaces of analytic functions. He started at Texas Tech University January 2018 working as postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, then was hired as an Assistant Professor. He returned to Greece in the Summer of 2022.
Dr. Lih-Ing Roeger
Ph.D. 2000 Purdue University
Research Interests: Mathematical Biology, Difference Equations, and Dynamical Systems
Visiting Professor 2002 - 2004
Assistant Professor 2004 - 2010
Associate Professor 2010 - 2016
In the Summer of 2016 Dr. Roeger went to Lansing, Michigan to work in the private industry for an Insurance firm.
Her research specializations were mathematical biology and mathematical epidemiology. She has analyzed ordinary differential equation models for infectious diseases and studied the bifurcation dynamics as parameters in models. Her research agenda expanded to include discrete models, or difference equations.
Dr. Jingyong Su
Ph.D. 2013 Florida State University
Research Interests: Statistical Shape and Trajectory Analysis, Medical Imaging, Computational Statistics
Jingyong Su joined the department as an assistant professor in the fall of 2013. Prior to this, he completed a Ph.D. in statistics at the Florida State University in the summer of 2013. Previously, he received a M.S. in computer science from Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School in 2008 and a B.S. in electrical engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2006. His current research interests include statistical trajectory analysis on manifolds with different applications, statistical shape analysis and medical imaging.
Dr. Nanwei Wang
Ph.D. 2013 York University, Ontario
Assistant Professor Fall 2020
Left for New Brunswick
Dr. Kazuo Yamazaki
Ph.D. 2014 Oklahoma State University
Research Interests: Research Interests: Fluid PDE, Harmonic Analysis, Stochastic Analysis, Mathematical Biology
Dr. Yamazaki received a Ph.D. from Oklahoma State University in 2014. Prior to coming to TTU, he was a post-doc at Washington State University and the University of Rochester. His research consists of applications of harmonic and stochastic analysis tools to partial differential equations of fluid mechanics (e.g., Navier-Stokes equations) and infectious diseases (e.g., cholera).
Dr. Ali Amir-Moez
Ph.D. 1955 UCLA
Faculty 1965 - 1988
Deceased 2007
Dr. George L Baldwin
Ph.D. 1952 Carnegie Mellon
Faculty 1966 - 1988
Deceased 1995
Dr. Harold Bennett
Ph.D. 1968 Arizona State University
Research Interests: Topology, Logic, and Set Theory
B.S. Idaho State University 1963
M.A. and Ph.D. Arizona State University, 1965 and 1968
Texas Tech Assistant professor 1968
Professor 1980
Deceased May 2024
Dr. Kamal C Chanda
Ph.D. 1958 Manchester, UK
Professor 1973 - 2006
Deceased November 2021
Dr. Wijesuriya Dayawansa
D.Sc. 1986 Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Horn Professor 2003 - 2006
Professor 1996 - 2006
Deceased 2006
Dr. Robert Foote
Ph.D. 1983 University of Michigan
Research Interests: Differential Geometry
1983 Kalamazoo College, Visiting Professor
1983 - 1989, Texas Tech University, Assistant Professor
1989 - 2017, Wabash College, Departmental Chair twice
Deceased February 2024
Dr. Wayne Ford
Ph.D. 1964 Rice
Assistant Professor 1966
Associate Professor 1967
Professor 1972
Retired 1999
Deceased 2001
Dr. Rodica Gelca
Ph.D. 2009 Texas Tech University
Instructor 2016 - 2018
Deceased 2018
Dr. Henry L Gray
Ph.D. 1966 University of Texas at Austin
Department Chair 1971 - 1973
Faculty 1969 - 1973
Deceased July 2020
Dr. William Gustafson
Ph.D. 1970 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Assistant Professor 1976
Associate Professor 1980
Professor 1986
Retired 2003
Deceased 2007
Dr. Emmett Hazlewood
Ph.D. Cornell
Department Chair 1948 - 1966
Faculty 1939 - 1942
Taught Mathematics at West Point during WWII
Faculty 1946 - 1974
Deceased 1982
Richard Heineman
Faculty 1928 - 1973
Deceased 1991
Dr. Shelby Hildebrand
Ph.D. 1962 Iowa State University
Faculty 1963 - 1996
Deceased 2014
Dr. Charles Kellogg
Ph.D. 1964 LSU
Faculty 1971 - 2004
Deceased 2018
Sarah Kennedy
Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor
Dr. Truman Lewis
Ph.D. 1966 University of Texas at Austin
Faculty 1966 - 1994 Deceased 2016
Dr. Thomas McLaughlin
Ph.D. 1963 UCLA
Faculty 1973 - 2002
Deceased March 31, 2020
James Newton Michie
M.A. 1919 University of Michigan
Department Chair 1925 - 1948
Faculty 1925 - 1952
Deceased 1958
Dr. John D Miller
Ph.D. 1963 Indiana University
Faculty 1968 - 1996
Deceased December 2018
Dr. Arunkumar Mitra
Ph.D. Marburg University, Germany
Faculty 1966 - 2000
Deceased 2011
Dr. Robert Moreland
Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin
Associate Chair 1976 - 1978
Faculty 1955 - 2000
Deceased 2000
Elwyn Morton
Faculty 1954 - 1988
Deceased April 2016
Dr. Mara D Neusel
Ph.D. 2001 Georg-August-Universität at Göttingen
Research Interests: Algebra, Control Theory, and Topology
Associate Professor 2002
Professor 2009
Deceased 2014
Dr. Neusel's Diplom thesis was in homotopy theory, her doctoral thesis in geometric topology, and her Habilitationsschrift in invariant theory.
