An Efficient Model for Optimal Allocation of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Networks with Variable Loads
Operational costs are affected by energy losses of distribution systems, in which these losses are higher than those of the transmission system. The placement of distributed generation (DG) units in power distribution networks is an efficient way of energy loss reduction. Today, DG penetration in distribution systems is increasing because of the great effect of renewable energy resources on environmental sustainability. Power demand variations have an essential role in the determination of energy losses amount and optimal generation of DGs. Besides, considering the variability of load level in the DG allocation problem raises the burden and computational time substantially. Therefore, this paper proposes an effective DG allocation strategy for energy loss minimization in the presence of variable power demand. The evaluation of numerical results indicates the desired performance of the presented framework for the optimal placement of DG units in distribution systems with time-varying loads.
Meisam Mahdavi; Konrad Schmitt; Stephen Bayne; Manohar Chamana
Energy loss , Renewable energy sources , Power demand , Costs , Propagation losses , Power systems , Numerical models
Publication Type
Digital Object Identifier
Full Citation
Mahdavi, M., Schmitt, K., Bayne, S., & Chamana, M. (2023, February). An Efficient Model for Optimal Allocation of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Networks with Variable Loads. In 2023 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Renewable Energy
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