The Time and Leave Reporting section within Payroll Services address employee and departmental questions for TTUS/TTU/TTUHSC/TTUHSC-El Paso in regards to, but not limited to: leave balances, web time entry questions, web time entry approval queue setups, web leave report approval queue setups, lump sum vacation payouts, death benefits payouts, TeamApp assistance for approval queue setups, manual leave adjustment form entries, entry of sick leave pool hours awarded, entry of hours for service excellence awards, Payroll Webmaster monitoring, and other duties associated with time and leave reporting.

Leave Policies


Employee leave is governed by Texas Tech University System Regulation 07.12. Questions about any of these leave policies should be directed to Human Resources.

Leave Balances


Employees have access to view leave balances 24/7 by clicking on the link My Leave Balances. under their TTU/HSC Employee tab in Raiderlink/Webraider. These balances are current based on the last on-cycle payroll for non-exempt employees (hourly), or exempt employee last approved Leave Report.

Those employees who missed reporting leave time on their Web Time Entry timesheets, Web Leave Reports, or by TimeClock Plus, must submit a Manual Leave Adjustment Form to deduct those leave hours off of available balances. Once the form is received and processed by Payroll & Tax Services, the leave balances will reflect updated leave balances.

Employees can verify leave taken entries and accruals after each regular on-cycle semi-monthly payroll, Web Leave Report approval, or on Manual Leave Adjustment Forms by clicking on the individual leave type under Leave Balances. When clicking on a specific leave type (example Vacation), Leave Detail by Fiscal Year for that leave type, will reflect both the leave accruals earned and taken.

To view manual entries by Payroll & Tax Services, per a received Manual Leave Adjustment form, employees can click on Leave History by Employee on the bottom of the Leave Detail screen. The Leave History by Employee screen is a great way for the employee to verify that the entries are correct for the manual leave time taken and to verify the accruals earned are correct. Please email Payroll Webmaster with any questions.

Web Time Entry (WTE)


Web Time Entry is a web-based time recording system that allows (hourly) non-exempt employees to enter work hours or leave time securely from any computer, 24/7 by a secured portal via Raiderlink/Webraider. All non-exempt employees who report hours via WTE (Web Time Entry) timesheets are responsible for entering work and leave hours accurately and on time each day. Employees are responsible for submitting their web time entry timesheets to approver(s) by the deadlines.

All non-exempt employees have two pay periods each month, the 1st – 15th is paid on the 25th of the month, and the 16th – end of month, is paid on the 10th of the following month. If the pay date (25th or 10th) falls on a weekend or institutional holiday, then the pay date will be the last working day prior to the weekend or institutional holiday.

Web Time Entry timesheets must be fully submitted and approved by 6 p.m. central time on the second business day after the end of the pay period. To view the payroll schedule and deadlines for timesheets, please refer to the Payroll home page. Current pay period information is provided under Pay Schedule. Any employee who fails to submit their web time entry timesheet by the deadline, will need to contact their department to submit a Manual Check Request to receive pay.

New employees are encouraged to view non-exempt WTE tutorial videos and reference guide for instructions on how to navigate through the WTE timesheet.

Employee Reference Guide to WTE/WLR Entry

On April 3, 2024, Web Time Entry (WTE) and Web Leave Report (WLR) will be upgraded to version 9. Please see the Banner 9 Web Time Entry and Web Leave Report Guides page for instructional guides and videos.

Web Leave Report (WLR)


Web Leave Report is a web-based leave recording system that allows (salaried) exempt employees to enter leave time securely from any computer, 24/7 by a secured portal via Raiderlink/Webraider. All exempt employees who report leave via WLR (Web Leave Report) are responsible for entering leave hours accurately, on the correct leave type, and on time for each day leave is taken.

Employees are responsible for submitting their web leave report to approver(s) by the deadlines. Exempt employees are required to have leave reports submitted and approved by the 15th of the month following the leave time taken, by 6 p.m. central time. Example: Any leave taken in the month of January will need to be entered on the January 1st-31st leave report, and must be fully submitted and approved by February 15th, 6 p.m. central time.

Any employee who fails to submit a Web Leave Report and has leave time to report, must submit a Manual Leave Adjustment via the MLA Application. Once completed and fully approved, Payroll & Tax Services will process the leave adjustment and deduct submitted leave hours from the employee's available leave balances.

New employees are encouraged to view Exempt WLR tutorial videos and reference guide for instructions on how to navigate through the Web Leave Report.

Employee Reference Guide to WTE/WLR Entry 

A list of these and other training materials can be found on the AFISM Resources page.

On April 3, 2024, Web Time Entry (WTE) and Web Leave Report (WLR) will be upgraded to version 9. Please see the Banner 9 Web Time Entry and Web Leave Report Guides page for instructional guides and videos.

Approval Queues for WTE/WLR


Every employee who reports hours on a Web Time Entry timesheet or leave time on a Web Leave Report needs to have an approver or approvers assigned to them to approve work hours or leave time.