Dr. Neusel's research interests were invariant theory of finite groups and commutative algebra over the Steenrod algebra.
Dr. Thomas Newman
Ph.D. 1966 University of Texas at Austin
Faculty 1967 - 2002
Deceased 2003
Dr. Patrick L Odell
Ph.D. 1962 Oklahoma State University
Department Chair 1966 - 1971
Faculty 1966 - 1972
In 1972 went to UT Dallas, then Baylor
Deceased May 2020
Robert M Parker
Faculty 1946 - 1973
Deceased 1996
Dr. Charles Riggs
Ph.D. 1949 University of Kentucky
Faculty 1953 - 1987
Deceased 1996
Dr. Gerald Lynn Shurbet
Ph.D. 1973 Texas Tech University
Faculty 1956 - 1987
Deceased February 2010
Dr. Monty J Strauss
Ph.D. 1971 New York University
Associate Chair 1984 - 1987
Associate Dean & Senior Associate Dean, Graduate School 1989 - 1999
Assistant Professor 1971 - 1975
Associate Professor 1975 - 1985
Professor 1985 - 2010
Deceased September 2022
Dr. Paul Thompson
Ed.D. 1968 Texas Tech University
Associate Chair 1969 - 1971
Faculty 1963 - 1985
Deceased 1987
Dr. Harold Dean Victory
Ph.D. 1974 Purdue University
Faculty 1974 - 2012
Associate Professor 1981
Retired August, 2012
Deceased November 2021
From 1982-1984, Harold Dean Victory, Jr. was a Humboldt Fellow in applied mathematics-kinetic theory at the Universities of Frankfurt and Kaiserslautern in Germany. In the summer of 1987, he was invited by the Mathematics department of the University of Munich to resume his research as a Humboldt Fellow in the area of kinetic theory. He was the author of over 50 research papers in applied and pure mathematics.
Dr. Derald Walling
Ph.D. 1963 Iowa State University
Faculty 1966 - 1992
Deceased 1999
Dr. John White
Ph.D. 1962 University of Texas as Austin
Department Chair 1979 - 1987
Faculty 1965 - 1998
Deceased 2014
Horace Woodward
Faculty 1937 - 1977
Deceased 1993
Dr. David Cannon
Graduate Program Director & Instructor
- david.cannon@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201E
- Phone: 806-834-7393
Office Hours:
- T,W,R 1:00-3:00 PM
- by Appointment
Yancy Nuñez
Undergraduate Program Director & Instructor
- yancy.nunez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201F
- Phone: 806-834-0177
Office Hours:
- 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. MWF
- or by appointment.
