Texas Tech University

Scholarship Opportunities

Departmental Scholarships

The Department of Mathematics & Statistics offers many scholarships and endowments to its undergraduate students. To view a list of Departmental Scholarships, please click here. To be considered for Departmental Scholarships, students must complete the Texas Tech General Scholarship Application found at https://www.depts.ttu.edu/scholarships before the February 1st deadline.

Externally Funded Scholarships 

In addition to Departmental Scholarships, we also have many externally funded student opportunities. Please click on the links below to learn more about the corresponding programs. Application deadlines and selection criteria differ between programs.

If you have questions about departmental scholarships, please get in touch with the Department Scholarship Chair:

Brock Williams

Brock Williams


Email: brock.williams@ttu.edu
MA 244

Office Hours:
MW 11 AM - 12 PM

For more information regarding scholarships or donations, click here.

Department of Mathematics & Statistics