Master’s Degree in Mathematics
Master of Science in Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a Master's Degree in Mathematics in the three options discussed below. The requirements listed below are in addition to the University and Graduate School requirements found in the Catalog of the Graduate School. Each student's program of study and committee must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. A student in a Master's program must fill out a degree plan after the end of the first semester and before the start of their second semester in the program.
The requirements listed here are to be regarded as minimal, and the student should give careful consideration to the selection of the particular option that best suits their needs. Work completed with a grade less than 'B' will not be accepted on a degree plan for any graduate degree in mathematics or statistics. Note that all Math536x courses except Math 5362 will not count toward a Master of Science degree unless specially approved by the Graduate Advisor. Any such approval must be sought before the start of the semester in which the course is taught.
This M.S. program consists of 30 hours of graduate work which includes 24 hours of
coursework (a minimum of 18 hours in mathematics/statistics) and 6 hours of credit
for the master's thesis.
This plan calls for 24 hours of course work and at least 6 hours of the thesis course
(MATH 6000). Of the 24 hours of course work, 18 must be in mathematics and must include
one sequence in a core area. The core areas are:
1. Algebra
2. Ordinary Differential Equations / Partial Differential Equations
3. Complex Analysis
4. Probability and Statistics
5. Real Analysis
6. Topology
7. Numerical Analysis
8. Applied Statistics
In the area of Real Analysis, MATH 5318-MATH 5319 is not considered a core sequence;
likewise in the area of Applied Mathematics, MATH 5310-MATH 5311 is not considered
a core sequence.
A minor in an approved area outside of mathematics is permitted. A thesis defense
is required.
This M.S. program consists of 36 hours of graduate work which includes 33 hours of
coursework (a minimum of 24 hours in mathematics/statistics) and 3 hours of credit
for a departmental report. This program calls for 33 hours of course work and 3 hours
of work on a departmental report (MATH 6310). Of the 33 hours of course work, 24 must
be in mathematics and include two sequences from the core areas. The core areas are:
1. Algebra
2. Ordinary Differential Equations / Partial Differential Equations
3. Complex Analysis
4. Probability and Statistics
5. Real Analysis
6. Topology
7. Numerical Analysis
8. Applied Statistics
In the area of Real Analysis, MATH 5318-MATH 5319 is not considered a core sequence;
likewise in the area of Applied Mathematics, MATH 5310-MATH 5311 is not considered
a core sequence.
This program consists of 36 hours of graduate work and passing two departmental Prelim
Exams. A minor in an approved area outside of mathematics is permitted.
This program calls for 36 hours of course work and passing two departmental Prelim
Exams. Of the 36 hours of course work, 24 must be in mathematics and include two sequences
from the core areas. The core areas are:
1. Algebra
2. Ordinary Differential Equations / Partial Differential Equations
3. Complex Analysis
4. Probability and Statistics
5. Real Analysis
6. Topology
7. Numerical Analysis
8. Applied Statistics
In the area of Real Analysis, MATH 5318-MATH 5319 is not considered a core sequence;
likewise in the area of Applied Mathematics, MATH 5310-MATH 5311 is not considered
a core sequence.
See the Doctoral Program page for information on the Preliminary Examinations.
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Texas Tech University, 1108 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409-1042 -
806.742.2566 -