Departmental Final Exams
Samples of final exams from previous final exam administrations for 10 of the core curriculum courses are provided here (linked below) to facilitate student review and student preparation for the final exam. Each year the content and format of each final exam is determined by the course coordinator in consultation with the instructors and is reviewed by the Undergraduate Program Committee.
Click on the Links Below to view Past Exams
MATH 1300: Contemporary Mathematics
MATH 1320: College Algebra
MATH 1321: Trigonometry
MATH 1330: Introductory Mathematical Analysis l
MATH 1331: Introductory Mathematical Analysis ll
MATH 1451: Calculus I w/ Applications
MATH 1452: Calculus II w/ Applications
MATH 2450: Calculus III w/ Applications
MATH 1550: Pre-Calculus
MATH 2300: Statistical Methods
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Texas Tech University, 1108 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409-1042 -
806.742.2566 -