Patricia A Schovanec
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment & Undergraduate Advisor
- patty.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 212
- Phone: 806-834-2018
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00 - 4:00
- TTH 11:00 - 4:00
- by Appointment
Farzana Afroz
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- fafroz@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 005-07
Office Hours:
- MW, 12:05 pm - 1:35 pm
Vichithra Amunugama-Walawwe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- vamunuga@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-01
Office Hours:
- MWF 2 -3PM
Nicholas Appiah
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- niappiah@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-01
Office Hours:
- MW 12-1:30pm
Nancy Asare-Nyarko
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- nasareny@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-02
Office Hours:
- TR 1:30 to 3:00PM
Sarani Kavinga Aththanayaka
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- saththan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-03
Office Hours:
- TR 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm
Dr. Eugenio Aulisa
- eugenio.aulisa@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 226
- Phone: 806-834-6684
- Website
Office Hours:
- 1:30-2:30 PM
Boluwatife Awoyemi
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bawoyemi@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-04
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00 PM-3:20 PM or
- by appointment
Jason R. Bailey
- jason.r.bailey@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018B
Office Hours:
- By appointment
- Rotating Hours via Zoom
- Check Blackboard for times
Arun Beldhe
Research Assistant
- abeldhe@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117I
- Phone: 806-701-9868
Office Hours:
- 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM TW,
- 8:00AM TO 12:00 PM TR
Alan Bohnert
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- abohnert@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117-F
Office Hours:
- MWF 2-4pm
- TR 1PM-1:50PM
James Brown
Tex-Prep Coordinator
- james.f.brown@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 001
- Phone: 806-834-6205
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Dr. David Cannon
Graduate Program Director & Instructor
- david.cannon@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201E
- Phone: 806-834-7393
Office Hours:
- T,W,R 1:00-3:00 PM
- by Appointment
Dr. Lars Christensen
- lars.w.christensen@ttu.edu
- Office: Math 105
- Phone: 806-834-6323
- Website
Office Hours:
- W 1:30-3PM
- R 3:30-5PM
Ryan Covington
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ryan.covington@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-2
Office Hours:
- TR 3:30-5PM
Dr. Suddhasattwa Das
Assistant Professor
- suddas@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 205
- Phone: 806-834-6327
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 1:00-1:50PM
- F 1:00-1:50PM
Dr. Jianna Davenport
- jianna.davenport@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 253
Office Hours:
- MWF 11:30am - 1:50pm
Ruwani Hasanthika Vitharanage Denagama
Teaching Assistant
- rdenagam@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-10
Office Hours:
- N/A
Iresha Dissanayake
Teaching Assistant
- idissana@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-04
Office Hours:
- MW 2.00 - 3.30 PM
Bhathiya Divelgama
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bdivelga@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-B
Office Hours:
- MWF 5:00-6:00PM
Hanh Doan
Academic Administrative Coordinator
- hadoan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106C
Office Hours:
- MTWRF: 10:00AM - 4:00 PM
Dr. Leif Ellingson
- leif.ellingson@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 251
- Phone: 806-834-5836
- Website
Office Hours:
- Tu Th 2:00 - 3:20
Brock Erwin
- brock.erwin@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019B
Office Hours:
- MWF 12:30 - 2pm
- or by appointment
Sunday Esebre
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- sunday.esebre@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-G
Office Hours:
- M/F 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Saumya Tharindi Ganhela
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- sganhela@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-06
Office Hours:
- TR 2.00 PM - 3.30 PM
Dr. Razvan Gelca
- rgelca@gmail.com
- Office: MA 229
- Phone: 806-834-5499
- Website
Office Hours:
- Tuesday 2:30-5:30
- Wednesday 2-5
Dr. Bijoy Ghosh
Dick and Martha Brooks Endowed Professor
- bijoy.ghosh@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117H
- Phone: 806-834-4316
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Jagdish Gnawali
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- jgnawali@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 302
Office Hours:
- TR 9:15AM-10:45AM
Dr. Wei Guo
Associate Professor
- weimath.guo@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 232
- Phone: 806-834-4256
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 1:30 - 3:00 PM
Dr. Alastair Hamilton
Associate Professor
- alastair.hamilton@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 248
- Phone: 806-834-5919
- Website
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00--1:50pm
Shankar Narasimha Harinarasimha-Prasad
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- sharinar@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 005-01
Yifan He
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- yifan.he@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 344-08
Office Hours:
- TR 1:30 PM -- 3:00 PM
Hasini Herath
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- hherathm@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-07
Office Hours:
- By zoom, email
- MW 9 -10.30 am
Dilmi Hettiachchi Wickrama
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- diwickra@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-F
Office Hours:
- TR 1.00p.m-2.30p.m
Dr. Raegan Higgins
- raegan.higgins@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 203
- Phone: 806-834-1747
- Website
Office Hours:
- By appointment only -
- Schedule 72 hours in
- advance
Dr. Luan Hoang
Associate Professor
- luan.hoang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 208
- Phone: 806-834-3060
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Victoria Howle
- victoria.howle@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117D
- Phone: 806-834-8770
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Md Mahmudul Bari Hridoy
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bari.hridoy@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 307
Office Hours:
- Virtual: Thursdays, 12–2 PM
- or by Zoom Appointment.
