Employee Success Center

Employee Success Center
Operations at Texas Tech University is the area that keeps the entire campus running seamlessly. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring that every aspect, from utilities to grounds, custodial services to million-dollar projects, operates with precision and efficiency. Additionally, we oversee transportation and parking, manage space allocation, and maintain facilities to create an optimal environment for learning and innovation. When you see the campus thriving, know that its Operations at Texas Tech University thats making it all work. We take pride in our ability to turn vision into reality.
Employee Support
We provide support to approximately 500 Operations employees.
We are dedicated to assisting Operations employees with questions concerning:
- Benefits
- Compensation
- Employee Relations
- Payroll
- Policies
- Safety
- Staffing
Operations Employee Forms & Resources
Employees Page
Employee Development
Training is provided to Operations staff in a variety of professional development opportunities. This enhances professional skillsets and maintains knowledge with the latest industries trend.
Apprenticeship Programs Offered
- Building Mechanic
- Carpenter
- Electrician
- Electronics
- HVAC Installer
- HVAC Mechanic
- Painter
- Plumber
- Stationary Engineer
- Water Treatment Technician
Please feel free to contact the Operations Employee Success Center at
806.742.1692 or operations.employeesuccesscenter@ttu.edu
- Engine-Powered Lift Trucks Log
- Forklift Inspection and Maintenance Log
- Identification of Hard Hat Areas
- Incident Report Form
- Snorkel Lift Inspection and Maintenance Checklist
- Work Order & Project Requests
- Operations Job Opportunities
- Employee Assistance Program
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Physical Plant Building
Room 104
3122 Main Street
Lubbock, TX 79409
- Mail Stop: 3142
- Box: 43142
- Phone: (806) 742-4OPS (4677)
- Fax: 806.742.3881
- Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:45 am - 5:00 pm
Operations Division: Services
Mail Stop: 3142, 3122 Main Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.4677 -