Student Organization Resources
Storage Lockers
To be added to the waitlist for a unit, fill out the form Storage Locker Request 2022-2023.
- Locker access will be per academic year (August to May).
- Organizations must reapply annually in order to maintain access to their locker. Reapplications are open May 1 of each year until the last day of finals (on or around May 15).
- Failure to reapply by the deadline will open the unit for another organization on the waitlist.
- Organizations that don't reapply must clear out their locker by May 31.
- New organizations may begin using their locker on or after August 1.
NOTE: Lockers must be in active use by October 1 or the organization forfeits their access and the locker will be offered to the next on the waitlist.
Student Organizations can contact the Student Government Association office at 806-742-3631 to request a mailbox.
Room Reservations
Any registered student organization may reserve a room at the Student Union. See our Reservations page for more details.
Contact Information
SUB Room Reservations
- Austin Pace |
- Chuck Gilliard |
SUB Allen Theatre
- Silas Sonnenberg |
All Student Organizations are allowed to make 100 1-sided black and white copies *OR* 50 color copies for free per month in the Student Union Main Office, SUB Room 201. We can print 2-sided but that will count as two copies. If more copies are needed, SUB CopyMail charges $.22 per color copy and $.10 per black and white copy. Quantity discounts available.
West Plaza
Read Use of University Grounds policy and submit Grounds Use form to the office listed on the form. Wait for further instructions from a Grounds Use Committee contact.
The SUB can provide a table and chairs. Check in at Main Information desk.
Posters: Registered student organizations may drop off two 22x28 inch posters in the Student Activities office. Posters will be placed in the tall poster stands in the SUB. Student organizations also have the option of emailing their poster file to and our staff will print the posters and put them out for you. Find more details here.
SUB Digital Ads: Student organizations are eligible for free digital ads (1 per week). Find more information here.
Free Sponsored Story and Post: Let us help promote your event by featuring your graphics on our @TTUSUB social media pages! Email your social media graphics to with a short description and your social media handles.
Find more information on student organization advertising opportunities on our SUB Marketing & Media page.
Questions or comments?
Student Union & Activities
2625 15th Street, Box 42031, Lubbock, Texas 79409 -
806.742.3636 | Activities: 806.742.4708 -