Dr. Juntao Huang
Assistant Professor
- juntao.huang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 223
- Phone: 806-834-4012
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Md Samiul Islam
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- samiul.Islam@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-09
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00 pm- 2:00 pm
Math ITSupport
- math.itsupport@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 107
Kohl James
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kohjames@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117-E
Office Hours:
- Tuesday 2:30p-3:30 pm
- Thursday 11:15a-12:15 pm
- Friday 1:00p-2:00 pm
Dr. Sophia Jang
- sophia.jang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 202
- Phone: 806-834-7006
- Website
Office Hours:
- N/A
Sachini Lakeesha Dinali Joseph-Sebastian
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- sacjosep@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-03
Office Hours:
- TR - 12.00 PM - 1.30 PM
Dr. Lourdes Juan
Associate Professor
- lourdes.juan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 210
- Phone: 806-834-1416
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 11:00 - 12:00 PM
- or by appointment
Laura Juarez
- laura.o.juarez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019D
Office Hours:
- TR: 6-7pm also
- MW: on zoom
- by appointment
Sachini Ayesha Karunarathna Mudiyanselage
Teaching Assistant
- sackarun@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-07
Office Hours:
- N/A
Thilini Karunasena
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- twiskamw@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 308
Office Hours:
- MWF 12.00-1.00 PM
Nuwanthika Karunathilaka
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ekarunat@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 005-02
Office Hours:
- TR, 11.00AM - 12.30PM
Daniel Korley
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- dkorley@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-12
Office Hours:
- TR @12.00 PM - 1.30PM
Madhusha Gunarathne Kulandachchige
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kgunarat@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-15
Office Hours:
- MWF 01:00PM
Dr. Amanda Laubmeier
Assistant Professor
- amanda.laubmeier@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117B
- Phone: 806-834-7645
- Website
Office Hours:
- U/G -M/F 10am
- Grad: T/R 1:30PM, 5PM
Dr. Arne Ledet
Associate Professor
- arne.ledet@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 206
- Phone: 806-834-8663
- Website
Office Hours:
- M 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Dr. Jeffrey M Lee
Associate Professor
- jeffrey.lee@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 239
- Phone: 806-834-1215
- Website
Office Hours:
- MTWRF 11-12PM
Ting-Jung Lee
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- tinglee@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-12
Office Hours:
- WF 11:00AM - 12:30PM
Kushani Lenora
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- klenora@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-05
Office Hours:
- TR at 12.25 - 01.55 PM
Dr. W. Brent Lindquist
- brent.lindquist@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 104
- Phone: 806-834-7282
- Website
Office Hours:
- By appointment
Dr. Ruiqi Liu
Assistant Professor
- ruiqliu@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 215
- Phone: 806-834-8498
- Website
Office Hours:
- 11:00-12:30 TR
Dr. Katharine Long
- katharine.long@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 102
- Website
Office Hours:
- Monday 1:00-3:00 PM,
- Tuesday 12:30-2:00 PM,
- Friday 1:00-2:30 PM
Dr. Vu Thai Luan
Associate Professor
- vu.luan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 216
- Website
Office Hours:
- W: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm;
- F: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Thidini Mahanama
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- thmahana@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106D-02
Office Hours:
- MWF 3-4PM
Thisari Mahanama
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- tmahanam@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106D-01
Office Hours:
- 11:00-12:20AM
Kesavapriya Manoharan
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kemanoha@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106D-04
Office Hours:
- MW 2:00 - 3.30 P.M
Neranjan Marasinghe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- nemarasi@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-C
Office Hours:
- TR 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Dermot McCarthy
Associate Professor
- dermot.mccarthy@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 247
- Phone: 806-834-0191
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 10:00 - 11:00
Isaac McCarthy
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ismccart@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-08
Office Hours:
- MW 11:00AM - 12:30PM
Maria Medrano
Senior Business Assistant
- maria.medrano@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201C
- Phone: 806 834-6814
Office Hours:
- Mondays: Working Remote
Dr. Hongwei Mei
Assistant Professor
- hongwei.mei@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 217
- Phone: 806-834-8676
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00PM-3:00PM
Dr. Chris Monico
Associate Professor
- c.monico@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 252
- Phone: 806-834-4144
- Website
Office Hours:
- MWF 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Brennen Moss
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bremoss@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117-F
Office Hours:
- Tues/Thurs 2-3,
- Wed 1-2
Nirosha Dissanayaka Mudiyanselage
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- nirdissa@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-24
Office Hours:
- N/A
Kushan Munasinghe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kmunasin@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003-A
Office Hours:
- MWF 12:30-1:30 PM
Yancy Nuñez
Undergraduate Program Director & Instructor
- yancy.nunez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201F
- Phone: 806-834-0177
Office Hours:
- 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. MWF
- or by appointment.
