Community Outreach

University Student Housing
In partnership with local charities, Texas Tech University Student Housing has donated over 600 mattresses, 106 pallets of donated goods and 8 red carts full of abandoned property to the greater West Texas community this year.

Intramural Sports
Texas Tech has been included in a list of 36 schools throughout the United States that work to build a more inclusive community through its work with Special Olympics Texas. The Special Olympics College Program at Texas Tech is in its third year. In the program students from Texas Tech partner with Special Olympics Texas athletes and compete in intramural sports.

Tech to Town Service Day
Tech to Town is a collaborative effort between the Student Activities Board (SAB), Student Union and Activities, Texas Tech University Student Government Association, The Office of the President and the Center for Campus Life. Participants will volunteer at different locations around the city, including the South Plains Food Bank GRUB Farm, Volunteer Garden and local elementary schools.

Tech-or-Treat is a classic kid's carnival where families can take their young ones to enjoy Halloween activities indoors. Student organizations and university departments will host different booths with games and activities for families and children to enjoy. The event is open to the community and families are invited to bring a children's book to donate to the Children's Advocacy Center.

Move Out Give Back
The City of Lubbock Solid Waste Department, in partnership with Texas Tech University, will host the first “Move Out Give Back” event May 5-12. This initiative provides an opportunity for students to donate reusable items from their residence halls or apartments instead of throwing them away after they move out.

- Tech to Town
- Tech-or-Treat
- Service Week
- Tech Can Share Food Drive
- Volunteer Fair
- Toys for Tickets
- Summer Youth Programs
Find a complete schedule of events here:
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