Texas Tech Police
Texas Tech University System
Requisition Forms
Identification / Security Access
Click on the link provided below for the specific form needed.
Fill out each blank in its entirety, DO NOT leave spaces with nothing in them. Please do not print the form out and hand write the information in the spaces provided, we need you to fill out the form before it is printed.
Once you have the form filled out, print it. You will need to sign the form in the space marked "Signature of Applicant". Once you have signed the form, you'll need to obtain an authorized signature on the form. This person is typically the Director of the department (or his designee).
Once you have the form completed, take it to the Texas Tech Police Department during the times listed on the form to obtain your Identification or Security Access device.
Lost/Stolen Cards
- There is a $20 dollar replacement card fee, which will be charged to the students tuition/fees account by the RaiderCard Office.
- Students will need to request a replacement badge from their department representative at the regional campus. This should be done using the access badge replacement form.
- The department representative will request a replacement card from the RaiderCard Office by emailing the access badge replacement form to RaiderCard@ttu.edu.
- The RaiderCard Office will create the ID/badge and mail it to the TTPD at the regional campus within 2 business days.
- The TTPD will distribute the replacement card to the student.
- There is a $20 dollar replacement card fee.
- Employees will need request a replacement badge from their department representative at the regional campus by using the access badge replacement form.
- The department representative will email the access badge replacement form to RaiderCard@ttu.edu.
- The RaiderCard Office will create the ID/badge and mail it to the TTPD at the regional campus within 2 business days.
- The TTPD will distribute the replacement card to the student.
TTU - Abilene

Phone Numbers
- Emergency: 911
- Non-emergency: 806-742-3931
TTPD Contact Info
- TTPD Lubbock Personnel
- TTPD Abilene Personnel
- TTPD Amarillo Personnel
- TTPD Dallas Personnel
- TTPD Permian Basin Personnel
TTUS Component Police Departments
- National Terrorism Advisory System
Texas Tech Police Department
413 Flint Avenue Lubbock, Texas 79415 -
806.742.3931 -