Role of Consumption Pattern in Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generators in Electric Power and Energy Systems
The placement of distributed generation (DG) units in power systems is an efficient way for energy loss reduction, especially when the penetration of DG in modern systems is growing due to their impacts on environmental sustainability. On the other hand, load variations and methods of electricity consumption affect energy losses amount. Therefore, power demand variations have an essential role in the determination of energy loss amount and optimal generation of DG. However, considering the variability of load level in the DG allocation problem increases the burden and computational time, and neglecting it causes the energy losses to be calculated inaccurately. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate the effect of load patterns on renewable DG allocation plans in order to find out the importance of considering load variations in energy loss minimization via DG placement. The analysis has been conducted on 7-, 12-, 16-, 28-, 30-, 33-, 59-, 69-, 70-, 84-, and 119-bus distribution systems by a classic optimization tool named AMPL.
Meisam Mahdavi; Francisco Jurado; Konrad Schmitt; Manohar Chamana; Stephen Bayne
Energy loss , Renewable energy sources , Power demand , Power distribution , Companies , Load management , Minimization
Publication Type
Digital Object Identifier
Full Citation
Mahdavi, M., Jurado, F., Schmitt, K., Chamana, M., & Bayne, S. (2023, February). Role of Consumption Pattern in Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generators in Electric Power and Energy Systems. In 2023 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Renewable Energy
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