Victor Offordile
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- Victor.Offordile@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-11
Office Hours:
- TR 11:00AM -12:30PM
Oluwagbemisola Oladepo
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ooladepo@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-006
Office Hours:
- TR 1:30 - 3:20 PM
Rasheedat Oladoja
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- roladoja@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-09
Office Hours:
- M 10:00-11:00AM
Blessing Omotade
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- bomotade@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-07
Office Hours:
- MW 10 - 11: 00 AM
Clayton Paget
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- clayton.paget@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-14
Office Hours:
- MW 2:00-3:30
Dr. Alvaro Pampano
Assistant Professor
- alvaro.pampano@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 219
- Phone: 806-834-6525
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 12.30-2.00
Dhruba Pariyar
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- dpariyar@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 006
Office Hours:
- MW 10:00-11:30 AM
Dr. Dmitri Pavlov
Associate Professor
- dmitri.pavlov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117C
- Phone: 806-834-1973
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 12:20–1PM
- By Appointment
Dr. Angela Peace
Associate Professor
- A.peace@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 243
- Phone: 806-834-1014
- Website
Office Hours:
- by appointment
Disanayakage Hashan Sanjaya Perera
Teaching Assistant
- diperera@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-16
Office Hours:
- N/A
Sajith Priyankara
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- tpriyank@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 304
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
Abdul Quader
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- aquader@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 344-13
Office Hours:
- T10:30-12:00
- Th 10:30-12:00
Dr. Svetlozar Rachev
- zari.rachev@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 238A
- Phone: 806-742-2566
- Website
Office Hours:
- M 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Nirupa Rai
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- nirurai@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-10
Office Hours:
- WF 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Shashipraba Rajakaruna
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- srajakar@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 005-05
Office Hours:
- TR 3:30 pm - 5: 00 pm
Arosha Sudeshni Wickramarathne Rajapakshage
Teaching Assistant
- arrajapa@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-18
Office Hours:
- Monday 2:00- 3:00PM
Shakkya Ranasinghe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- shakkya.ranasinghe@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 344-20
Office Hours:
- TR 2 - 3.30
Kaveendri Rathnayake
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- krathna@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-09
Office Hours:
- MWF 2.00-3.00 pm
Rifat Rejuan
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- rifat.rejuan@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 003D
Office Hours:
- TR: 2:00 pm -3:30 pm
Sharindi Amasha Samaraweera
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- ssamaraw@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-04
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00 - 3:30 PM
Joseluis Sanchez
Associate Director of Finance
- joseluis.sanchez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201F
- Phone: 806-834-7804
Dr. Lawrence Schovanec
Professor and University President
- lawrence.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: AD
- Website
Patricia A Schovanec
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment & Undergraduate Advisor
- patty.schovanec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 212
- Phone: 806-834-2018
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00 - 4:00
- TTH 11:00 - 4:00
- by Appointment
Zuhra Seleima
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- zseleima@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-03
Office Hours:
- TR 12.30pm -2.00pm
Isabell Martinez Server
- isabell.martinez@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019B
Office Hours:
- T/R 9-10:30AM and 1-2PM
Lakshan Maduwantha Silva
Teaching Assistant
- lakssilv@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-12
Office Hours:
- N/A
Collin Smith
IT Support Senior Specialist
- collin.smith@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 230
- Phone: 806-834-3444
Office Hours:
- 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Anna Solodukhina
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- asoloduk@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-13
Office Hours:
- M,W,F 2:00-3:00pm
Dr. Alexander Solynin
- alex.solynin@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 231
- Phone: 806-834-7280
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Dr. James Surles
- james.surles@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 103
- Phone: 806-834-4729
- Website
Office Hours:
- MF 10:00 - 12:00;
- TR 12:30 - 1:30;
- Or by appointment
Jonathon Surles
IT Support Specialist I
