The Laboratory at the Texas Tech Student Health Services is open Monday-Friday 8am-5:30pm (open during lunch) and provides the following testing:
· Urine and Throat Cultures
· General Chemistry panels (CMP, BMP, Lipid Panel, Iron Studies Panel, Hepatic Function Panel)
· Diabetes testing
· Thyroid Panel
· Vitamin D
· STD Screening
· Pregnancy Tests
· Urinalysis
· TB blood testing
· We do not offer Blood Type testing
The turnaround for most lab tests is 24 hours. Culture results are available within 48-72 hours and most lab tests performed at UMC are available within 2-7 days.
All lab orders must be from a provider at Student Health Services. We cannot perform testing on lab orders from other providers. Providers can accept test results from outside labs including ANY LAB TEST NOW.
For those tests ordered by your provider at the TTU Student Health Services that are not performed in our lab, we will collect those specimens and send them to University Medical Center (UMC). UMC will bill their lab charges through your insurance. You will not receive the same financial benefit as if they were processed at Student Health and if there are charges not covered by your insurance, you will receive a bill from UMC. UMC will bill you directly for self-pay patients with a discounted price.
Please discuss any questions about your financial responsibility for UMC lab charges with the UMC Billing Department (806) 761-0878. Information is also available on the UMC website for Hospital Price Disclosure found at: Information about your insurance deductible and copayments can be obtained on the front of your insurance card or by calling the number on the back of your insurance card.
Student Health Services
Texas Tech University, Student Wellness Center, 1003 Flint (Corner of Flint and Main) Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.743.2848 -