Departments have two ways to set up approvers for employees. The first way is by using the TeamApp. The TeamApp is a great resource for departments to verify and setup Web Time Entry and Web Leave Report approvers for each employee in their department. Reports are also available in TeamApp to assist departments in verifying that approval queues are setup correctly 24/7 without contacting Payroll & Tax Services. The organizational manager can make needed changes 24/7 themselves, or can assign up to two proxies to make changes for them in TeamApp.

Payroll & Tax Services also has a Dynamic Form to assist departments when they wish to update a Web Time Entry or Web Leave Report approver for an individual employee. This Dynamic Form allows departments to update time and leave approvers for individual employees more quickly and conveniently.

For the link to the Dynamic Form, and for instructions on how to submit the form, please go to the Forms page on the Payroll & Tax Services website. The form link and instructions are also available within Raiderlink/WebRaider in the Payroll & Tax section, under Payroll Forms.

To verify that an approver update for an individual employee is in effect, an organization manager or organization manager proxy, may check within TeamApp. Authorized department users may also run Cognos report HR342   – Web Time Entry Approver Lookup – Live Data. This report, along with other helpful Cognos reports related to time and leave reporting and payroll, are available on the Manager Resources page on the Payroll & Tax Services website.

The only employees departments will not be able to set up with the TeamApp or the Dynamic Form are Work Study approval queues via TeamApp. You will need to send these employees to the Payroll Webmaster to have Payroll & Tax Services set up the approval queue for the department.

For instructions on how to navigate, setup approval queues in TeamApp, or to have the organization manager proxy someone in their place to make changes, please refer to the following list of instructions on how to navigate and make changes:

Departments and employees should keep in mind, that each approval queue is setup by the individual's position for both the employee and approver. If at any time the employee or approver change positions, the approval queues must be updated. Employees will be locked out of their Web Time Entry timesheets or Web Leave Reports when a position is no longer active for either the employee or the approver. When an employee terminates or transfers to another department, the only way to remove this employee or approver from the department's approval queues is by removing them via the TeamApp or submitting a Dynamic Form to have them removed.

Lump Sum Vacation Certification Forms


The Lump Sum Vacation (LSV) form is submitted for both non-exempt and exempt employees that terminate, transfer to another state agency, or move to a non-benefit eligible position within TTU/TTUS/HSC/HSC El Paso.

The LSV form will need to be submitted to Payroll & Tax Services to have the employee's vacation hours paid out or transferred to another state agency, if applicable. The payout or transfer of these vacation hours will not occur until the employee receives their final check from the institution. Once the employee receives their final check from the institution, it can take up to 30 days to get these lump sum vacations processed and paid.

To avoid any delays in payment, employees must make sure that all their leave has been reported either by Web Time Entry timesheets, Web Leave Reports, or on a Manual Leave Adjustment form if needed. Employees need to review and communicate with their departments to make sure all leave balances are correct after each payroll or submission of their Leave Report. Any discrepancies needs to be addressed immediately to avoid delays on a future Lump Sum Vacation payout.

Employees can refer to TTU OP 70.45 or HSC OP 70.01 for additional information, and may download a blank copy of the Lump Sum Vacation Certification form.

Manual Leave Adjustment


Manual Leave Adjustments (MLAs) are submitted for non-exempt and exempt employees to deduct hours not submitted on the timesheet or leave report, or to correct hours entered on the wrong dates or wrong leave code. MLAs can be submitted using the online Manual Leave Adjustment application.

Please visit the Manual Leave Adjustment information page to view instructional guides and videos.

Please email Payroll Webmaster with any questions.

Family Medical Leave Authorization (FMLA) Designation Letter


This letter is received from the HR departments notifying payroll that an employee has been awarded family medical leave. For any additional questions on the administration of this leave, please contact Human Resources.

Sick Leave Pool Award Letter


This letter is received from the HR departments notifying payroll that an employee has been awarded sick leave pool hours. For any additional questions on the administration of this leave, please contact Human Resources.

Leave Without Pay Form


This form is received by Human Resources from the employee's department who will be placed on leave without pay. Human Resources then forwards this form to Payroll & Tax Services to notify us an employee has been placed on leave without pay. For monthly employees, it is important to verify with HR that this form was processed correctly and in a timely manner to avoid possible overpayments. For any additional questions on the administration of this leave, please contact Human Resources.

Monitor Miscellaneous Leave


Payroll runs a quarterly report to monitor non-exempt and exempt employees leave taken during the month according to TTUS/TTU/TTUHSC/TTUHSC-EL Paso operating policy.

Payroll Webmaster


The Payroll Webmaster is an email source to use for any questions regarding payroll, approval queues, over-payments, or any general question about your earnings statement and/or deductions. All payroll forms or miscellaneous forms such as Manual Check Request, Manual Leave Adjustment, Faculty Deferred Salary Spread Requests, Leave Without Pay, FMLA, etc. are sent here to be distributed to the correct area for assistance. This email box is monitored by the staff of Payroll & Tax Services during normal business hours, and is the best and most convenient way to get answers in a timely manner.