TTU Student Organization Posting Guidelines
Guidelines for posting are outlined in detail in the TTU Student Affairs Handbook, Part VIII, Section E on Printed Materials. Failure to follow the appropriate posting rules and regulations will result in the loss of posting privileges. Repeated violations will result in the loss of registered student organization status.
- Posters, fliers, signs and announcements may be displayed only on university announcement bulletin boards provided for that purpose. Designated posting spaces may be used only for events sponsored by registered student organizations and university departments.
- Bulletin boards belonging to academic/administrative departments are for official university use only and may not be used by others without consent of the appropriate department.
- A list of designated posting spaces is maintained in Student Union & Activities and in the information display at the location. Click here for the list.
SUB Digital Ads
- See details here.
Campus Posting Regulations
Use of Bulletin Boards
Posters, signs, and announcements may be displayed only on university announcement bulletin boards designated specifically for use by students and registered student organizations. The university announcement bulletin boards may be used only by students, registered student organizations, and university departments. Bulletin boards will be cleared periodically. A list of designated university announcement bulletin boards is maintained in the Center for Campus Life.
- Posters, signs and announcements shall not exceed a maximum size of 18”x24”
- Posters, signs, and announcements shall not promote the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or illegal drugs, or promote unauthorized sponsorship by Texas Tech University
- Posters, signs, and announcements shall not violate any local, state or federal law
- Bulletin boards belonging to academic and administrative departments are for official university use only. Posters, signs and announcements may not be displayed without consent of the appropriate department
- Posters, announcements, banners, cards or other campaign material for any individuals seeking student government office may be posted only in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Student Government Association.
University Student Housing Posting Guidelines
All flyers/posters need to be dropped off at Wiggins, they will be reviewed and then distributed to Residence Life staff members to hand appropriately
- Allow 7 days for the flyers/posters to be posted
- 22 flyers/posters per an event
- All events must be sponsored by registered student groups or departments on campus.
- Advertisements for events that contain sponsorship by alcohol beverage companies, are hosted at bars, or are advertising alcoholic beverages being served are NOT permitted.
- All postings must be hung by members of the Residence Life staff – Anything distrusted or hung by organizations members will be removed, recycled and reported to the Center for Campus Life staff.
- Please contact University Student Housing if you have any questions or concerns: 806-742-2661
Student Organization SUB Resource Page
Student Union & Activities
2625 15th Street, Box 42031, Lubbock, Texas 79409 -
806.742.3636 | Activities: 806.742.4708 -