Texas Tech University

Renewable Energy Student Association


At Texas Tech University (TTU), our Renewable Energy students shine brightly, each one leaving a unique imprint. Whether it's mastering heavy machinery to cut a pipe, or delicately assembling a wind turbine model into an extraordinary piece of art during a creative competition, our students continually push the boundaries of learning and creativity. These are the faces of our future, the pioneers shaping the next generation of renewable energy. Their diverse experiences and accomplishments speak to the breadth and depth of our program at TTU, and we couldn't be prouder of their achievements.

Collegiate Wind Competition (Techsan Wind Team)

The Techsan Wind Team is thrilled to announce our "student highlights" initiative, aimed at keeping everyone informed about our team and its exciting endeavors! Today, we are excited to introduce Declan Sackett, the All-Team Lead and a passionate Renewable Energy Major. As a returning member of the CWC, he is eagerly anticipating the new aspects and challenges this competition brings. If you share our enthusiasm and are interested in joining the Techsan Wind Team next year, we invite you to contact us! This is your chance to be part of a dynamic group dedicated to renewable energy and gain valuable experience in the process.

Renewable Energy