Almost-normal spring commencement ceremony highlights CASNR students
By: Norman Martin
Resilience and adaptability were on full display at Texas Tech University's spring
commencement ceremonies last month, not only in the message to the class of 2021,
which endured and overcame a global pandemic, but also in the university's determination
to take a purposeful step forward in its aftermath.
Graduation undergraduate recipients from individual departments and majors included:
- Agribusiness, 10
- Agricultural & Applied Economics, 38
- Agricultural Communications, 33
- Agricultural Education, 20
- Animal Science, 96
- Conservation Law Enforcement, 3
- Food Science, 4
- Landscape Architecture, 10
- Natural Resources Management, 31
- Plant and Soil Science, 19
Separately, Texas Tech officials recognized CASNR highest-ranking fall graduates. They included:
- Grace Avalon Baxter, an animal science major from Dripping Springs, Texas
- Matthew Lane Blalock, an agribusiness major from Quitman, Texas
- Megan Catherine Dunn, an agricultural communications major from Center, Texas
- Chase Harris Gibson, an agribusiness major from Haskell, Texas
- Devin Edward Gonzales, an animal science major from Hondo, Texas
- Jansen Christopher Ivie, a natural resources management major from Weatherford, Texas
- Alexandra Mary Lee, a plant and soil science major from Lubbock, Texas
- Timothy Martin Lilly, an agricultural and applied economics major from Knott, Texas
- Morgan Elizabeth Miller, an agricultural communications major from Hotchkiss, Colorado
- Allison Grace Morgan, an agricultural and applied economics major from Sherman, Texas
- Avery Lynn Price, an agricultural communications major from Fluvanna, Texas
- Sherrie Loise Ray, an agricultural communications and Agricultural Education major from Albert, NM
- Creigh Alice Rourke, an agricultural communications major from Iowa City, Iowa
- Taylor Beth Schertz, an animal science major from Denton, Texas
- Madison Raye Schumacher, an agricultural education major from Greenfield, Ohio
- Kamlynn Christina Thomas, an animal science major from Jacksboro, Texas
- Tatum Anne Whitewood, an animal science major from Sanger, Texas
CONTACT: Cindy Akers, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Programs, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2808 or
Davis College NewsCenter
P.O. Box 42123, Lubbock, Texas 79409-2123, Dean's Office Location:Goddard Building, Room 108 -
(806)742-2808 -