Uploading Tenure & Promotion Documents Guide
Guidance for Organizing Dossiers Using BOOKMARKS
How to Upload a File/Folder to SharePoint Online
- What about the college and unit T&P guidelines and procedures? Don't those belong
in the dossier?
- No. The Provost requests that each designated submitter ensure that ONE copy of the college T&P guidelines and procedures is submitted for each college and individual academic unit.
- We've never included peer evaluations of teaching. Why now?
- This requirement has been part of OP 32.01 since 2012. Please accept our apologies for any confusion.
- Why do AFRs have to include numeric rankings of creative activity and research if
those are also included on the CV?
- To ensure that the rankings are consistent, especially in cases in which the candidate has had multiple department chairs, school directors, or area coordinators.
- How come a designed T&P committee has to provide a single letter? Can't each member
of the committee just write their own comments and have that included in the dossier?
- Because any recommendation coming from a committee should reflect the group's perspectives and discussions.
- Shouldn't all of these changes have to go through Faculty Senate?
- No changes are being made to OP 32.01. The Provost requests modifications to the ways in which colleges submit dossiers to his office, but those changes in submission procedures do not change any part of the dossier's content.
Guidance for Organizing Dossiers Using BOOKMARKS
All dossiers should use the following organizational structure when uploaded to the Provost's SharePoint.
The sections below reflect the structure of the dossier at the final stage and do not include components that may be reviewed at the department, school, area, and/or college.
- Bookmark 1: Title page and declaration of policy year
- Bookmark 2: Recommendations ballot (new version available)
- Bookmark 3: Statement of access to dossier (GDD will create Word version template)
- Bookmark 4: Dean's letter
- Bookmark 5: Chairperson's letter
- Bookmark 5.a: IF APPLICABLE: department, school, or area tenure and promotion review committee letter (GDD will develop recommended template). Not every department, school, or area has a standing tenure and promotion review committee. If standing committees are used, those committees should provide a single written recommendation reflecting the committee's discussion to the unit's chair, director, or coordinator. The recommendation letter is inserted after the chair's letter.
- Bookmark 6: Vita with chairperson's ratings of publications and creative activity (for candidates for promotion, only those items since the candidate's most recent promotion at TTU need to be rated). Teaching and service activities are not rated.
- Bookmark 7:
- Bookmark 7.a: Example letter of Chair's solicitation of external reviewers.
- Bookmark 7.b: Biosketches of letter writers and, IF APPLICABLE, explanations of inclusion (i.e., reason for including reviewer from non-peer institution) and explanations of composition (e.g., “All reviewers are women because women constitute a significant majority of faculty members holding rank of professor in this discipline.”)
- Bookmark 7.c: Letters from external reviewers
- Bookmark 8: Basic information (GDD will create Word version template)
- Bookmark 8.a: Faculty member's original letter of hire with salary information redacted
- Bookmark 9: Applicant's statement of teaching effectiveness
- Bookmark 9.a: Summaries of student evaluations (qualitative and quantitative) of teaching.
- Bookmark 9.b: Summaries of peer evaluations of teaching. From OP 32.01: Faculty colleagues should be asked to evaluate the objectives, methods, and materials
of courses designed and/or taught by the individual as part of summative peer evaluation.
NOTE: Per OP 32.01: Evidence in the dossier should be limited to a one-page summary of peer evaluations and student evaluations for each year of service since appointment or previous promotion.
- Bookmark 10: Applicant's statement of research and creative activities. Examples, such as abstracts, writing samples, videos of creative activity, are not included in the version of the dossier sent to the PSVP.
- Bookmark 11: Applicant's statement of service activities.
- Bookmark 12: Faculty annual reports with chairperson's assessments (includes ranked research and creative activities), in reverse chronological order (i.e., 2021, 2020, 2019…). IF APPLICABLE, the third-year review should be included, inserted where appropriate according to the year(s) conducted.
- Bookmark 13: Ballot comments (anonymized) if any were submitted.
Adding Bookmarks to a PDF
The easiest way to add a bookmark to a PDF is to use the Bookmarks panel in a PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat.
- Click the Bookmarks button on the left of the screen.
- Scroll to the page you want to bookmark and use the Select tool to choose the area
where you want it placed.
Rename the page from ‘untitled' to the name of the required bookmark. - The bookmark will be added to the list on the left of the screen.
- Once you create the bookmark, you can click and drag it in the panel to rearrange
the order or nest bookmarks under others to create an outline of your document.
- Don't forget to rename your bookmark so that you can track your various tabs.
Please be sure to mark all bookmarks according to the bookmark guidance (1-13).
What to Upload Where
- Find your college.
- Open this folder to upload college level documents
- Below is where you'll find the college worksheet and guidelines folders.
- College worksheet is where all candidate names should be added. Organize alphabetically
by category and department.
- Tally Sheets are available in the college worksheet folder. Fill one tally sheet out for each candidate and place all tally sheets for your
college into the same folder with the college worksheet.
- Find the department where you want to add a candidate.
- Find your department.
- Open the folder and upload the department guidelines for tenure and promotion in the folder designated ‘Department Guidelines'.
- Add candidate dossiers to the folder in the category where they are being considered.
- Add candidate dossiers to the folder in the category where they are being considered.
How to Upload a File/Folder to SharePoint Online
Please make sure to sign in to your SharePoint Online location before following these steps.
- Click on the Upload button.
- If you want to upload a file, choose Files. Choose Folder if you want to upload a folder.
- A File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS) window will open allowing you to choose a file or folder to upload.
How to Delete a File/Folder in SharePoint Online
Please make sure to sign in to your SharePoint Online location before following these steps.
- Move your mouse over the File(s) and/or Folder(s) you wish to delete. Notice the circle
that appears to select the file/folder.
- Select the File(s) and/or Folder(s) you wish to delete by clicking on each 'circle'.
Then click Delete.
- A window will display asking to confirm the deletion. Click Delete.
Office of the Provost
104 Administration Building, Box 42019, Lubbock, Texas 79409-2019 -
806.742.2184 -