- jonathon.surles@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117-I
Office Hours:
- M-F 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Dr. Malgorzata Surowiec
- gosia.surowiec@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018C
Office Hours:
- MWF 8:45-9:45 AM,
- 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
- or by appointment
Rosa Testini
Unit Manager
- rtestini@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201B
- Phone: 806-834-8026
Office Hours:
- TR,10AM-Noon; Lunch Noon-1PM
- MWF, 3-5; Lunch 9-10AM
Georgia Thompson
- georgiat@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 246
- Phone: 806-834-2167
Office Hours:
- Monday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
- Thursday: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Dr. Travis Thompson
Assistant Professor
- travis.thompson@ttu.edu
- Office: MA MATH 222
- Website
Office Hours:
- MF 10:30AM-12:00PM
Dr. Magdalena Toda
Department Chair
- magda.toda@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 201A
- Phone: 806-742-2566
- Website
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Dr. Ignacio Tomas
Assistant Professor
- igtomas@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 221
- Website
Office Hours:
- TR 10:00 - 12:00 PM
Dr. Hung Tran
Associate Professor
- hung.tran@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 228
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 1:30-3:00 pm,
- Sunday 10-12 am
- (on Zoom for Math 5367)
Dr. Alex Trindade
- alex.trindade@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 233
- Phone: 806-834-6164
- Website
Office Hours:
- TWR 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Dr. Aaron Tyrrell
Lecturer and Researcher
- aatyrrel@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 018A
- Website
Office Hours:
- W 10:00 - 12:00 PM
Karthik Vasudeva
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- kvasudev@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 303
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:15pm - 2:15pm
Ayesha Poornima Vedapakyam
Teaching Assistant
- avedapak@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-17
Office Hours:
- N/A
Pavithra Venkatachalapathy
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- pavvenka@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-14
Office Hours:
- MWF 2:30-3:30 pm
Bradley Z Vigil
Research Assistant
- bradley.z.vigil@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 301
Office Hours:
- M-F 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Dr. Anh-Khoa Vo
Assistant Professor
- AnhKhoa.Vo@ttu.edu
- Office: MATH 234
- Website
Office Hours:
- MW 3:00-4:00 PM
- or by appointment
- via email
Dr. Dimitri Volchenkov
- dimitri.volchenkov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 244
- Phone: 806-834-1920
- Website
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Ludmilla Volchenkov
Senior Lecturer with Continuing Appointment
- ludmilla.volchenkov@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 245
Office Hours:
- MWF 10:30-11:30
- T 10AM-2PM
Dr. Alex Wang
Associate Chair
- alex.wang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 236
- Phone: 806-834-7626
- Website
Office Hours:
- M-F 10:00-11:00 AM
Dr. Yifan Wang
Assistant Professor
- yifan.wang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 227
- Phone: 806-834-1609
- Website
Office Hours:
- Tu Th 1:00pm-4:00pm
Gayanthima Weerarathne
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- gweerara@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 009-10
Office Hours:
- M 11:00 AM to 1:00PM
- W 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Thilini Weerasekara
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- tbandara@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-08
Office Hours:
- TWR 12.30-2.00 PM
Dr. David Weinberg
Associate Professor
- david.weinberg@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 209
- Phone: 806-834-7958
- Website
Office Hours:
- by Appointment
Gihani Wickramasinghe
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- gwickram@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106A-07
Office Hours:
- TR 9.30 AM - 11.00 AM
Thilini Wijerathne Mudiyanselage
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- twijerat@ttu.edu
- Office: Weeks Hall 348-28
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Brock Williams
- brock.williams@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 117I
- Phone: 806-834-1591
- Website
Office Hours:
- MWF 10-10:30AM
Carol Williams
Lecturer with Continuing Appointment
- carol.williams@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 019A
Office Hours:
- MW 1-2PM
Peter Yegon
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- pyegon@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 106B-05
Office Hours:
- MW 1:00 -2:30 pm
Abubakarr Yillah
Graduate Part-Time Instructor
- abubakarr.yillah@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 306
Office Hours:
- N/A
Dr. Fangyuan Zhang
Associate Professor
- fangyuan.zhang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 218
- Phone: 806-834-2587
- Website
Office Hours:
- F, 9:30-10:00am
- and 2:30-4pm
Dr. Wenjing Zhang
Associate Professor
- wenjing.zhang@ttu.edu
- Office: MA 214
- Phone: 806-834-1224
- Website
Office Hours:
- F 1-4pm
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
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