About Us

Our Story
The Renewable Energy Programs at Texas Tech were home to the first Bachelor of Science in Wind Energy in the United States. Since the inception of the B.S. in Wind Energy in 2011, we have been deciated to setting standards of excellence in the education of future leaders and professionals for the renewable power sector. In continuation of that commitment, our supportive, creative faculty and staff members focus on outstanding performance, development, delivery, and assessment of high-quality academic programs.
Our History
Created from a Texas Workforce Commision Grant in 2008, our program was charged with the creation of an interdisciplinary wind energy Bachelor's degree that student's could take from anywhere, anytime. Our graduates have gone on to take jobs as project managers, developers, field engineers, and site supervisors. As the renewable energy industry evolved, so did our program and in 2020, we transitioned our undergraduate programs from wind energy to renewable energy.

Our Vision
Be the nationally known leader in Renewable Energy education.
Our Mission
To cultivate our student's competence and sense of belonging in the Renewable Energy ecosystem. Be the champions of Renewable Energy who establish scholarship within the field, produce vital innovations, and encourage connections that promote its growth.
Renewable Energy
1009 Canton Ave., MS 3155 Lubbock, TX 79409-3155 -
806.742.6284 -